WI : The Romans recognise Fritigern as King of the Goths

According to the video embedded (timestamp 30:30) Fritigern sent multiple envoys to the Romans before the battle of Adrianople. What if rather than continuing to deal with the Goths militarily, the agreement was made with a condition?

Rather than simply King of the Goths and retreating - the Goths and Romans would agree to a Gothic Kingdom of the lands north of the Danube and East of the Carpathians. (at least at first). With the Romans agreeing to provide support, specifically building defensive citadels on the northern rivers and in the Carpathians, in exchange for tribute. Effectively turning the Goths from invader to client state that could be a buffer to the Huns that the Goths would be aware of.

If this was done, and effectively closed off the Danube Gap, what would the impact have been?

Personally - I think it would have (if the Goths stayed loyal) have meant the settlement and fortification of a valuable region for the Romans (one that could be conquered in the future if needs be) that would add defense in depth for the Danube frontier, and allow the Romans to fight the Huns without taking too much damage to their infrastructure directly, instead letting the Goths suffer the damage.

The one problem I see is that the Romans and Goths still need to ensure there is enough food - so I assume the Romans and Goths would need to establish some sort of increased granary system. The idea of the Romans and Goths trading in agricultural goods and food like the Germanic people on the Rhine seems really interesting.

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Problem is, the Romans couldn’t enforce a Gothic kingdom outside their borders, especially not after Julian’s gigantic clusterfuck in the East, and certainly they could not share their resources with it. Fritigern, if he were to accept, would be perpetually harassed by the Huns, in a kingdom which doesn’t even have much to offer compared to what the Goths could plunder from the empire. Athanric would kill Fritigern, seize control, and go back to hostility against the Romans.

But that would never actually happen. If the Goths had wanted to settle beyond the Danube, they’d have done so on their own accord. They didn’t, they wanted lands within the empire, and the options for the Romans were either to grant them, or fight the Goths, not necessarily all of them, since there was no single Gothic tribe.