======= A Matter of Britishness ======= **Season:** 4 **Episode:** 9 **Written by:** [[offtopic:Analytical Engine]] **Air date:** September 28, 2008 **[[http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=104466|Thread link]]** ---- ==== Plot ==== The AH.com ship arrives to a TL that is ruled by the British Monarchy. The Monarchy has had some trouble with the CF.netters and askes the AH.commers to help in putting down the disturbances caused by Ward and his crew. ---- ==== Continuity ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Reception ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Behind the Scenes ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Easter Eggs ==== Space reserved for notes. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[stories:Unresolved Issues|Previous Episode]]** **[[stories:Rocket Rangers|Next Episode]]** **[[stories:Complete list of AH.com The Series Episodes]]** **[[stories:AH.com The Series|AH.com The Series Main Page]]** **[[stories:ah.com comedy index|Main AH.com-based Comedy Stories Page]]**