====== Reggie Bartlett ====== Hailing from the windswept deserts and cotton fields of Arizona's Gila River Valley. Reggie Bartlett is descended from local Mormon frontiersmen (while not LDS myself), Texas Confederates, Cattlemen, and cotton farmers. And a distant cousin of Robert E. Lee. My namesake, is of one Reginald Bartlett from Harry Turtledove's Timeline-191, a Confederate everyman. Bartlett being a Confederate Veteran of the First Great War and stood against the Freedom Party in the CSA, which eventually got him killed. I was a big fan of late-user robertp6165 in the years before I joined AH.com. I finally became his friend in the last months of his life. I see myself as a Paleoconservative and my two favorite Confederate generals are Major General Patrick R. Cleburne and Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest, having read more than a few books on their actions, campaigns and personal lives. I am firmly a fan of most things "Southern" and am a student of the CSA. I am also a big fan of old school sci-fi, Stephen King and a longtime fan of the X-Files and it's spinoffs "Millennium" and "The Lone Gunmen". My Texas ancestry and relatives served in the 2nd Texas Cavalry, and the 15th Texas Cavalry (later consolidated) fought at Valverde, Santa Fe, Glorietta Pass, Fort Craig, Bayou Teche, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville and Bentonville. Two Confederate uncles who served under Patrick Cleburne, and a grandfather who was part of the "Arizona Brigade". My Kentucky relatives, though divided between some Unionist kin and Confederate kin, stayed in that state. And some hard to follow relatives in Tennessee. Currently attending a local University and plans to leave the state for Graduate School. ---- ==== Banning ==== Banned in August 2015 by Ian, for repeated Neo-Confederate apologism. ---- ==== Navigation ==== **[[hall of infamy#r|Hall of Infamy]]**