WI: NACA Modified P-38

Great spin on it, @Draconis ! I may take a little while to catch up on what you're doing but I'm reading with it interest.

Incidentally, is there interest in me continuing my narrative at this point? It has been 5 years since the last chapter (Leyte) and while I have plenty more to tell it may take me a bit to get back in the grove and I can't guarantee regular paced updates. If there is still interest, here's a rough outline of what I still have (had?) planned:

  • Maximum Effort Escort (1000 plane raid) in Europe
  • Updates on Convair XP-81 (ground tests, first flight)
  • 9 TAF ground attack/CAS in Europe
  • NF Operations in PTO
  • P-81 development and design challenges
  • VE Day
  • (Maybe Okinawa?)
  • Escort over Honshu
  • VJ Day
  • End of Lightning Production
  • Post war USAAF / USAF, adoption of P(F)-81
  • Korea with the F-81
  • A little side quest on the road and track
  • Later uses of the F-81
  • A retrospective / Summary
Great spin on it, @Draconis ! I may take a little while to catch up on what you're doing but I'm reading with it interest.

Incidentally, is there interest in me continuing my narrative at this point? It has been 5 years since the last chapter (Leyte) and while I have plenty more to tell it may take me a bit to get back in the grove and I can't guarantee regular paced updates. If there is still interest, here's a rough outline of what I still have (had?) planned:

  • Maximum Effort Escort (1000 plane raid) in Europe
  • Updates on Convair XP-81 (ground tests, first flight)
  • 9 TAF ground attack/CAS in Europe
  • NF Operations in PTO
  • P-81 development and design challenges
  • VE Day
  • (Maybe Okinawa?)
  • Escort over Honshu
  • VJ Day
  • End of Lightning Production
  • Post war USAAF / USAF, adoption of P(F)-81
  • Korea with the F-81
  • A little side quest on the road and track
  • Later uses of the F-81
  • A retrospective / Summary
Absolutely interested in you continuing the story! I’d really love to see where you go next with the P-38 and what happens to your characters.
@EverKing I'm happy to hear you're enjoying my take on the P-38 story. And when you do post some new chapters in your P-38 saga I will be reading them avidly. And I suspect so will quite a lot of others. The outline you've posted looks very interesting.
At the time, around July 1939, did the engineers and scientists working for NACA been able to come up with a coherent plan to identify the XP-38's problems? Was there a sufficient understanding of supersonic and transonic airflow that NACA would have known what kind of tests to run and what they should be looking for? This may have been new ground for everybody. I would think they would've eventually been able to determine that aerodynamic flutter of the tail section wasn't the cause of the severe buffeting, elevator lock-up and nose drop experienced by the XP-38 test pilots. Once they know it's not tail flutter they would've looked closer at the airflow over the wings and cockpit section as the engineers struggled to determine what was the actual cause of the problem.

And would they have found it? They certainly did in OTL as evidenced in the March 1942 report issued by NACA but their knowledge base was much wider then it was in July 1939. In this speculative narrative I think they would've have arrived at the same findings though it may have taken some more time. This would have been a cutting edge research project into a mostly unknown area in 1939. The things learned from the wind tunnel testing of the XP-38 by NACA would have been made available to the other U.S. aircraft companies.
While not your PoD, this is the crux of your take on the TL I think. I know Von Karman's ground breaking work on the effects and mathematics of aerodynamic compressibility wasn't presented until January 1941 and published later that year but others had already, over the preceding decade or so, laid the ground work and specifically Ackeret's work on the Lift/Drag of high speed wings and British wind tunnel tests prior to 1935 were able to measure compressibility effects (these test resulted in the term "sound barrier" in fact), although I don't think they identified the cause as compressibility. All this to say, that prior to Von Karman's paper, NACA likely would have been able to identify the issues of reaching the local critical mach velocities and the associated increase in wave drag but they may not have recognized the root cause as one of compressibility. If they did, however, put that together that means the entire field of transonic aerodynamics would move ahead by a couple years and the butterflies this would produce for aircraft developed in the early and mid-war years could be phenomenal! If NACA beat Von Karman by 18 months, then likely their study would have been published and available no later than early 1940 so any aircraft designed after that date or still in early testing/development (e.g. P-47) could benefit from this study. Items like dive flaps would likely come earlier and I would expect propeller improvements as well. The other factor to consider is that if it were NACA that identified compressibility within their own tests then it is very likely that there would be a number of follow-up studies made over the next year or two to produce a complete model of it and the design/engineering solutions needed to reduce its impact. I could see the US producing aircraft truly capable of transonic/super-sonic dives before the end of the war and transonic/super-sonic flight as soon as the propulsion systems allowed.
Finishing his coffee Hall Hibbard looks up from his newspaper at the sound of a knock on the open door. "Come on in Kelly" Hibbard says, "You look like you've got something on your mind. Have you seen todays paper? No wonder the Brits and the French are yelling for their planes." Kelly Johnson replies he hasn't seen the paper and as he pulls one of the chairs closer to Hibbard's desk he says there is a couple of items they should discuss.

