WI Somoza doesn't kill Sandino?

The Vulture

Suppose Augusto Sandino escapes death at the hands of the National Guard in 1934 and continues to be a thorn in Somoza's side for years to come? What does this do to the Somoza dynasty in Nicaragua and how does the US take this?
Sandino's escape from the National Guard would surely plunge Nicaragua into civil war IMO. With him acting as a central figure opposition to Somoza, Sandino might be able to turn the majority of the country against Somoza especially after he sets himself up as President.

So say a rough guerilla war goes on from 1934-36/37. Perhaps Sandino makes things interesting and overthows Somoza in the mid-1930's. The US in the midst of the Depression doesn't do anything allowing Sandino to consolidate his rule and enact a number of reforms.