Your favorite alt-migrations

Kurdish people in the Balkans would be interesting. Slavic tribes in Britannia. Andamanesque or Aboriginal people in New Zealand some 60.000 years ago. Indigenous people in Antarctica with Penguins as main source of food.
I've always liked the Huns smashing Western Europe, sacking Rome, surviving for at least a few centuries, and expanding to rule much of northern Germany/low Countries. There, East Germanic tribes settle the bulk of this region and become its dominant people, perhaps outside of marshy land in the Low Countries/Frisia and the Alps.
Quite interesting, as I thought; East Germanic-speaking Westphalia and/or Lower Saxony is indeed interesting.

Isn't this just OTL with the Huns and their ancestors? Although the Yeniseians were too small in number to make much of a demographic or linguistic impact in the places they settled.
It was indeed, although their ultimate identity is yet to solve definitely.

Although yes, the Kamchatkan-speaking groups were not reindeer pastoralists, but that's probably because "Chukotko-Kamchatkan" seems very dubious linguistically IMO (and is solely a linguistic relationship, not related to physical, cultural, or archaeological anthropology). The Itelmen seemed to have had a weird mix of cultural conservatism (archaeologically their culture was fairly "stable" for 2-3 thousands years IIRC) and readily adapting customs from other people (namely the Ainu and Koryaks). I think they'd need to adopt the sort of "dual" society found among the Chukchi/Koryaks where there'd be a sea (or river) tribe relying on fishing and a land tribe relying on reindeer pastoralism, but each tribe would still consider themselves more or less the same society. Maybe if it were long enough ago, they'd be the ones pushing south into the Kurils instead of the Ainu pushing north.
Good insight, although I forgot to include (limited) agricultural package that they would (or otherwise) possibly bring westward in my post.
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The Hmong("Miao") people managing to push the Han out of the Yellow River basin rather than the other way around with the chinese Founding Father of myth - the Yellow Emperor - losing in the mythical Battle of Zhuolu to Chi You, their mythological ancestor, migrating there while the Han migrate to the areas the Hmong traditionally migrated IOTL
Proto-Han joining the Qiang in Sichuan Basin and much of the Yangtze.
  1. Proto-Chukotko-Kamchatkans had domesticated either roe deer or reindeer (even both), as well as pastoralist lifestyle, from the [(ATL) Para-]Yeniseians as they migrated westward to either Fennoscandia or Pannonia-Dalmatia region.
  2. The ancestors of Malagasy speakers ended up in southern tip of Indian subcontinent, most particularly Tamil Nadu.
  3. The clans/tribes who were speaking proto-Philippine language ended up in eastern central Luzon, whole southern Luzon and Mindoro.
Oh, I thought of this recently, as I forgot to add it earlier:
  • A plurality of Pictish tribes migrating to OTL Powys (and regions east of it like Shropshire) in a period between Roman era and the post-Roman era of upheavals.
What if the Galata's dont stop in middle Anatolia and continue East? How far could they go? What would be a good place for them to settle?
However, determining the OTL counterpart of such group(s) could be relatively difficult, unless you're considering Kalamian language(s) as such, more specifically Agutaynen.
The region of Manila de Bay and Laguna de bay are no man's land at one point because they are either mountainous or marshlands.

what if everyone went the wrong way?
Alright a bit of an odd one here, but after the destruction of the Khwazmerian Empire a large portion of its more population fled as refuges westward into the Levant where they entered Ayyubid service under their leader Baraka(No I am not kidding that was his real name) and actually helped expel the Crusaders fully from Jerusalem.....until the Ayyubids betrayed them and killed Baraka in battle at which point the Khwazmerians ceased to be a politically relevant force in the region. Honestly I find the idea of a Khwazmerian successor state popping in the Levant right as the Mongols are embarking on their conquest of the Middle East to be very amusing.
Proto-Koreans migrate down south all the way to the Yangtze, while the Korean Peninsula is settled by Tungusic peoples. Franks land on the coast of Britain instead of Anglo-Saxons. Have the Irish Gaelics be more active at seafaring and discover Iceland. And my favorite scenario of them all?

Japanese Catholics migrate to Taiwan to flee persecution by the Shogunate. Give them a few decades, and they'll be terrorizing the coast of Japan with European ships and weapons.
ASB but fun.

Paleo Indians get to Alaska and run into Dragons, New World Sphinxes, Medusa Lizards and other fun critters that have evolved due the higher ambient magic in NA due to the Yellowstone Caldera.

The paleolithic hunters retreat.

And in addition to Mammoths we have Dragons.
A Kamehameha-type conqueror arises among the Tlingit tribe of southeast Alaska and unifies all the Pacific Northwest down to Vancouver Island between 1690-1710. Refugees from the defeated tribes migrate southward, creating large settlements at present-day Portland, Oregon and the San Francisco Bay. The San Francisco group especially thrives, expanding up the Sacramento River into the Central Valley of California. As Spanish missions encroach upon their territory from the south they conduct raids upon the mission settlements.
I wonder if it was possible to humans migrate to America around 30.000 years ago, maybe a Ainu related population ? The phenotype of this population would be very divergent of any other human population
Literally any group to the Pannonian basin, Place is just the perfect place for a random group to migrate into. I mean OTL it got in short succession: Scythians, Celts, Lombards and Gepids, Avars, Slavs, Magyars, Cumans, and Ossetians. seemingly any group can be thrown there and they can thrive.
I wonder if it was possible to humans migrate to America around 30.000 years ago, maybe a Ainu related population ? The phenotype of this population would be very divergent of any other human population
There were/are Native American groups with a related phenotype and builds in Central California, Baja California, and Tierra del Fuego. Besides one Athabaskan-speaking group who had that appearance because they extensively married among another group who did, all spoke language isolates/very small language families not related to any other family (or each other), i.e. Guaycura and Yuki. This implies they were very early migrants to the region.