Johnson mentions the reports from the Army pilots concerning the intercoolers in the XP-38. Namely that there wasn't any way to regulate the carburetor air temperature. Johnson wasn't sure if that was a major problem. The Army pilots reported that they had avoided the carburetor icing problem that gave Lt. Kelsey some trouble at Mitchel Field by the simple expedient of running the engines on lean while in the landing pattern. And by gunning the engines frequently. Leaned-out while landing Hibbard thought. They would have to switch over to rich PDQ if they had to go around.

This hadn't been a problem when Lt Kelsey had flown the first XP-38 test flights back in January last year. In the warm and dry air of California. But the problem of carburetor icing had revealed itself in the more damp and cooler Mid-West and North-East winter weather. As long as the pilots had a work around then it wasn't a critical problem. The opposite problem, excessively high carburetor air temperatures weren't occurring though during long climbs the upper CAT limit had been approached. So the intercoolers were doing their job adequately. Considering all the ongoing work Lockheed had getting the P-38 ready for mass production any concerns about the intercoolers could be put aside for the time being.

Hall Hibbard mentioned the discussion he'd had with the representative from General Electric about a month ago. G.E. was going to be producing more powerful turbochargers. They'd likely see the first examples toward the end of the year. More powerful turbochargers meant higher air compression resulting in hotter air being sent to the intercoolers. "Kelly", Hall Hibbard asked, "will our intercoolers be able to deal with these higher CAT temperatures"? Kelly Johnson replied that they probably could handle it until the higher boost exceeded what their current turbochargers could do. Then the pilots may have to throttle back to keep the CAT within limits. Not an efficient use of the equipment but at least it could be managed. Of course this was only theorizing. They'd have to get the new turbochargers first before they'd know their limits.

"Hall, does this tie into the rumours we've been hearing about Allison and their new 1200 horsepower engine?" Hibbard reply was that this was another item they'd have to wait awhile to see if it's true.

"If we do have to improve the intercooling have you any thoughts about how it can be done?" Johnson thought over Hibbards' question for a moment. He replied that he had given it some preliminary work. They would likely have to use a box type intercooler similar to what the B-17s used. But designed and built to meet the P-38's requirements. There was sufficient room in the extended leading edge for radiators and intercoolers both. Johnson explained he'd would move the radiators to sit close to the cockpit nacelle. Their old location would be taken by the intercoolers. Two separate intake ports in each leading edge and two exit shutters. Not a difficult job.

They would have to swap the locations of the exhaust piping running to the turbocharger and the compressed hot air ducting. Running the hot air ducting along the inner side of the engine nacelle and the exhaust piping along the outside. The opposite of what they currently were. The ducting would connect to the new intercoolers. Then from the intercoolers a short run to the carburetors.

"If we installed the new intercoolers in the outer wing root we wouldn't have to change the ducting." Hall Hibbard pointed out. Kelly Johnson replied he'd considered that location. Going by what was in the B-17s Johnson said he doubted a box type intercooler could have been fitted into the narrow space in the outer wing root. The other big factor being they already had plenty of room in the centre wing leading edge extensions. The final factor being that box type intercoolers were heavy and the general rule about putting as much weight as possible close to the centre of gravity and the longitudinal axis applied here too. The upshot being that if they had to replace the intercoolers they could handle it. Giving the subcontractors or suppliers sufficient notice and the information they would need to build intercoolers for the P-38 being the last consideration.

"How is the armament fit coming along now?" Hibbard asked." Johnson, glancing at his watch replied," I'll have to get back to you a little later about that. I'm supposed to be inspecting that right now.

