====First Administration==== | ^First Administration, United States^^^^^^ ^Years |1785-1789|||||| ^Office^Name^Preceded by^Followed by^Home State^Years in Service^Political Party| ^Executive Chair |George Washington|//Office Created//|~|VA|1785-~|//Not Affiliated//| ^Constitutional Chair | George Mason|//Office Created//|~|VA|1785-~|//Not Affiliated//| ^Chair of State |Thomas Jefferson|//Office Created//|~|VA|1785-~|Democratic-Republican| ^Chair of the Treasury |Alexander Hamilton|//Office Created//|~|NY|1785-~|Federalist| ^Chair of Defense |Henry Knox|//Office Created//|~|NY|1785-~|Federalist| ^Chair of Justice |John Jay|//Office Created//|~|MA|1785-~|Federalist| ^Chair of the Interior |John Adams|//Office Created//|~|MA|1785-~|Federalist| The Federalist Party was the largest early party, which supported a large government, national bank, and political consolidation. The Democratic-Republican party was a close second, and was pro-States, and agriculturally based. This ticket was nominated by Benjamin Franklin, who saw it as a recipe of an American unity. The entire ticket would be re-elected. John Adams introduced the postal system, and commissioned James Monroe to explore the coast of the West. George Washington also helped Germany form a government. A smaller bank, with a standardized front and state-made back, is introduced. A 12 square mile Federal District was planned in southern Maryland and northern Virginia. A massive military, originally in Hamilton's hands, but Edmond Randolph would override this, giving it to Henry Knox in //Knox v. Congress of the United States//. A few knew states, commonwealths, and territories. Louisiana Territory was renamed the Arkansas Territory. ^Name^Status^Capitol^Admission year^Status #^Abbreviation^Notes^ |Vermont|State|Montpelier|1783|15th State|VE|Advanced from Commonwealth| |Nova Scotia|State|Halifax|1785|16th State|NS|Advanced from Commonwealth| |Tennessee|Commonwealth|Nashville|1785|6th Commonwealth|TN|Advanced from Territory| |Kentucky|Commonwealth|Louisville|1785|7th Commonwealth|KN|Split from Tennessee| |Mississippi|Commonwealth|Jackson|1785|8th Commonwealth|MI|Advanced from Commonwealth| |Erie|Commonwealth|Columbus|1785|9th Commonwealth|ER|Broke from Ohio Territory| |Louisiana|Commonwealth|New Orleans|1785|10th Commonwealth|LA|Broke from Louisiana (now Arkansas) Territory|