Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire


300 000 claim is offen apearing in Bulgarian media but is very likely grossly exaggerated. App 12 000 Russians are residing in Bulgaria.

However 60000 properties in Bulgaria are owned by Russians. Theoretically if there is one property per one Russian and they come with their families for vacation all in same time. You can have 300000 Russians in Bulgaria. Som e 600000 Russians visited Bulgaria I believe last year.
60000 properties were bought by Russians. There is no guarantee that some of them haven't resold them.

Obviously slanted and alarmist. I especially liked how they were using Volgin's radio show ( as an example of Russian influence in the media (p. 22), when that show is a lone voice in an otherwise anti-Russian media and it was cut from being shown weekly to being shown every two weeks. Also the fact that voices supporting the Russian energy projects can be seen on television, while omitting that so can their opposition. Or perhaps the problem is that the pro-Russian position is shown, rather than being censored?
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@Pellegrino, in the light of current events in Russia and the cultural relevance of such a topic to the TL, I'm interested to know what is the standing of Lebed in regard of LGBT community, if he goes the Putin way, or just keep quiet. I think that would do an interesting story if you was to cover it in your way, given it's not the first time you integrate with some talent current events into the frame of the TL.
I don't remember exactly if ITTL, Zhirinovsky especially targeted the LGBT community as we can suppose he would, so if he did, could you tell when you did speak of it (while I scan the TL in search for it, but that will take some time)? I


I'm finding it hard to read the TL as the thread goes on and threadmarks stop. Is there a finished thread or something I can read?
@Pellegrino, in the light of current events in Russia and the cultural relevance of such a topic to the TL, I'm interested to know what is the standing of Lebed in regard of LGBT community, if he goes the Putin way, or just keep quiet. I think that would do an interesting story if you was to cover it in your way, given it's not the first time you integrate with some talent current events into the frame of the TL.
I don't remember exactly if ITTL, Zhirinovsky especially targeted the LGBT community as we can suppose he would, so if he did, could you tell when you did speak of it (while I scan the TL in search for it, but that will take some time)? I

Probably comparable if not identical unfortunately. Oddly enough, Zhirinovsky had a history in TTL of being seen as the one politician who supported gay rights in Russia (you know what they say about the broken clock). He switched gears on that only recently, and mostly to keep the long LDPR tradition alive of supporting the ruling party while claiming to be an extremist party. Lebed's position on the LGBT rights was never really established but most politicians (with the exception of Zhirinovsky in the 1990s and some of the supporters of the Bolshevik Party) who were "nationalist" tended to be deeply socially conservative.

@Pellegrino, in the light of current events in Russia and the cultural relevance of such a topic to the TL, I'm interested to know what is the standing of Lebed in regard of LGBT community, if he goes the Putin way, or just keep quiet. I think that would do an interesting story if you was to cover it in your way, given it's not the first time you integrate with some talent current events into the frame of the TL.
I don't remember exactly if ITTL, Zhirinovsky especially targeted the LGBT community as we can suppose he would, so if he did, could you tell when you did speak of it (while I scan the TL in search for it, but that will take some time)? I

How are Dubai's relations with Israel and Bahrain?

Probably good, but not necessarily openly flaunted to the world. Something I never fully appreciated when writing this TL was the fear of Iranian regional dominance by the Saudis. Sure, I realized they would have had major issues with a stronger Iran (and in fact they almost went to war with Iran in TTL), but OTL has opened my eyes as to how Saudi Arabia would not see the UIS, Israel, or even Dubai as their greatest security threat. Instead it would be a democratic Iran with warmer relations with the United States and the West which also was not burdened by sanctions. This Iranian regional power already became a major broker in the US-UIS partnership in Afghanistan and played a major roll in overthrowing Saddam Hussein in Iraq in TTL. This would absolutely terrify the Saudis and they would see Bahrain, even more so than Dubai, as the single biggest threat on the Arabian Peninsula. This hostility towards Bahrain would probably throw Bahrain into a regional partnership with Dubai and Iran, which in turn would only feed the fear in the House of Saud.


Even if the revival stalled (and I'm glad it hasn't!), that shouldn't keep you from reading the original run of the TL, which is one of the best on the site.
It falls for the trap of....well always at the brink of falling and then suddenly coming back.
It falls for the trap of....well always at the brink of falling and then suddenly coming back.

You should still finish the original thread (I know, I'm biased for my own work). The thing is the original TL had a clear start, finish, and end. This post Zhirinovsky story is sort of a stand alone in some regards. Think of it this was: Zhirinovsky's Russian Empire is a complete story ALA the Original Star Wars trilogy. After Zhirinovsky is a quasi-sequel/stand-alone, ALA Rouge One.
I also have a question on the space program. IOTL, we had lately a partnership between ESA and the Russian space agency, part of which was to extend the facilities of Kourou in French Guiana and launch Soyuz rockets from there. Is this partnership still possible with Lebed in charge, or EU-Russian relations are too much damaged to think of it before long (ie after ITTL's today date)?

