Your favorite alt-migrations

Early West African migration to Hispania would be an interesting thought.
Since the proto-Mande homeland was in modern Mauritania, this is certainly plausible.
What part of the Yangtze, by the way? And also, would the ATL Tungusics settle the Japanese archipelago?
Tungusic peoples were further north than proto-Japonic people. But I do think there's a decent case for at least some level of their settlement in Japan even OTL. We know that "Jurchen pirates" posed a threat to early Japan, and we also know they traded with Japan too. There is even a theory that the ultimate etymology of "Mutsu" and "Dewa" (the two provinces forming the Tohoku region) derive from a Tungusic language which arrived from early settlers who crossed the seas with or without the invitation of Japanese officials in charge of subduing those regions.

Central America and Southeast Asia

Language: "Manchuatl"
A pidgin of Manchu & Nahuatl


Nahua Confucionism

Around 60 to 100 million during the beggining of the Age of Exploration

Aztec-assimilated Jurchen
Mainly mesoamerican with some chinese influence

Asians native from Manchuria
Interblended with the native Mexica
Basically this as the result of the Jin Dynasty estabilishing contact with Central America and the manchu colonizers replacing the spanish as the ones taking over the Aztec Empire while the Qing Dynasty of OTL was never founded

Thus jurchens migrating en masse to Mexico to place themselves as the upper class

Meanwhile the Mexica are used to project power back in Asia not unlike how the spanish did in Europe with the aztec gold

With result being many nahua-descendants living in Manchuria as well
What if there had been Viking/Norman decendend kingdoms and immigration like the Rus/Normandy/Sicily elsewhere ? Such polities and dynasties in North Africa and Muslim Spain would be interesting. Maybe Muslim Varagians.
Speaking of Vikings, another thread has got me thinking that if Vinland was a successful colony, than horses would be reintroduced to North America not from Spanish controlled Mexico, but from a Norse held Quebec/New England. So the first indigenous groups to get horses on the great plains might be the upper Mississippians like Cahokia. So instead of the Comanche getting an early start in horse riding, it could be a Siouan group like the Omaha or Lakota that becomes dominant and a Siouan language might be spoken in Texas.