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Working with their supplier Johnsons' team had replaced the lid and windows arrangement with a sliding canopy.
I know I glossed over it in my narrative but always I thought needed to provide a little more insight into how this could have worked. The problem is the tapering shape of the gondola, specifically that at the cockpit it is wider near the front than at the rear. This would mean that there would have to be some sort of free swinging guides/arms that allow the wider front of the sliding canopy to still be connected to the rails through the narrower portion when the canopy is open. Here's an old Top-Down of the P-38H from my TL (I have been meaning to re-draw this because some of the dimensions are wrong) which shows what I mean about the taper at and aft of the cockpit:


When designing the P-38's centre wing leading edge extensions so as to make sufficient room for the radiators the cross feed fuel line had to be relocated. It was moved from the old leading edge and placed beside the main spar between the rear of the reserve fuel tanks and the forward facing side of the main spar. This also had the benefit of reducing the length of fuel line piping in the cockpit.
Great solution! Keep the oil coolers under the engines and put the core-type box intercoolers next to the radiators in the wing LE. This is actually the route I went with the XP-81.


Monthly Donor
While not your PoD, this is the crux of your take on the TL I think. I know Von Karman's ground breaking work on the effects and mathematics of aerodynamic compressibility wasn't presented until January 1941 and published later that year but others had already, over the preceding decade or so, laid the ground work and specifically Ackeret's work on the Lift/Drag of high speed wings and British wind tunnel tests prior to 1935 were able to measure compressibility effects (these test resulted in the term "sound barrier" in fact), although I don't think they identified the cause as compressibility. All this to say, that prior to Von Karman's paper, NACA likely would have been able to identify the issues of reaching the local critical mach velocities and the associated increase in wave drag but they may not have recognized the root cause as one of compressibility. If they did, however, put that together that means the entire field of transonic aerodynamics would move ahead by a couple years and the butterflies this would produce for aircraft developed in the early and mid-war years could be phenomenal! If NACA beat Von Karman by 18 months, then likely their study would have been published and available no later than early 1940 so any aircraft designed after that date or still in early testing/development (e.g. P-47) could benefit from this study. Items like dive flaps would likely come earlier and I would expect propeller improvements as well. The other factor to consider is that if it were NACA that identified compressibility within their own tests then it is very likely that there would be a number of follow-up studies made over the next year or two to produce a complete model of it and the design/engineering solutions needed to reduce its impact. I could see the US producing aircraft truly capable of transonic/super-sonic dives before the end of the war and transonic/super-sonic flight as soon as the propulsion systems allowed.
This makes me wonder how many butterflies there might be from this earlier knowledge, on the prop design of the Westland Whirlwind (which turned out to be the reason for its drastic drop-off in performance at altitude) and general design features of the de Havilland Mosquito or the Hawker Typhoon (particularly the wing and the tail design of the latter) snd the earlier demise of the thick wing concept of many aircraft.

I have a mental image of cannon-armed Whirlwinds chewing their way through Luftwaffe bomber streams during the Battle of Britain, helping shorten that conflict appreciably.
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I have a mental image of cannon-armed Whirlwinds chewing their way through Luftwaffe bomber streams during the Battle of Britain, helping shorten that conflict appreciably.
It always seems like the best tools appeared too late for the initial jobs.
Leaving Hall Hibbards' office Kelly Johnson heads down to the production and assembly floor. He walks over to the front of a line of partially and almost fully assembled P-38s the one at the front of the line, P-38#1, being the most nearly assembled. Johnson would be inspecting the latest changes to the armament package the Air Corps had requested. The lead engineer wanted to discuss these changes and some difficulties that had arose.

Motivated by the combat reports trickling in from the British and French the Air Corps seemed to have developed a mania for heavier caliber weapons. Discarded was their previous "final choice" of 1 37mm cannon, 2 .50caliber HMGs and 2 .30 MMGs. They now wanted 2 37mm cannons and 2 .50 HMGs. The good news was with the forward shifted centre of pressure from the NACA mods the extra weight of the heavier armaments in the nose wasn't going to shift the centre of gravity past the forward limits. The bad news was trying to fit the 2 37mm cannons, their mountings and their ammunition holders along with the 2 .50s in the narrow space of the nose gun bay.

The engineer pointed out to Johnson how they needed to relocate the hydraulic accessories and flight instrument equipment to open more room. The NACA modifications to the windshield had required the top half of the rear of the gun bay bulkhead to be moved forward 8 inches to provide support for the bottom frame of the windshield. This opened enough room between the rear of the bulkhead and the back of the instrument panel for the accessories. The large hydraulic motor for the raising and lowering of the nose gear would have to be left where it was.

Johnson agreed with his engineer that this was the best way to open at least a little more room in the gun bay. They'd need every bit of room they could get for the new armament fit. However there was no way they'd be able to finish the changes in time to meet the Air Corps' deadline to receive the first of the preproduction P-38s by the first of June.

