======A Ship Called AH.com ====== {{:offtopic:tc70_-_a_ship_called_ahcom.jpg}} **Season:** 3 **Episode:** 1 **Written by:** [[offtopic:Psychomeltdown]] **Air date:** January 21, 2007 **[[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=55090|Thread link]]** **[[http://mes-ah.com/archives/430|Series' site link]]** ---- ==== Plot ==== After the devastation rained down upon the Hub as the behest of the ASBs (Doctor What being under the control of said ASBs), the AH.com crew began to fracture. Doctor What and Grey Wolf, the Captain and his second in command both left the ship to travel on their own. in their stead, Landshark inherited the title of captain, but as we all know, Landshark does nothing without the say so of IronYuppie, who basically became the captain of the AH.com. ---- ==== Continuity ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Reception ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Behind the Scenes ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Easter Eggs ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[stories:a new day|Previous Episode]]** **[[stories:ONE FOR ALL ALL FOR ONE|Next Episode]]** **[[stories:Complete list of AH.com The Series Episodes]]** **[[stories:AH.com The Series|AH.com The Series Main Page]]** **[[stories:ah.com comedy index|Main AH.com-based Comedy Stories Page]]**