====== Crap-tastic Voyage ====== {{offtopic:tc40_-_crap-tastic_voyage.jpg}} **Season:** 2 **Episode:** 5 **Written by:** [[offtopic:Doctor What]] **Air date:** April 9th, 2006 **[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=30942|Thread link]]** **[[http://mes-ah.com/archives/287|Series' site link]]** ==== Plot ==== A bit of a bottle show which features the Doc himself as the central character, and the other AH.commers have to enter his mind to bring him back to consciousness. The episode includes significant hints about the plotline at the end of the series. Doc wasn't very happy with the basic idea, but the episode was fairly well received. ==== Navigation ==== **[[stories:story hour|Previous Episode]]** **[[stories:blame thande|Next Episode]]** **[[stories:Complete list of AH.com The Series Episodes]]** **[[stories:AH.com The Series|AH.com The Series Main Page]]** **[[stories:ah.com comedy index|Main AH.com-based Comedy Stories Page]]**