====== Kung Fu Bob vs. The Clonemaster ====== {{:stories:4.01-kungfubob.jpg}} **Season:** 4 **Episode:** 1 **Written by:** [[offtopic:Dave Howery]] **Air date:** April 13, 2008 **[[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=89682|Thread link]]** **[[http://mes-ah.com/archives/554|Series' site link]]** ---- ==== Plot ==== [[offtopic:Luakel]] is suffering from a condition due to the fact that his brain was implanted into another luakel's body last season ([[TIN PLATED HEROES]]) and Torqumada needs a special cloning fluid to fix him. They find it on a planet ruled by an evil Clonemaster and help [[offtopic:Aozhouhuaren]] - aka 'Kung Fu Bob', as no-one can pronounce his name - overthrow him. The plot for this was apparently based on an RPG Dave once played, although unlike his other episodes [[CULT OF THE SWAMP GOD]] and [[KEEP OF THE ICELORDS]], this is not deliberately used as part of the setting. This episode introduced the meta-theme of seeing the [[Writer Chimps]], [[offtopic:Psychomeltdown]] as the EIC, and [[offtopic:Ian]] as the Executive Producer of the series out of continuity - at the start of the episode, Ian tells Dave to write [[offtopic:Landshark]] as a more heroic character, and throughout this episode he appears in a [[offtopic:Super55]]-like role. This later became something of a running joke. Also, the meta-appearance of the writers would be used much more in the later episode [[WRITER'S STRIKE]]. ---- ==== Continuity ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Reception ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Behind the Scenes ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Easter Eggs ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[stories:hair_today_gotterdammerung_tomorrow|Previous Episode]]** **[[stories:Sealions on an airship|Next Episode]]** **[[stories:Complete list of AH.com The Series Episodes]]** **[[stories:AH.com The Series|AH.com The Series Main Page]]** **[[stories:ah.com comedy index|Main AH.com-based Comedy Stories Page]]**