==========Blame Thande========== {{offtopic:tc41_-_blame_thande.jpg|}} **Season:** 2 **Episode:** 16 **Written by:** [[offtopic:Flocculencio]] and [[offtopic:Michael]] **Air date:** April 16th, 2006 **[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=31292|Thread link]]** **[[http://mes-ah.com/archives/291|Series' site link]]** ---- ==== Plot ==== [[offtopic:Thande]] concocts a virus that turns the English crew into evil hollywood stereotypes and the ship has to stop them. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[stories:CRAP-TASTIC VOYAGE|Previous Episode]]** **[[stories:Genderbender Mirror|Next Episode]]** **[[stories:Complete list of AH.com The Series Episodes]]** **[[stories:AH.com The Series|AH.com The Series Main Page]]** **[[stories:ah.com comedy index|Main AH.com-based Comedy Stories Page]]**