WI Tito and Stalin have each other Assassinated

The enmity between these two is well known and Stalin had allegedly sent assassins to deal with Tito before. So what if during the informbiro era they both send agents to kill the other one. And both succeed with the mission.

What happens next?


The enmity between these two is well known and Stalin had allegedly sent assassins to deal with Tito before. So what if during the informbiro era they both send agents to kill the other one. And both succeed with the mission.

What happens next?

For a start, Beria quietly claims two very successful operations - the idea of *Tito* managing to assassinate Stalin is clearly ridiculous, but there is the continuing rumour that Beria claimed responsibility for Stalin's death to the rest of the Soviet elite.

And Tito was clearly anti-Soviet, so good work that man.
Not sure how plausible it is. Stalin, theoretically, had more resources at his disposal for both assassinations and to ensure his security. Still, I do enjoy the message that Tito sent to Stalin: "Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle. If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second."

Supposedly, Stalin go the message after that.
Well, when would the assassinations be? If at say 1950, then during the chaos, the US and the rest of allies might push to at least getting all of Germany under their sway and maybe Korea if they're lucky. It would also probably calm down the Red Square a bti since having two of the big fish knock each other would help.

Another thing could be that if this unstablized Yugoslavia, the Allies would definitely go and try to consolidate the area into their sway. This would also make Mao possibly more paranoid and maybe more liable to make mistakes.

Who would take Stalin's place though?
As usual, Beria gets tossed around as a potential successor, ignoring the cold hard reality that the moment Stalin's body is cold, Beria's time to live is drastically limited. Quite simply, EVERYONE who was someone in the USSR hated him. Someone is going to drag him out to a railyard, put two rounds in his chest, and then drop him on the tracks with a bottle of Vodka nearby. "Oh dear, how Tragic, our dear comrade Beria got drunk due to the weight of his responsibilities and fell asleep on the track just in time for the 4:10 from Leningrad."