I know this is not a new topic, but President Garfield was a very fascinating figure and given his set, it would be interesting to see what he could do if remained President.
Now the other threads I saw mention his civil right stances, potential diplomatic policy and so on. Most others say that he would likely not be able to do much because of how the differing politics were at the time.
But, I would like everyone to consider this question? What would he be able to do beyond his first presidency?
I would think that his attempted assassination would galvanize Congress to assist him, but if he is not able to do much in 1881-1885... what about beyond?
He was only 50 when he died so he probably has a good 20-25 years left in him, which is plenty of time for him to become elected a second time. For example, what if he ends up winning in 1898 (he'd be 67) rather than McKinley becoming President? He would probably have more security given how he was a prior target and perhaps he would not be shot like OTL McKinley would?
I could see him definitely inspiring and giving ideas to Teddy Roosevelt on domestic policy, especially with African-Americans.
But what does everyone else here think? If President Garfield survived and could potentially run again in the upcoming decades, especially since this was the Progressive era and dominated by Republicans?
Now the other threads I saw mention his civil right stances, potential diplomatic policy and so on. Most others say that he would likely not be able to do much because of how the differing politics were at the time.
But, I would like everyone to consider this question? What would he be able to do beyond his first presidency?
I would think that his attempted assassination would galvanize Congress to assist him, but if he is not able to do much in 1881-1885... what about beyond?
He was only 50 when he died so he probably has a good 20-25 years left in him, which is plenty of time for him to become elected a second time. For example, what if he ends up winning in 1898 (he'd be 67) rather than McKinley becoming President? He would probably have more security given how he was a prior target and perhaps he would not be shot like OTL McKinley would?
I could see him definitely inspiring and giving ideas to Teddy Roosevelt on domestic policy, especially with African-Americans.
But what does everyone else here think? If President Garfield survived and could potentially run again in the upcoming decades, especially since this was the Progressive era and dominated by Republicans?