WI Woodrow Wilson was re-elected and became a Nazi?

Woodrow Wilson died in 1924 after suffering a stroke a few years earlier. He was seeking a third term at the time of his death, so this scenario explores what could've happened if he survived and was re-elected.

Wilson was very racist and, especially in his later years, delusional. It's not too far of a stretch to say that he may have bought into Nazi ideology if he had lived to see it's rise. I believe that Nazism would experience the same bit of brief popularity in the United States as in our timeline, but perhaps this affects Wilson.

Let me lay out the timeline. The year is 1924. Woodrow Wilson runs on the Democrat ballot and wins. I'm not sure by how much, but assuming Follette and Calvin Coolidge still run in this timeline, I think it's safe to assume he would win. It's hard to say what he would have done differently if he had served in this time, but he would just miss the great depression by a year. He would no doubt continue to re-segregate the government and spread racism. I believe that this means that not only does far right beliefs and racism rise in popularity, but the impact of the great depression on minorities is much greater. Wilson could potentially put us into the depression sooner, and I don't see a way he could avoid it. He was responsible for a huge amount of national debt in his previous terms, so the great depression would likely be worse. I believe Wilson might use black people, or non-white Americans in general, as a scapegoat for the great depression. His presidency would end just before Nazis in America became prevalent, but he could either: Survive and use his influence to promote Nazism or; Nazism becomes more popular in the US earlier because of Wilson.
I'll write more later.
Woodrow Wilson died in 1924 after suffering a stroke a few years earlier. He was seeking a third term at the time of his death, so this scenario explores what could've happened if he survived and was re-elected.

Wilson was very racist and, especially in his later years, delusional. It's not too far of a stretch to say that he may have bought into Nazi ideology if he had lived to see it's rise. I believe that Nazism would experience the same bit of brief popularity in the United States as in our timeline, but perhaps this affects Wilson.

Let me lay out the timeline. The year is 1924. Woodrow Wilson runs on the Democrat ballot and wins. I'm not sure by how much, but assuming Follette and Calvin Coolidge still run in this timeline, I think it's safe to assume he would win. It's hard to say what he would have done differently if he had served in this time, but he would just miss the great depression by a year. He would no doubt continue to re-segregate the government and spread racism. I believe that this means that not only does far right beliefs and racism rise in popularity, but the impact of the great depression on minorities is much greater. Wilson could potentially put us into the depression sooner, and I don't see a way he could avoid it. He was responsible for a huge amount of national debt in his previous terms, so the great depression would likely be worse. I believe Wilson might use black people, or non-white Americans in general, as a scapegoat for the great depression. His presidency would end just before Nazis in America became prevalent, but he could either: Survive and use his influence to promote Nazism or; Nazism becomes more popular in the US earlier because of Wilson.
I'll write more later.

This is ridiculous for many reasons, not the least of which is that Wilson would have no sympathy at all for Nazi anti-Semitism. I don't just have in mind his appointing Louis Brandeis as the first Jewish Supreme Court justice but his specific defense of the Jews at Versailles, where Llloyd George said that "There is obviously something to be said to justify the hostile feeling of the Poles against the Jews. M. Paderewski told me that, during the war, the Jews of Poland were by turns for the Germans, for the Russians, for the Austrians, but very little for Poland herself." Wilson replied that "It is the result of long persecution. The Jews of the United States are good citizens...Our wish is to bring them back everywhere under the terms of the law of the land." https://books.google.com/books?id=rRrRBgAAQBAJ&pg=PT146

Anyway, if Wilson is healthy enough to run in 1924 and gets nominated, he will of course lose. "Coolidge prosperiy," bitter memories of the War from German-Americans and others, etc. would be more than enough to assure his landslide defeat (epsecially since he will continue to insist the US join the League of Nations, which most voters by this time considered a dead issue). And Wilson's last political thoughts as expressed in his 1923 "The Road Away from Revolution" were hardly Nazi or extremist--they were in fact stupefyingly banal: the best answer to Bolshevism was to Christianize and humanize capitalism:

In these doubtful and anxious days, when all the world is at unrest and, look which way you will, the road ahead seems darkened by shadows which portend dangers of many kinds, it is only common prudence that we should look about us and attempt to assess the causes of distress and the most likely means of removing them.

