WI: Scotland stays Gaelic

What would the consequences be if Lowland Scotland had not switched to English between been 1100 and 1500 and if Scotland had been as Gaelic speaking in 1707 as it had been in 1100?
It'd be a much more stable country.

The davidian reforms which transformed scotland into a centralised english speaking country with a heredity monarchy were hugely controversial. The western gaels were in near perpetual rebellion against the scottish crown for the next 400 years.

On the other hand the mimicry of the anglo norman court happened for a reason. It allowed the monarchy to wield power that was impossible prior to the reforms, when every area had it's only king who was only loosely controlled by the centre in scone.

The switch from gaelic to english was explicitly a rejection of gaelic culture in favour of anglo-norman norms in the same way peter the great's use of court french was.


Simple, the language switch occurred because the rulers were wannabe anglonormans too much and shitcanned the language along with the government system

Eliminate them or make them a little less extreme, and you're good

Or make the population distant from the nobility, the same way Russians aren't speaking French or German now (even tho Russian is full of horrid loanwords nowadays that for some reason haven't been eliminated yet)