====== John F. Kennedy ====== {{ http://www.evilspacerobot.com/evilspacerobot/1001101/uploads/2008/10/john-f-kennedy.png }} John F. Kennedy, also known as JFK or "Jack" (don't ask), was the 35th President of the United States and the first (so far only) Roman Catholic President. The torch of a Generation, Kennedy inspired millions of Americans and an entire generation to dedicate themselves to public service and the greater good (smoking pot and not bathing was later added). Kennedy is also the focal point for a number of Conspiracy nuts reasonable individuals uncovering secrets //they// don't want you to know. His life story was chronicled by Sir William Joel. === The Election of 1960 === Kennedy was elected President over Richard Nixon in one of the closest elections in US history. His victory was thanks in large part to his goods looks sleeping with every female voter his father's money the Vatican the Mafia Richard Nixon eating Checkers rigging the election his charisma and inspiration of the nation. With Lyndon Johnson on the ticket, the northern Kennedy managed to easily gain the South, which was a bit leery concerning his religion. === Stuff Inbetween === Lower taxes, arms build up, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, increase in Advisers to Vietnam, President's Physical Fitness test, assassination of Diem, Partial Test Ban Treaty, peace overtures with the Soviets, proposals of welfare programs and social safety nets. === Assassination === Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd 1963 by the CIA Cuban AntiCommunists E. Howard Hunt and Woody Harrelson's dad on orders from LBJ and "higher ups" the Mafia Texas Oil barons the shooter at the Grassy Knoll the shooter in the Dal-Tex building "Them!" the Lindbergh baby the Comedian Oliver Stone Fidel Castro's assassins Richard Nixon's assassins Lee Harvey Oswald. === Stuff "They" Don't Want You To See === === JFK In Alternate History Discussion === In any discussion concerning JFK and what had he lived, opinion on Kennedy ranges from him being the great Liberal to a conservative in sheep's clothing, to ushering in a detente to the Cold war and averting Vietnam to being the hawkish creator of WWIII and leading us into Vietnam full throttle, to being a strong hero who saved the US to a wimp or a crazy person in the eyes of the Soviets, and, at worst, being compared to George W. Bush. The most venomous of these are generally partisan hackery interrupting normal discussion. There is currently a debate between Roguebeaver and Emperor Norton I over JFK dominance.