There must be some real ground for the universal unrest and perturbation. It is not to be found in superficial politics or in mere economic blunders. It probably lies deep at the sources of the spiritual life of our time. It leads to revolution; and perhaps if we take the case of the Russian Revolution, the outstanding event of its kind in our age, we may find a good deal of instruction for our judgment of present critical situations and circumstances.

What gave rise to the Russian Revolution? The answer can only be that it was the product of a whole social system. It was not in fact a sudden thing. It had been gathering head for several generations. It was due to the systematic denial to the great body of Russians of the rights and privileges which all normal men desire and must have if they are to be contented and within reach of happiness. The lives of the great mass of the Russian people contained no opportunities, but were hemmed in by barriers against which they were constantly flinging their spirits, only to fall back bruised and dispirited. Only the powerful were suffered to secure their rights or even to gain access to the means of material success.

It is to be noted as a leading fact of our time that it was against “capitalism” that the Russian leaders directed their attack. It was capitalism that made them see red; and it is against capitalism under one name or another that the discontented classes everywhere draw their indictment.

There are thoughtful and well-informed men all over the world who believe, with much apparently sound reason, that the abstract thing, the system, which we call capitalism, is indispensable to the industrial support and development of modern civilization. And yet everyone who has an intelligent knowledge of social forces must know that great and widespread reactions like that which is now unquestionably manifesting itself against capitalism do not occur without cause or provocation; and before we commit ourselves irreconcilably to an attitude of hostility to this movement of the time, we ought frankly to put to ourselves the question, Is the capitalistic system unimpeachable? which is another way of asking, Have capitalists generally used their power for the benefit of the countries in which their capital is employed and for the benefit of their fellow men?

Is it not, on the contrary, too true that capitalists have often seemed to regard the men whom they used as mere instruments of profit, whose physical and mental powers it was legitimate to exploit with as slight cost to themselves as possible, either of money or of sympathy? Have not many fine men who were actuated by the highest principles in every other relationship of life seemed to hold that generosity and humane feeling were not among the imperative mandates of conscience in the conduct of a banking business, or in the development of an industrial or commercial enterprise?

And if these offenses against high morality and true citizenship have been frequently observable, are we to say that the blame for the present discontent and turbulence is wholly on the side of those who are in revolt against them?

Ought we not, rather, to seek a way to remove such offenses and make life itself clean for those who will share honorably and cleanly in it?

The world has been made safe for democracy. There need now be no fear that any such mad design as that entertained by the insolent and ignorant Hohenzollerns and their counselors may prevail against it. But democracy has not yet made the world safe against irrational revolution. That supreme task, which is nothing less than the salvation of civilization, now faces democracy, insistent, imperative. There is no escaping it, unless everything we have built up is presently to fall in ruin about us; and the United States, as the greatest of democracies, must undertake it.

The road that leads away from11 revolution is clearly marked, for it is defined by the nature of men and of organized society. It therefore behooves us to study very carefully and very candidly the exact nature of the task and the means of its successful accomplishment.

The nature of men and of organized society dictates the maintenance, in every field of action, of the highest and purest standards of justice and of right dealing; and it is essential to efficacious thinking in this critical matter that we should not entertain a narrow or technical conception of justice. By justice the lawyer generally12 means the prompt, fair, and open application of impartial rules; but we call ours a Christian civilization, and a Christian conception of justice must be much higher. It must include sympathy and helpfulness and a willingness to forgo self-interest in order to promote the welfare, happiness, and contentment of others and of the community as a whole. This is what our age is blindly feeling after in its reaction against what it deems the too great selfishness of the capitalistic system.

