I think without Hitler to light that spark, there won’t be something on that scale. More small wars, sure but not a world war.
No matter who comes to power in Germany, I think Hitler is the only one who would actually be willing to pull that trigger. We could still see an aggressive and/or revanchist Germany, but not one that’s willing to burn down the continent to get its way, more likely to be like how France was pre-WWI about Alsace-Lorraine or Hungary about Trianon, and any ambitions with Austria or Sudetenland are gonna be nonexistent or fringe, with mainstream German nationalists focusing on West Prussia and Posen.
Italian, Japanese, and Soviet ambitions are going to be the real flashpoint here, especially Japan, who’s already deep into an aggressive war on China by 1939, one that, without Germany to raise alarms in Europe, is probably going to draw more attention than OTL, and possible intervention, especially if they step out of China and into a territory in the sphere of influence of someone else. One strike on Hong Kong, Guangzhouwan, or Macau is all it would take to bring a lot of countries against them.
The USSR and Italy are also contenders for having a large war against them, but the Soviets are probably going to be too cautious to risk it and Italian expansion is going to fail against Greece and the Ethiopian resistance.
Pretty much everyone else is either satisfied with the interwar status quo or not in a position to cause any trouble. Further down the line the USSR might be more belligerent, but without WWII, it’s hard to really tell where the major players of the war will end up in the future.