This is the thread where people can give any and all voice actors or actors you feel would be better than the ones we got IOTL.

Don't be shy, all ideas are welcome.
I'd cast Winona Ryder, not Sofia Coppola, as Michael's daughter in Godfather III. She was originally cast but had to drop out due to her busy schedule, needless to say Coppola was not a good replacement.
I'm not sure Mr Cumberbatch would have been on the radar at the time - and in all honesty I'm not sure he should have been, since the role seems a little outside his comfort zone (Mr Cumberbatch not being noted for his fiery romantic rebels with an eventually-overpowering Dark Side); on the other hand my own Pet Theory that Mr James Franco might have been a plausible improvement on Mr Hayden Christiansen is also rather questionable.;)
I'm not sure Mr. Cumberbatch would have been on the radar at the time - and in all honesty I'm not sure he should have been, since the role seems a little outside his comfort zone (Mr Cumberbatch not being noted for his fiery romantic rebels with an eventually-overpowering Dark Side); on the other hand my own Pet Theory that Mr James Franco might have been a plausible improvement on Mr Hayden Christiansen is also rather questionable.;)

I'd considered Franco, but I imagine a rewrite of the prequels along these lines; Anakin is not the "fiery romantic" of the real prequels. hes a serious, salt of the earth kind of character who really believes in the ideals of the Jedi, as he moves further in the order, he begins to become disillusioned with the way the Jedi are acting. Palpatine begins his seduction (true dark side seduction, not the damn tale of darth plaguis the wise) in his relationship with padme he's not a fiery romantic, he's a person who's torn between his love for her, and his belief in the rightness of the Jedi and their beliefs. Eventually palpatine turns him with promises that padme and anakin can be together if anakin will just help palpatine with some "things". At this point anakin is beginning to truly embrace the dark side, but he's doing it to defend his love and to genuinely help the galaxy. The worst atrocity starts with the best intentions. Eventually we still make our way to mustafar and that fight goes about like it does in Our trilogy.