===== AH.com Electoral Officer ===== This is the individual who impartially organises and posts the polls for the AH.com Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, as well as any other formal votes that are needed. They also count up the votes and translate them into seats for the [[offtopic:ahcom_parliament|AH.com Parliament]]. Such polls are traditionally private polls and NOT public ones. This enables the Parties to reward supporters with various positions later on and helps the [[offtopic:ahcom_president|President]] to form a [[offtopic:cabinet|Cabinet]]. Traditionally the Electoral Officer in all cases has been and is [[offtopic:fenkmaster|Douglas (fenkmaster)]], and thus the Presidential and Parliamentary polls as well as the [[http://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=69508|Official AH.com Parliament Thread]], plus any run-off polls are considered legitimate if they are posted by him. The President may (and has in the past) also kick off posting the Parliament Thread, but it is far more preferable if the Electoral Officer does so. Douglas has recently resigned as Electoral Officer. ==== Special Election Leader for the Landsraad ==== The [[landsraad elections bill of 2009|Landsraad Elections Act of 2009]] establishes a new office, the [[Special Election Leader for the Landsraad]], which could be thought of as a separate Electoral Officer for the [[ahcom parliament|Landraad of AH.com]]. However, the first appointment to that post was [[Pkmatrix]], who at the same time became Electoral officer, so the posts remain in personal union. ==== List of Electoral Officers ==== | # | Name | Term | | 1 | [[fenkmaster|Douglas]] | August 2006 - February 18, 2009 | | 2 | [[Pkmatrix]] | March 4, 2009 - Present | NOTE: Pkmatrix has been appointed both Electoral Officer and Special Election Leader for the Landsraad. ==== See Also ==== **[[Special Election Leader for the Landsraad]]** ==== Navigation ==== **[[AH.com Politics]]**