How would ITTL have changed if Kemp was elected in 1996 instead of Kerrey?

I've actually thought about that.

I guess the POD is the Thanh Phong scandal being leaked before the November election in America. It not only leads to Kerrey being sorely beaten by Kemp, but Nader winning even more votes from the disillusioned far-right.

Like Kerrey, Kemp maintains a staunch anti-UIS attitude. When the Tigers start menacing Kosovo, Kemp does the same thing and firebombs Russian troops, triggering a Kosovo missile crisis. Like in the other timeline, it triggers a mass exodus of Latinos and an economic collapse.

Kemp does have a major victory, earning the love of the country, but falls into the same trap George Bush did: believing a military victory could make up for a dismal economy. This immediately erodes his support, with poor liberals calling him "Kemp Hoover". This is problematic, since he is one of the father's of Reaganomics.

But Kemp would also sew division among the GOP. Like in the other TL, Kemp signs into law that immigration bill (OTL he was pro-immigrant) which would anger many conservative Republicans, and create a more successful third party run by Richard Lamm or some other anti-immigrant person.

Also, he would alienate libertarians if does take an interventionist stance on the economy, like bailing out General Motors, and if the Eric Hale spying scandal emerges.

And he may show less restraint than Kerrey did during the Dubai crisis, potentially triggering a war with Iran and doing even more damage to the economy.

This of course leads the Democrats to get cocky, and nominate a center-leftist person, ignoring a Green Party full of people feeling let down by the Democrats over Kerrey's failings and the bad economy.

So what could have happened ITTL is the break down of the two party system.

Just a thought.
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CNN interview with Dick Gephardt, Former House Majority Leader

July 26, 2010

CNN: Congressman, the announcement that President George W. Bush was suspending his campaign after a dismal third place finish in New Hampshire was a political bombshell that shook Washington to its core, but it also effectively forced the Democratic Party to radically shift its approach to the 2004 election. You famously said that it was a mistake to try and paint every Republican as a someone who would continue the failed Bush policies of the previous four years. Kerry, ironically, doubled down and tried to make the 2004 election entirely about George W. Bush.

Gephardt: There have been many critics who have pointed out the mistakes made by the Kerry campaign. I don’t need to revisit all of them.

CNN: But Bush’s withdrawal had an unexpected effect on his reputation.

Gephardt: Yes. Ironically, it appeared that President Bush, unburdened by the pressures of the campaign, could return to doing what he did best: being a generally affable and likeable guy. His withdrawal was initially seen as a sign of weakness but before long it was seen as the ultimate show of sacrifice. Bush was willing to sacrifice his legacy for the benefit of the party and of the nation and to make peace with his onetime rival, John Engler. He knew that Engler was the only man who could beat Kerry and he knew that Tancredo or Brownback as the nominee would be a disaster. Despite his personal feud with Engler he still sucked it up and endorsed him.

CNN: Initially Bush seemed to be avoiding Engler-

Gephardt: Engler wanted to keep Bush at arms length because his poll numbers were hovering around 15% after New Hampshire. But by the time the convention rolled around Bush had done the unthinkable: he had gotten those numbers back in the mid 40s.

CNN: Yet Kerry still pushed the narrative that a vote for Engler was a vote for Bush.

Gephardt: Don’t get me wrong, people started to like President Bush because he wasn’t going to be reelected and as a result he started acting less like a politician and more like a person. His gaffes were monumental, but suddenly they became endearing. And Engler, although he embraced Bush at the convention, still pushed his own narrative that an Engler administration would look a lot different from a Bush administration. That was an easy sell since it was clear that the two never really saw eye to eye. But with all that being said, the basic message remained the same. Nobody though George Bush was a competent president. He was seen as way in over his head. Engler was always seen as his own man and even his staunchest critics saw that he was a seasoned and experienced politician.

CNN: So what could John Kerry have done differently?

Gephardt: (long pause) Well, there were two things I told him at the Democratic convention, two pieces of advice that he ultimately disregarded.

CNN: What were they?

Gephardt: First I said; don’t make this about George Bush per se. The Republicans know he was a disaster, but they think he was a disaster because he was green around the ears. Make it about his adherence to failed policies. If you think George Bush was the problem you probably would be OK with John Engler.

CNN: What was the second piece of advice?

Gephardt: Under no circumstances should you underestimate the UIS.

