Another short technical update. The big changes are yet to come but they take a while.
I would like to give a big Thank You to
@tomo pauk for his help with the engine chart and give a shout out to
@phx1138 and everyone over at the
A Better Allison V-1710 thread for providing some additional inspiration.
24 November 1943
Wright Field
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Lt. Col. Ben Kelsey looked at the latest information on the new engine proposed by Allison for use in the next P-38. The XP-38J had been tested with a hodge-podge assembled from a combination of an Allison E21R and Allison -75/-77 (F15R/L) engines but the engine itself needed considerable refinement and re-engineering to unify the design into a single power plant and get it production ready. The new engine, funded by the US Army Air Forces as -117/-119 and now carrying the official internal Allison designation of F29R/F29L, looked quite promising and if it can actually deliver the projected performance could put the P-38J in an entirely new class of fighter.
The report Kelsey was reviewing had been forwarded his way from the Engineering Branch and was the initial results from Allison’s bench testing of the engine. In addition to the test results, the report including an outline of the general design aspects of the F29 engine and described the changes in the unit tested.
There were several major changes which set the new engine apart from those previously used on the Lightning. Internally, the most significant of these changes was a new crank with 12 counterweights rather than the six previously used. This new crank was only slightly heavier than the old crank but because of the better distribution of the rotational weight it reduced vibrations and allowed the engine to increase its best speed from 3000 RPM to 3200 RPM and the absolute red line from 3150 RPM to 3350 RPM for a slight gain in peak output.
The biggest change was in the introduction of Water/Methanol Injection to the engine, as tested in XP-38J several months earlier. With the new engine properly calibrated and built up for Water Injection the power output on the bench was considerably greater than estimated from the previous performance tests. While there was some concern about the added weight of the water to the already heavy P-38 Kelsey had been assured that Lockheed was working on a solution to ensure it did have too large an impact on maneuverability and climb.
The engine report included the results of several tests using slightly different configurations. During the first series of tests the engine had the same Bendix-Stromberg PD-12K7 Carburetor as the -89/-91 engines of the P-38H which was discovered to have insufficient air-flow to accommodate the higher RPM and Manifold Pressures attainable with the new engine. This was replaced with a PT-13E9 carburetor having three 4 3/16” barrels instead of the two 3 15/16” barrels of the PD-12K7. The larger carburetor showed a significant improvement in total output on the bench and, with Water Injection, allowed the engine to surpass 2300 Brake Horsepower in the second series of tests.
For the final series of tests the -117 continued to use the PT-13E9 carb but also featured revised cylinder heads and an altered intake manifold to improve the consistency of the fuel-air mixture and ensure even distribution to all cylinders. The details of the changes were less important to Kelsey than the results and those were particularly impressive, showing a tested peak output at 3200 RPM and 38”Hg. Manifold Pressure with Water Injection of 1111 Brake Horsepower while operating on Grade 100/130 fuel and a calculated maximum at 76”Hg. M.P. with W.I. of 2314 B.H.P.
Kelsey looked at the Engine Power Chart enclosed with the report and was impressed by the overall improvement in maximum performance it showed even while largely maintaining parity with the -89/-91 engines currently in use under normal operating conditions.
Before Lockheed would be able to fit and test the engine in an actual airplane, however, they will need a suitable propeller. His contacts at Lockheed had indicated that they were working with both Hamilton-Standard and Curtiss Electric on possible solutions to the thrust limitations on the airplane. Both had already submitted their hub and blade design proposals but no testable models had yet been delivered. The Curtiss blades best replicated the thrust lines of the extant P-38s while the H-S blades were estimated to have a slight edge over the Curtiss ones in overall performance but would require a larger shift in trim or Center of Gravity on the airplanes to accommodate the outward movement of thrust and heavier installation. The hubs were designed to the same specifications and size to fit to the new 2.36:1 gear box but where Curtiss Electric used an expanded and improved version of their electric pitch control Hamilton-Standard used their Hydromatic system dependent on engine oil hydraulics. Both systems had advantages over the other but neither would fundamentally change propeller performance.
One late entry was a proposal from the young Aeroproducts Propeller Company which had worked with Bell on their P-39 and again was working with them on the P-63 prior to its cancellation as well as developing a propeller for use with the newest P-51. Building off their previous experience they were proposing a four-blade high-activity propeller based around their novel Unimatic constant speed system. This system had a fully independent hydraulic system within the hub which gave it the benefits of both the Curtiss Electric system and the Hydromatic. The added weight of the hydraulic system and the fourth propeller blade were largely offset by Aeroproducts’s use of hollow steel propeller blades instead of solid aluminum as used by the other companies, making the entire rotational weight less than that of a similarly laid out H-S Hydromatic. It would also have the added advantage of using a smaller over-all propeller diameter—11’10”, only two inches greater in radius than the current P-38 propeller—which when paired with the same 2.36:1 reduction ratio would reduce propeller tip speed and improve its efficiency at the top of the engine range.
Before Kelsey, Lockheed, and the Air Force could decide which propeller would be best they will have to wait for functioning models to test with the engine and airplane. To help with that, Kelsey had authorized Lockheed to build several YP-38J pre-production aircraft, modified from the first few Fiscal Year 1943 block aircraft. Allison was already working with Lockheed to get the new engines installed and they were finalizing the Water/Methanol tank installation location. Once complete, these aircraft were to be fitted with the competing propellers and sent to the Air Force proving grounds in Elgin, Florida for direct comparison testing in early winter.
