As we all know the French created a Vietnamese rural proletariat in Indochina through the fish salt tax. This was equivalent to the 18th and 19th century enclosures in the UK. To a certain extent the Vietnamese revolution was chartism writ large complete with Guardian buying liberals cheating it in the form of the VWP.

Historically the US reproletarianised the RVN from 1961 to 1975 creating an urban service economy to whore entertain and drug its armed forces. It also expanded Thai, Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese proletariats. That was a fairly expensive exercise in resources and lives. Let’s shift some of that funding back to 1954.

What if from 1954 the US invested in:

A boutique gymcrack urban proletariat through the ethnic Chinese. Light industry, knockoffs, etc. possibly textiles.

Land consolidation amongst Buddhist rural elites alongside catholic rural elites, combined with “development,” and locally led changes in productive techniques. Ie local hogs not US useless breeds. We can let the Chinese merchant community debt enslave rural labour and sell their children into urban factories.

A mixed Buddhist / Catholic repressive ARVN and security police apparatus based around killing off the working class leadership only. Croppies lie down. This is to control the chartism when people have their leases cancelled for the piggery or dam.

Is this enough to cripple the VWP’s rural labourer revolutionary base? It was historically enough to cripple chartism in the UK.
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Is this enough to cripple the VWP’s rural labourer revolutionary base? It was historically enough to cripple chartism in the UK.

No, it actually might aggravate it. Beyond that Viet Nams economy in the 1950s & into the 1970s was heavily based on growing rice for export. The French had created earlier a fairly efficient rice factory in the deltas & coastal plains. Disrupting that disrupts the overall economy. Viet Cong strategy pre US intervention was in part based on getting control of the Mekong rice harvest & denying revenue to the Diem & successor governments.
While most autonomist Marxist theorists read rural mechanisation as a response to chartism which was a response to enclosure creating the rural labour this theory is not considered dominant or universal. Could mechanisation of rice production in delta Vietnam in the mid 1950s be possible? Could it be used to break the French system rural labourers’ power and discontent? If the rice harvest is the determining industry then either over or underdevelopment will be needed to smash or appease the rural labourers’ discontent which fed the revolution and thus the nomenklatura.

I’d appreciate your thoughts on if there’s a way out for the Vietnamese compradors in the 1950s?