WI: Siddharta does not become Buddha he becomes king

At time of Buddha birth a fortune taller told his father -"or he become great monk or a great king"

When Siddharata saw the Mahatma (saint), who does not show any reaction on seeing him. He went to him and ask "how you are happy when you do not have anything to take the fruit of life?"
"Hey child of Shakya, I am yogi whose karma is in search of God and how physical material help me in my karma"
"Mahatma how can I achieve this satisfaction "
"By completing your karma"
"And what is Karma, Mahatma"
"You are the son of Malla republic Chief (president) go and ask your father about your Karma"
Siddharta direct go to administer building of Kushinagar to meet his father, his father is in jansabha (proto- parliament).After some time when his father come outside he asked his question to his father.
"Father, what is karma for me "
His father answer " to follow Rajshabdopajivin(constitution), take my position in government help to secure republic, and increase area of this republic to ease the life of people of Bharata (Indian)"

Year 502BC- 'Siddharta become leader of Malla republic in Spring Jansabha and send his missionary to watch collect write knowledge for warfare admins time system and king'

Year 497BC-'Kosla king Presenjit attack Malla when he saw increasing military power of republic state but he failed in the battle of Koshi. After winning battle Siddharta extend Malla republic towards the south and capture Kashi to which some time in past is part of Koshla'

Year 492BC-'After wining succession war Magadha King Ajatsatru join with Anga to destroy Malla republic who annex Magadha vassal state Kashi. Seeing this Siddharta send a friendship request to the Vaji Republic.'

Year 491BC -'In battle of Vaishali Siddharta destroy the force of Magadha and Anga and established the supremacy of republic in North India '

Year 490BC-' Many smaller republics of North India to escape imperialism of Indian monarch requested to assimilate in Malla republic. In the spring festival Siddharta established a constitutional monarchy and become Samrat '
Year 490-487BC-' a civil war fought in between pure Republic and Siddharta follower '
Year 487-484BC-'Siddharta started to reform his army to further conquest, he started to admit lower Cast Indian, add washi (forest -man )as light Infantry and Bowman, by doing this he created an army of 3 lakh in which half are infantry 50,000 cavalries and 90,000Bowman, 10,000 engineers for siege engine.'

Year 484BC- 'At the bank of the Yamuna near Mathura Siddharta army fight battle with the union of armies of five Mahajanpada -Achichatra, Kampliya, Kaushambi, Mathura, Hastinapur. Siddhartha wins and he established Republic Nation for which he was emperor.'

Year 472BC - 'At The city of Prayagraj the parliament for Jansabha established to rule India'
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I suspect that if Siddartha becomes a king his later career may be similar to the Emperor Ashoka's in OTL. After he has established his empire, after a particularly bloody battle he has a revelation in which he is sickened by the killing. Thereafter he promulgates laws enjoining non-violence. He is also influenced by the preaching of a Jain monk who warns him that, great king though he may be, his career has set back his own spiritual development - he will not now achieve the release in this life of which he was capable, but is still subject to the cycle of rebirth.

Siddartha gets the Jansabha to enforce tolerance for all sects, but is personally favourable to the Jains. Towards the end of his career he calls a congress ,of Jain monks which collates and writes down the teachings of Mahavira. Given this boost, and with no Buddhism in TTL, a form of Jainism (with some differences from OTL) goes on to become a major world religion.


You do realize that if this supposing happened, humanity gets an inconsequential - in the large scheme of things - ruler over some people and a patch of real estate, and loses one of the great cultural riches of civilization: Buddhism.
A rather bad trade.
You do realize that if this supposing happened, humanity gets an inconsequential - in the large scheme of things - ruler over some people and a patch of real estate, and loses one of the great cultural riches of civilization: Buddhism.
A rather bad trade.
I think a religion like Buddhism is going to come but in next 100 years,


I think a religion like Buddhism is going to come but in next 100 years,

I take it you're on more the historical determinism spectrum. Which does put you somewhat in a minority around here; most tend towards Carlyle's "Great Man" theory of history.
I'm more of a cultural evolutionist, which means in this case that I allow for the importance of singular events within broader trends.
So, in my view, a religion like Buddhism, but not the Buddhism that developed over a particular time and place, is unlikely to be really that similar, and more likely not as impactful.
But then, we're all amateur archeologists, trying to make sense of the shards of the past.
I take it you're on more the historical determinism spectrum. Which does put you somewhat in a minority around here; most tend towards Carlyle's "Great Man" theory of history.
I'm more of a cultural evolutionist, which means in this case that I allow for the importance of singular events within broader trends.
So, in my view, a religion like Buddhism, but not the Buddhism that developed over a particular time and place, is unlikely to be really that similar, and more likely not as impactful.
But then, we're all amateur archeologists, trying to make sense of the shards of the past.
My theory is -
1-New Dharm(religion) develops due to revolution against abuse of that time religion l
2-Are standardisation of believe of any great monk are the leader of people that time.
First constitutional monarchy -
By Leopold christ
Page 34

.......For research on the life of Samrat Siddharta and the effect of his rule on the Indian Republic, we went to see the ancient ritual of republic in Prayagraj where the new amendment of constitution was going added in original golden manuscript which situated in main building of old parliament, the whole ritual is always synchronized with Mahakumbh festival, in 2013 AC, at that time total 130 million people are come to see the biggest democratic religious gathering in the world.......

Page 38
.......Samrat Siddharta worship as 9th avatar(creation) of God Vishnu, Due to this democratic belief and religion mix up in today India, As today American exports his democratic belief in South American countries, In past after fail adventure of Alexander in India, Indian king marriage his second son Chandragupta to princess of Achaemenid Empire of Persia and assimilate whole empire and give his Son the title of King of Persia.......

Page 48

......If you write the biggest change in the economy of the world then you can write the assimilation of Persia in the Indian empire, With Persia, the Indian engineer found underground water system Kariz, for next 100 years the Indian empire gone to established biggest network of Kariz and canal in the Indian peninsula, the population of Indian empire growth to become ,4 times in this 100 year 125 million almost 30 new cities established, and with the help of this population boom Indian empire conquer the whole land in between China and the Macedonian empire, and first time in world history a superpower emerge which economy has a total 55 per cent of that time world economy, Macedonian empire has 15 per cent and China has 24 per cent.

Page 57
..... Ashoka who was the grandson of Chandragupta reestablished Persian empire after conquering Arabian peninsula .........