====== Thick as Thieves RP - Character Sheets Template ====== This page simply offers the template for a character sheet in the RP. If you've been given the go-ahead to include your character in the latest session of the RP, please copy the sheet template below the upcoming double-line, paste it into a new post in the RP's official character thread and fill in the blanks. Keep in mind that posting your finished character sheet in a different thread or directly on this wiki page __will not be tolerated__. ---- ---- **Character sheet for Thick as Thieves** ---- === Main details === **Name:** - (it should not be based on OTL, but still have a bit of a real world vibe)\\ **Species:** - (picked from the [[thick_as_thieves_races|species list]])\\ **Sex:** - (self-explanatory)\\ **Age:** - (can also be approximate, not necessarily in numbers)\\ **Career path:** - (choose from [[thick_as_thieves_careers|the list]] in case not all of the characters in an RP session are part of one particular path)\\ **Profession:** - (picked from the [[thick_as_thieves_specialisations|professions list]])\\ **Biography/Backstory:** - (short bio of your character, but please, no munchkining or over-the-top epics)\\ **Motivation:** - (one to at most three - not a rigid feature to follow and optional, but can add more depth to the backstory and attitude of the character and development to strive for)\\ ---- === Additional details === **Race:** - (what race or phenotype your character is, even roughly)\\ **Country of origin:** - (pick one of the [[thick_as_thieves_countries|fictional countries]] from their list, whichever you find appropriate)\\ **Hair/fur colour:** - (self-explanatory)\\ **Eye colour:** - (self-explanatory)\\ **Height:** - (write down based on fictional units from the [[thick_as_thieves_mundane_life#measurements|available lists]], or in metric units, if possible)\\ **Special personal feature:** - (a physical feature, or some personal tic or something)\\ ---- ---- __Note__ that the **Species** entry on the char sheet represents what is referred to in most fantasy games as "Race". Ergo, it's the type of being you choose as a player character. The term **Race** as used in this RP refers to an anthropological or phenotypical group of a species. Not only humans have these (usually the skin and hair colour variations as in the real world), but also some of the other humanoid species (such as the hedgefolk, martenfolk, otterfolk, etc.) ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[Thick as Thieves Overviews|Thick as Thieves RP Overviews]]** **[[Thick as Thieves]]**