Your Ideal South America Borders?

Inspired in the tread of the ideal European Border.

Lets play with you ideal south-america borders, I provide white map and a physical map of south america

You could make as many space filling empires or Balkanizations as you like.


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  • White south america.gif
    White south america.gif
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Something something by 1900... guaranteed to now be four fifths of knowing what I'm doing.

Though, to be honest, I'm not fully satisfied with it as with the European one. Well, this will do for now.


  • AH 1900 South America.png
    AH 1900 South America.png
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So we have a Gran Colombia, a Imperial Brasil, a Confederación Perú-Boliviana, a united virreinato de la plata por Gran argentina, Paraguay as bufer state and Chile doing his thing(probably drinking and figthing with corvos) cause they dont hace the rich mineral desert.
O boy The wars un this one are gonna be. Great, especially the brasilian-argentinian ones
So we have a Gran Colombia, a Imperial Brasil, a Confederación Perú-Boliviana, a united virreinato de la plata por Gran argentina, Paraguay as bufer state and Chile doing his thing(probably drinking and figthing with corvos) cause they dont hace the rich mineral desert.
O boy The wars un this one are gonna be. Great, especially the brasilian-argentinian ones

I suppose. Although, to me, an "ideal" SA also includes stronger Panamericanism in Latin America (which would also include the LA in NA). At least within the Hispanic countries. Not that I wouldn't want to include Brazil in there, but also I'm not sure how feasible would it be.
United Guiana Shield
United Tierra del Fuego

If I could make one change to South America it would be that Tierra del Fuego was fully controlled by one nation.
It bugs me.
South America on my Ideal World Map.


Colombian Confederation, European Guiana, Confederation of Peru-Bolivia, the Empire of Brazil, th Amazonian Wildlife Preserve, the Paraguayan Republic, and the United States of La Plata.

Grey Wolf

You could have 6 Brazils, IIRC, it was only the exile of the Portuguese royal family there that welded the colonies into a realm. Absent that, and Portugal's colonies could go the same way as Spain's and splinter into constituent parts


First of all, a general comment: "La Plata" has never been used to refer to any incarnation (for lack of a better word) of Argentina or the Viceroyalty of the Río de La Plata until EU4 came out (as far as I can tell, the point is that AFAIK, it wasn't used historically), so please don't go with that for a "super-Argentina", or try to justify the choice.

Remember that the light green parts are vague claims over territory that wasn't actually under Spain's control and was thus claimed by both the Viceroyalty of the Río de La Plata and the Captaincy General of Chile, so having the latter "with all the original territories" means giving away everything that's not in dark green.

Now, with that said, any "ideal South America" for me would probably be one of these:
  • A federal republic incorporating most if not all Spanish American colonies and their claimed territories, probably calling itself "[describe type of state here] of America" (no, I did not miss any adjectives like "Latin" before America).
  • A native civilizations wank, basically having European settlement mostly reduced to a few cities and trading posts by the coast, close to the mouth of navigable rivers, on one part and a ton of native states throughout the continent (with the obvious Super-Tahuantinsuyo running down the Andes).
  • Basically OTL but with the many countries in the continent being stable like other western nations have been. Maybe keep Uruguay as an Argentine province and gib Falklands Malvinas, and let Bolivia keep Antofagasta and their sea access, but no border changes beyond that.
"Why does Paraguay or Uruguay even exist?" Is a thought I have from time to time.
Because they declared independence and managed to hold it. Why isn't Maine part of Massachussets?
You could have 6 Brazils, IIRC, it was only the exile of the Portuguese royal family there that welded the colonies into a realm. Absent that, and Portugal's colonies could go the same way as Spain's and splinter into constituent parts

What are the six?