X4 Color Scheme

Based upon @Ashtagon 's X2 and X3 color schemes, I give you the X4 (Every Color Scheme Ever Color Scheme, Extra-Extra).

Part one of six is South America. The X2/3 had 22 colors. These have been supplemented with 24 new ones to give the X4 46 South American colors. I will be working on the
rest over the coming weeks, and posting theme here as well as on DeviantArt.

X4 South America.png
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Central America is done. 50 new colors added to the X2/3's 31 give us 81 Central American colors.
X4 Central America.png
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The Middle East is finally done. Kicked my butt a bit, but in the end I got it done. All the colors I could ever want are done, but as you can see I still need to add more descriptions for various colors. Lydia, for example, could mean any nation that inhabits that historic region, but I have to do research into what nations have been in that region over time. At any rate, the 37 colors that Ashtagon gave for this area have been embellished with 77 new ones, giving us 114 Mid-East colors, and 305 for the X4 thus far.

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Oh, and for those who may have been wondering, these uploads are not the final versions. As I have been working on this color scheme, a few things have been tweaked here and there. Once I'm nearing completion of all parts, you'll begin to see updated palates.
Perfect example of what I meant from yesterday. Looking back, I decided to add an extra other/ASB category to the Levant, as well as a third Crusader State (Tripoli), since that was the only glaring omission from the Crusader State suite.
Levant Patch.png
I also have a test palette for Siberia. Trying to have all of the districts/republics and what not for Russia, much like the original X-2/3 includes all the US states and Canadian provinces. I tested the palette on a QBAM and it looks pretty decent so far. All that's really left is to correlate the various areas with native populations. Siberia will be one of the three parts of the Central Asia section.
Siberia test 2.png
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Slightly different post. This is a swatch test for the Russian federal subjects I have made thus far for the X4. While I do take much inspiration from other color schemes in the past, I also try my best to maintain the legacy of the X-2/3 which maintained as much as possible a relationship between neighboring areas and cultural groups, as well as a visually pleasing contrast. For Russia, I have 35 down and 50 more to go.
Russia X4 test map.png
Oh no no no..
I thought this scheme to be the best one
You shouldn't spam colors for just every russian oblasts. Don't repeat TOASTER mistakes. Unique colour for every administrative unit is good idea in case of western european states, where historical regions often match with administrative division. In case of Russia or any other eastern european state making colours only for historical regions and national minorities subdivisions will be a much better idea
Oh no no no..
I thought this scheme to be the best one
You shouldn't spam colors for just every russian oblasts. Don't repeat TOASTER mistakes. Unique colour for every administrative unit is good idea in case of western european states, where historical regions often match with administrative division. In case of Russia or any other eastern european state making colours only for historical regions and national minorities subdivisions will be a much better idea

Most of these colors will also have ethnic correlations. In the 17th and 18th centuries this area was home to small tribal kingdoms and nomadic groups, which I hope to include as it generally sucks to see a QBAM from this period that leaves a vast stretch of Asia literally blank. There is rarely such a case as a blank area on a map, and it's my general goal to ensure that there are enough correlating colors that this won't happen. As far as the fact that Russian federal subdivisions aren't historical enough to have their own pallete, I'd like to point out that the United States and Canada have colors for every state, province and territory, despite the fact few have ever been independent in the past, and the primary reason for their existence is the same for my reasoning of including Russian federal subjects: native populations that were there not too terribly long ago in human history.
Updated Antarctica and two sections of South America. Decided to move South Georgia to Antarctica and added a 4th Antarctic color, South Shetlands have been removed and its color has been recycled to form a secondary other Brazilian state, and lastly I added a secondary Chilean color.
X4 Update 1.png
Most of these colors will also have ethnic correlations. In the 17th and 18th centuries this area was home to small tribal kingdoms and nomadic groups, which I hope to include as it generally sucks to see a QBAM from this period that leaves a vast stretch of Asia literally blank. There is rarely such a case as a blank area on a map, and it's my general goal to ensure that there are enough correlating colors that this won't happen. As far as the fact that Russian federal subdivisions aren't historical enough to have their own pallete, I'd like to point out that the United States and Canada have colors for every state, province and territory, despite the fact few have ever been independent in the past, and the primary reason for their existence is the same for my reasoning of including Russian federal subjects: native populations that were there not too terribly long ago in human history.
I agree with your reasoning and look forward to seeing the completed list
I swear I'm not deceased! Just been real busy. Central Asia is taking its time. Siberia was finished over the summer, and this evening I finally got the western side of things done. Last step will be the eastern side, and then Central Asia will be done. Debating on what my next step will be. I'm thinking about knocking Africa out of the park before year's end, if possible.

west central asia preview.png
Finally, finally, finally finished Central Asia. My source material for this region was rather poor, especially regarding the Turkic and Mongolic peoples. Here is the X4 so far, 392 colors in!

Next up, as promised, will be Africa. I actually have far better source material for this region, so it should be a piece of cake to complete.
Most of these colors will also have ethnic correlations.
But they haven't for now. If you do not mind I can remake it accordings to my opinion of how it should look like
You also have some mistakes in namings such as Sverdlovsk should be named either "Sverdlovsk oblast" or "Yekaterinburg"
But they haven't for now. If you do not mind I can remake it accordings to my opinion of how it should look like
You also have some mistakes in namings such as Sverdlovsk should be named either "Sverdlovsk oblast" or "Yekaterinburg"

I mean, I most likely will not adopt whatever changes you make. But you're more than welcome to apply this scheme to your projects as you see fit, of course. As far as defining what Sverdlovsk is, I really didn't feel it necessary to distinguish oblasts separately unless there is some good reason, like two regions with the same name (Altai Republic versus Altai Oblast), or areas where is it is grammatically confusing not to define (like Jewish Autonomous Oblast; "Jewish Autonomous" just doesn't sound right). I will eventually formalize the ethnic groups of Siberia, don't worry.
As far as defining what Sverdlovsk is, I really didn't feel it necessary to distinguish oblasts separately unless there is some good reason,
Ok, I see now that you use not city but oblasts names. I just thought you don't know that Sverdlovsk is outdated
Also "Primorsky" sounds pretty weird. The word is adjective and requires a noun. Almost same with "Amur" (if it doesn't mean river but subject)
Altai is not an oblast but krai
I will eventually formalize the ethnic groups of Siberia, don't worry.
I mean Evenks for example live in all Siberia from Yamal to Sakhalin. So it's more necessary to give Evenks their own colour than to spam colours for just cities and oblasts which aren't historical regions