"Then we won't make these changes in #1 P-38 here. The Air Corps may complain about getting their plane without the guns to test out. But is was their last minute requests that caused this." Johnson remarked. "Do you think we can get the gun bay ready and the guns in place in time for #3 P-38s rollout?" Johnson asked the engineer." I think so Kelly. But you know we're still waiting on those 37mms." Johnson replied they were expecting the shipment in the next few days.

Walking down the assembly line to look at some issue with the #7 P-38 Kelly Johnson reflected that it was actually a good thing the Air Corps' request had pushed them into redesigning the gun bay. The more room the better considering the latest communication from the British. They were now requesting putting 4 20mm cannon and their 60 round drums into their P-38s. Where was Lockheed going to get these British 20mm cannons from? He also suspected the Air Corps would be requesting further armament changes. Well, however things may develop Johnson was confident they'd be able to deal with it.

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June 8th, 1940 on a cloudy mid-morning Lockheed rolled out the first of the preproduction P-38s. There had been a few problems which delayed the roll out about a week past the Air Corps' schedule. But all things considered it was considered an achievement #1 P-38 was only a week late. Before Lockheed released the plane to the Army they wanted to conduct a number of flight tests over the next 3 or 4 days. This would give Lockheed's design team immediate information on the #1 P-38's flight characteristics. Which would indicate what, if any, changes would be needed on the following P-38s design. The second of which, providing no major changes, was expected to be rolled out in 3 weeks.

Marshall Headle, the most experienced company pilot Lockheed had would fly the series of tests over the next few days. Including full on power dives starting from 20,000 and up to eventually 35,000. The Air Corps Captain who'd been present at the roll out had objected pointing out these same tests and more would be flown at Wright Field and that his orders were to fly the #1 P-38 to Wright Field immediately after it had passed its initial check out flights. Robert Gross had explained to the Captain that the information gained from Lockheed's extended test flights would benefit future production and likely speed things up too. In the meantime the Captain would be able to familiarize himself with the new plane and discuss the P-38s' flight characteristics with Headle.

There were cheers and clapping from a small crowd of onlookers as #1 P-38 lifted off the runway on its first flight piloted by the capable Marshall Headle. As Robert Gross watched the P-38 begin its climb out he thought about the Army's impatience for their new airplane. Not so unusual really. But he felt that things were a little different nowadays. The latest news from Europe was shocking. The British and French armies in Northern France and Belgium had been defeated in a matter of weeks. How was that possible? The French had the biggest army in Europe and the British had fielded the best part of their Army. Apparently the British had barely managed to evacuate their surviving forces back to England. France would now have to fight on alone. They still had the biggest army in Europe Gross thought. After the French dug in for defensive operations then the war would bog down into the trench warfare similar to the last war. He'd thought it was likely it'll drag on for months if not years. The Great War round 2.

On a bright and sunny early morning on the 14th of June a relieved Air Corps Captain took off from the Lockheed Air Terminal, Burbank, California on his 3 step journey to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. Where some highly interested pilots were eager to get the hands on the P-38. Before he'd let them fly there was some intensive briefing they'd need on this new and very hot pursuit plane. They were after all supposed to examine it in flight and on the ground, not crack it up. Using Lockheed's pilot's notes as a starting base their job was to determine the proper operating procedures for the P-38 and then write up the manual the Air Corp would use to help train new pilots on this newest and hottest pursuit plane.

Back at Lockheed the results gained from the #1 P-38's flight testing had been analyzed and discussed in depth. They were considered largely favourable. It looked like the compressibility and Mach tuck problems had been resolved. The revised canopy and wing filleting had slightly increased the critical Mach number from .76 to .78. Marshall Headle's report had echoed Ben Kelseys'. Diving steeply from as high as 35,000 feet throttles fully opened the P-38 would enter compressibility after a descent of a few thousand feet. The buffeting, while heavy wasn't severe enough to damage the airplane. The elevator wasn't totally locked up and and it was possible to move it with enough effort.

But the simplest way to recover was to simply throttle the engines back and initiate a gradual pull up. This method could be used at any altitude and airspeed and the recovery would begin almost immediately. With full recovery and level flight reached no lower then 12,000 feet. Headle had reported that during testing he hadn't encountered compressibility when diving almost vertically with full throttle from 20,000 feet. He had to climb up to 25,000 before he'd see the effects. The P-38s' compressibility problem appeared to be fully resolved.

The next item being evaluated was the new rectangular shaped coolant radiators in their new location in the centre wing extended leading edge. They had worked very effectively at keeping the engine coolant temperatures within healthy limits. If fact Headle had reported that other when in a full power extended climb the shutters didn't need to be opened widely. In cruise flight about one third open was sufficient to maintain proper coolant temperatures.