One possibility being bandied about was to select two propeller systems (either Hydromatic and Electric three-blade or Unimatic and Electric four-blade) and have all Lightnings produced in Burbank use one and those from Wheatfield use the other. This would distribute the production so that a catastrophe in either propeller manufacturer’s facility would not prevent continued production of the airplane while also keeping both work forces busy without over-burdening either one. The best modularity would be achieved with a mix of Unimatic and Electric as that would allow replacement of the entire propeller assembly in the field without modification to the airplane or engine oil system.
Kelsey wanted to a light a fire under the engineers but knew the work would take time and that he would have to be patient. To hold him over, Lockheed had sent one of the first P-38H-18-LOs—#42-103982, fresh off the line—to Wright Field for Performance Acceptance Testing. It was largely the same as the Block-15 airplane but with a new automatic shutter on the intercooler inlet. The shutter was driven by a small electric actuator anchored below the intercooler core which slides the shutter down and rearward to open it and pushes it up and forward to partially close it. Under normal operation it should be fully open but when the Carburetor Air Temperature drops below the normal operating limit of 15.6° C the motor engages to shutter to progressive close it and reduce the inlet size to limit the amount of air flowing into the intercooler.
Lockheed also reported that they sent an upgrade kit including the system to their pilot, Tony LeVier, who was still spending time with the P-38 Groups in England so that he can oversee its testing in operational conditions. If successful, Kelsey was already planning to place an order for a few hundred of the kits (which includes the entire nacelle “chin” sub-assembly) to send over to the 8th Air Force to retrofit their P-38H’s currently in service. The sub-assembly includes the outer panels with a redesigned intake shape, the new inlet door and electric actuator, the intake duct, intercooler core, exit duct, as well as the charge air Inlet manifold and cooled air Exit collector. The entire assembly can be replaced in only a few minutes by the ground crew but it also requires adding a new switch to the Carburetor Air Temperature gauge line to engage the shutter at low C.A.T. Since the inlet shutter only activates at low C.A.T. and the exit shutter at high C.A.T., Lockheed built the system to run off the same circuit as the exit shutters which obviated the need for crews to add a new circuit breaker in the cockpit and run the associated wiring through the wing.
In addition to the Block-18 Lightning, Wright Field had also recently accepted delivery of #43-10911, the nineteenth P-38 to come off the Bell production line. In total Bell had completed 36 Lightnings to date and they were on pace to get production up to 100 per month by February. They had not yet received any of the B-33 turbos from G.E. or the new chin sub-assemblies AiResearch so they were still building their aircraft to Block-10 specification, making their current aircraft designated P-38H-10-BE.
A similar situation was occurring down in Nashville where Vultee was working on completing their first few TP-38H-10-VNs. They were all being fitted out to Block-10 standards due to lack of B-33 turbo-superchargers but since they were intended for training and familiarization and not for combat there was little pressing need to get them upgraded or get the Vultee lines up to current Lockheed standards. In fact, a proposal had recently come across Kelsey’s desk to use the nacelles, booms, outer wings, and empennage assemblies from older F and G Model P-38s still stateside to mate with the Vultee center-section for a quick and easy way to get more two seaters. These could be re-engined as possible or as needed but for the most part they will be sufficient for training purposes. In any event they will be superior to the RP-322s and RP-38Es still being used.
The latest news from the 8th Air Force was that the P-38 was serving well as a long rang escort in the 78th and 55th Fighter Groups. The 20th Fighter Group was still awaiting their full allotment of aircraft and equipment but their pilots were getting experience by filling in with the other Groups where needed. The biggest requests were for larger Drop Tanks and simply more P-38s. Kelsey was working with the Chief of the Fighter Branch to plan out several more P-38 groups, at least one of which, the 479th, was slated to join the 8th AF no later than May 1944. The group was still being organized on paper and Kelsey expected it should be staffed by the end of the year with pilot and aircraft assignments to follow.
There were still a few recurrent issues being reported by the active groups, however. The chief concern was engine reliability almost entirely related to cold temperatures. Kelsey hoped that the new intercooler inlet duct would help alleviate some of the problems but there were other problems that would still need to be addressed such as reports of battery failures and freezing Turbo Regulators. In total the incidence of engine failures was roughly the same as that experienced by the P-47s but since the P-38 had two engines there were twice as many to fail causing a marked decrease in the total sortie rate for the P-38 Groups verses the P-47 groups.
Another concern being expressed was related to the ever increasing altitudes at which the Lightnings were operating. Apart from the engine problems it was causing it was also impacting the pilots themselves. The Group reports have been showing a slight but steady increase in the number pilots temporarily grounded after suffering varying levels of anoxia and even a few cases of the Bends.
Recent evaluation of a captured German Messerschmitt Bf.109G-5, a type now being used by several groups in Western Europe, revealed that they installed a rudimentary pressurization system in the airplane to help their pilots deal with the altitude and both the RAF and USAAF were now looking into similar modifications in several of their existing aircraft to provide some help as well. Kelsey was pressing even harder than others because he knew that the well pressurized B-29 would soon be entering combat and it would need a Very Long Range Escort that could operate with it for long duration at high altitude.
Both Republic and North American were busy developing updated versions of their flagship fighters, the P-47 and P-51 respectively, for this purpose. The increasing success of the P-38 as a high-altitude escort over the past few months, however, had made Kelsey start to re-think Republic’s involvement. He felt the Lightning was proving to be a superior escort than the Thuderbolt and would require fewer modifications to achieve the long-range requirements of the B-29. All it needed was a reduction in its fuel requirements—something that was promised with the P-38J—and the possibility of partial cabin pressurization.
Maybe it was time for a visit to Lockheed.