The sum of the whole matter is this, that our civilization cannot survive13 materially unless it be redeemed spiritually. It can be saved only by becoming permeated with the spirit of Christ and being made free and happy by the practices which spring out of that spirit. Only thus can discontent be driven out and all the shadows lifted from the road ahead.

Here is the final challenge to our churches, to our political organizations, and to our capitalists—to everyone who fears God or loves his country. Shall we not all earnestly coöperate to bring in the new day?

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If Wilson was in good health and seeking a third term wouldn't he try his luck in 1920 rather than in 1924?
If Wilson was in good health and seeking a third term wouldn't he try his luck in 1920 rather than in 1924?
Presumably the idea is that he slowly recovers after 1920. There actually were some signs of recovery in 1923. To quote an old post of mine:


Yes, Woodrow Wilson died on February 3, 1924. But in 1923 the idea of his seeking a political comeback did not seem absurd. As John Milton Cooper, Jr. writes in *Woodrow Wilson: A Biography* (New York: Alfred A. Knopf 2009), pp. 588-9, 1923 was

"...the best time in his life since the [1919] stroke. Nearly everyone who saw him commented on how much better he looked. In June, a senior reporter for *The New York Times,* Richard Oulahan, wrote a long story about him. Oulahan noted that he still limped but did not drag his left foot, and he used a cane but could stand without it and get in and out of a car without help. 'He has good color, his eyes are clear, his voice is strong, his cheeks are filled out, and he has lost that emaciated appearance of face and body which shocked those who saw him on his first outing after his long siege of confinement to the White House.' The reporter noted that from all reports, mentally he was 'the Woodrow Wilson of the stirring days of September, 1919.' He compensated for lack of paid work with attention to public affairs. Oulahan dismissed rumors that Wilson was personally interested in the race for the Democratic nomination in 1924, and he noted that Wilson had not committed himself to any of the contenders, not even his son-in-law McAdoo. This newspaper story read a lot like the one by Louis Seibold in *The World* three years earlier, which had set the stage for the abortive stab at a third-term bid..." http://books.google.com/books?id=lxoOdaCDbpEC&pg=PA589


Woodrow Wilson died in 1924 after suffering a stroke a few years earlier. He was seeking a third term at the time of his death, so this scenario explores what could've happened if he survived and was re-elected.

Wilson was very racist and, especially in his later years, delusional. It's not too far of a stretch to say that he may have bought into Nazi ideology if he had lived to see it's rise. I believe that Nazism would experience the same bit of brief popularity in the United States as in our timeline, but perhaps this affects Wilson.
A great many people who opposed the Nazis were racists. There's a huge gap between antisemitism and embracing the kind of authoritarian anti-democratic worldview espoused by the Nazis. Your idea is bordering on the impossible.
Wasn't Wilson pretty unpopular already at this time? And yes, whilst Wilson was horribly racist towards blacks but had him much if any antisemitic feelings? That someone is racist not automatically means that he is antisemitic.

And Wilson would need miracle recover from his 1919 stroke enough that he could even try candidacy in 1924. Even with modern day medicine it is hard to fully recover from serious stroke.


Mostly just asking for help expanding it.
There are probably some better candidates for fascist American leaders. William Borah, Hamilton Fish, Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin, Father Coughlin, Father Coughlin, Cole Blease, Gerald LK Smith, Alfalfa Bill, Father Coughlin, and many many more. Listen to Rachel Maddow's fantastic podcast 'Ultra' to learn more.

As Huey Long said, "if fascism ever comes to America, it will be under the banner of 100% Americanism." What most people don't realize was that "100% Americanism" was one of the slogans of the 1920s Klan, and Huey's audience would have understood that reference as well as we would understand a MAGA reference.