Excerpts from the book “The Dragon’s Last Stand: A Biography of Former Vice President Rick Lazio ” by Frank Ryan.
Published by Random House © 2009


With the announcement that President Bush was suspending his campaign after an anemic third place finish in New Hampshire, a week after finishing fifth in Iowa, Vice President Rick Lazio immediately began to entertain calls for his entry into the Presidential race…despite arguments from many Republican insiders that the race was out of his reach.

“Rick Lazio had one shot to win the Republican nomination and that was running directly against President Bush in Iowa,” Gale Norton said. “By waiting until President Bush dropped out he ended up looking like an opportunist.”

Most election watchers felt there was almost no way Lazio could win the race. Even Lazio seemed to recognize this as he privately told aids that his ultimate strategy was to win in Florida and muddle the field so that the winner would be selected at the convention. This scenario terrified many Republicans.

“Lazio had a very narrow window to the nomination,” Norton added, “but if he failed, which he almost certainly would, he would almost certainly throw the nomination to either Tancredo or Brownback.”

Sam Brownback and John Engler were neck and neck in South Carolina, while Engler held a small lead over Tancredo in Florida. A pair of wins for Engler would end the insurgent campaigns of Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback, and Ron Paul. But Lazio’s late entry would almost certainly derail the best laid plans of the Republican Party. When word reached President Bush he contacted Lazio to ask him to reconsider.

“The relationship between President Bush and Lazio had deteriorated to such a point that the two didn’t speak to each other at all,” Norton added. “As a result President Bush had little sway over the Vice President.”

But as Lazio began to kick start his late entry into the 2004 Presidential nomination a curious scandal erupted, one that would sink Lazio’s presidential ambitions before it could even get off the ground.

UIS Presidential Candidate Vladimir Putin in an interview with the BBC on February 2, 2017.

Discussing the 2004 US Presidential Election.

BBC: Mr. Putin, there seemed to be a relentless series of attacks on Vice President Rick Lazio after his announcement that he was forming an exploratory committee in 2004-

Putin: And what does this have to do with the UIS?

BBC: Well, Mr. Lazio’s email account was hacked and some embarrassing emails were disclosed to Russian media sources.

Putin: Perhaps you should ask Mr. Zavadiya how he got those emails.

BBC: Well it was no secret that Lazio was the last man the Kremlin wanted to see in the White House.

Putin: From how the election went it appears he was also the last man Americans wanted to see in the White House.

BBC: Mr. Putin, let’s just cut the charade. What roll did the UIS have in hacking Vice President Lazio’s email account and why did RT elect to publish these emails?

Putin: First of all, the Vice President of the United States was using an AOL email account. It is a wonder it took so long for his email account to have been hacked. Second, this man was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers in Chechnya by his reckless actions as a congressman. He made arrangements for American weapons to fall in the hands of Islamic terrorists. Is it any surprise that a man so evil, a man with such little foresight, could be trusted to do the right thing? This was very newsworthy in Russia, and it should have been newsworthy in the United States. But the American media elected to ignore the contents of the emails and instead focus on the UIS, because it is easier to blame the Russians than actually look at the facts.

BBC: So the UIS hacked his email?

Putin: I don’t know who hacked his email, but if I were president of Russia I can assure you I would have had the KGB watching that madman carefully.

Excerpts from the book “What Went Wrong: Inside the Bush White House"
By Paul O’Neill
Published by Benton Press © 2006


George Bush said nothing as he watched the Fox News report on Vice President Lazio’s email scandal. There was plenty of dirt. Lazio had taken to calling President Bush “dumb as fuck” in several occasions as well as calling John Engler, the presumptive Republican nominee, a “fat fuck.” The coarse language was coupled with numerous misspellings, which led some to disparagingly call him “Typo Lazio”. But perhaps most damaging was the ambition. Vice President Lazio sent one email to a friend in mid-September of 2001 in which he openly predicted Bush’s resignation. He almost seemed to be gloating at the prospect of becoming president. President Bush then turned towards me.

“This…this is troubling,” he said as he muted the TV. “But…how did they get the emails?”

I already knew the answer. In the United States we all saw a Lazio campaign as a lost cause…but in the UIS it was seen as something else. Rick Lazio was seen as a war criminal by most Russians and the hatred the UIS and President Lebed held towards Lazio was palatable. Rick Lazio has less than a 2% chance of becoming President of the United States, but to the UIS, those odds were unacceptable. So they made sure that his campaign was stillborn…and in the process they handed John Engler the nomination. President Bush looked worried and deeply troubled, but I knew it had nothing to do with being insulted by Rick Lazio in a private email. President Bush had a thick hide. No, he was seeing the same thing I saw: the former Soviet Union had just meddled in a U.S. election. Whatever happened from this point on, it was going to be because the Union of Independent States had tipped the scales against Rick Lazio.