So that would be my POD for you. The myriad scandals that bring down the 1920s Klan OTL don't break. So when Gerald LK Smith or whoever comes around, they've already got an army of brownshirts at their heels.
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There are probably some better candidates for fascist American leaders. William Borah, Hamilton Fish, Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin, Father Coughlin, Father Coughlin, Cole Blease, Gerald LK Smith, Alfalfa Bill, Father Coughlin, and many many more. Listen to Rachel Maddow's fantastic podcast 'Ultra' to learn more.

As Huey Long said, "if fascism ever comes to America, it will be under the banner of 100% Americanism." What most people don't realize was that "100% Americanism" was one of the slogans of the 1920s Klan, and Huey's audience would have understood that reference as well as we would understand a MAGA reference.

So that would be my POD for you. The myriad scandals that bring down the 1920s Klan OTL don't break. So when Gerald LK Smith or whoever comes around, they've already got an army of brownshirts at their heels.
Wait Charles Lindbergh was a fascist?


There are probably some better candidates for fascist American leaders. William Borah, Hamilton Fish, Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin, Father Coughlin, Father Coughlin, Cole Blease, Gerald LK Smith, Alfalfa Bill, Father Coughlin, and many many more. Listen to Rachel Maddow's fantastic podcast 'Ultra' to learn more.

As Huey Long said, "if fascism ever comes to America, it will be under the banner of 100% Americanism." What most people don't realize was that "100% Americanism" was one of the slogans of the 1920s Klan, and Huey's audience would have understood that reference as well as we would understand a MAGA reference.

So that would be my POD for you. The myriad scandals that bring down the 1920s Klan OTL don't break. So when Gerald LK Smith or whoever comes around, they've already got an army of brownshirts at their heels.
You can come up with plenty of figures that might have gone fascist, but they aren't getting anywhere near the White House. There ae sound reasons why countries like the USA and Britain didn't go fascist during the 1930s. Also an army of brown shirts is irrvelevant, it was the support of the army and the establishment that put Hitler in power, not the brownshirts.


You can come up with plenty of figures that might have gone fascist, but they aren't getting anywhere near the White House. There ae sound reasons why countries like the USA and Britain didn't go fascist during the 1930s. Also an army of brown shirts is irrvelevant, it was the support of the army and the establishment that put Hitler in power, not the brownshirts.

I disagree with almost everything you wrote there, but reasonable people do that from time to time.
Wait Charles Lindbergh was a fascist?
He was pretty radical. Highlights from wikipedia.

'In the months before the United States entered World War II, Lindbergh's non-interventionist stance and statements about Jews and race led some to believe he was a Nazi sympathizer, although Lindbergh never publicly stated support for the Nazis and condemned them several times in both his public speeches and personal diary. However, like many Americans before the attack on Pearl Harbor, he opposed not only the military intervention of the U.S. but also the provision of military supplies to the British.[6] He supported the isolationist America First Committee and resigned from the U.S. Army Air Corps in April 1941 after President Franklin Roosevelt publicly rebuked him for his views.[7] In September 1941, Lindbergh gave a significant address, titled "Speech on Neutrality", outlining his position and arguments against greater American involvement in the war'

'Lindbergh's anticommunism resonated deeply with many Americans, while his pro-eugenics views and Nordicism enjoyed social acceptance.[198] His speeches and writings reflected his adoption of views on race, religion, and eugenics, similar to those of the German Nazis, and he was suspected of being a Nazi sympathizer.[212][213] However, during a speech in September 1941, Lindbergh stated "no person with a sense of the dignity of mankind can condone the persecution of the Jewish race in Germany."[214] Interventionist pamphlets pointed out that his efforts were praised in Nazi Germany and included quotations such as "Racial strength is vital; politics, a luxury".[215]'
You can come up with plenty of figures that might have gone fascist, but they aren't getting anywhere near the White House. There ae sound reasons why countries like the USA and Britain didn't go fascist during the 1930s. Also an army of brown shirts is irrvelevant, it was the support of the army and the establishment that put Hitler in power, not the brownshirts.
It can't happen here 😉