The other item on the discussion list was the new windshield and canopy. Both Marshall Headle and the Air Corps Captain had praised that improvement. The visibility front, sides and rearward has much improved. And the ease of sliding a canopy to open and close instead of the original lid and roll up side windows was also praised.
"Still can't open the canopy in flight," Headle had commented. "Even cracking it open slightly gets the elevator trembling." "Why would you want to open it?" Hall Hibbard had asked. " Well Hall, it gets a bit warm and stuffy in there when flying down low. I'd hate to think what it'll be like in the Philippines or Panama." There was no reply to that comment but a thoughtful look did appear on a couple of faces.

Last to speak about the canopy was Kelly Johnson. He described the inspection and maintenance carried out on #1 P-38 before releasing it to the Air Corps. The canopy had been closely examined. There were no signs of cracking or warping on the plexiglass either on its open surfaces and where it was fastened to its framing. Considering the aerodynamic forces it had been subjected to during the high speed diving and the compressibility shock waves and buffeting it had experienced Kelly Johnson stated that the new canopy was sufficiently robust for mass production. Lockheed had batted 3 for 3 on these matters. But what would the future bring?

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On the afternoon of June 29th, exactly 3 weeks after # 1 P-38s' roll out, the second preproduction airplane was towed out onto the apron in front of Building 30. Lockheed is keeping to their schedule this time. The plane differs little from its older sister. Some changes to the hydraulic system being the only notable difference. It does have the distinction of being the last P-38 constructed with a control yoke. All following production will have the control sticks.

Flight testing of the #2 P-38 would begin in the late afternoon after the mechanics had completed their final checks and the engines had their runups and warmups. No extensive flight testing this time. Two factory test flights to check that everything was working properly. And then first thing tomorrow morning the ferry flight to Wright Field.

"You're gonna have to wait for number 3, Ralph" Marshall Headle said to Lockheed's newly hired company pilot, the former air racer Ralph Virden. Along with testing out the second P-38 Headle was supposed to familiarize Virden with the new plane and then supervise from the ground Virdens' first familiarization flight. "Heck, thought Headle, if Ralph does OK he was going to let him fly the second test out flight." After which if all went well Headle would then fly the P-38 to Dayton on the third day after the roll out.

But now the Air Corps wanted the new plane ASAP. Yesterday the first P-38 had been destroyed in a crash at Wright Field. The preliminary report Lockheed had received stated there had been an engine failure on takeoff and the pilot had not handled it properly. The P-38 had rolled into the dead engine, snagged a wingtip and cartwheeled, destroying the plane and killing the pilot.

As soon as #2 P-38 was deemed airworthy Marshall Headle was tasked with delivering it to Wright Field. After arriving he was to stay and work with the Air Corps pilots to workout the best procedure to deal with an engine failure on takeoff. Especially at the critical moment when the P-38 had just lifted off the runway. Once the best procedures were understood they would be written into the P-38s' pilot manual the Air Corps wanted. The Air Corps Captain had known something about minimum single engine control speed in a twin and had advised his pilots accordingly. But it appeared the knowledge hadn't been absorbed by everybody. Those old single engine pursuit plane habits needed further education.

The Air Corps pilots who'd flown the P-38 over the last few weeks had liked the plane. It handled well with smooth and well balanced controls. They liked the power that having two engines gave that allowed the high speed and fast climb rate. They appreciated the reduced vibration, reduced engine roar and to not having to keep correcting for propeller torque. And yet at the same time, despite the complexity and power the P-38 was easy to fly with almost docile low speed handling and a non-violent stall that provided plenty of advance warning to the pilot. It was in a word, a sweetheart.

However the Air Corps pursuit pilots, with far more experience on single engine airplanes had to learn and learn well that the P-38 had one dangerous feature that could kill an unwary or poorly trained pilot. Losing an engine on takeoff, and especially before the minimum single engine control speed was reached, required prompt and correct technique. Or else. It was now up to the test and evaluation pilots at Wright Field along with help from Lockheed to develop these procedures and then enshrine them into the P-38s pilot manual. This was essential knowledge the numerous brand new pilots the Air Corps would soon be training would require.

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From his office window Robert Gross watched as the second P-38 was slowly towed out onto the parking apron in front of the building. Thinking about the news from Wright Field he hoped the second plane would last longer then its predecessor. It seemed to Gross there had been a fair bit of bad news lately. The sudden surrender of France 4 days ago had shocked the world. It was both astonishing and unsettling to consider that France had been defeated in barely 6 weeks and Britain driven from the Continent. The same two countries that had held off the Germans for 4 years in WW1.

How could this have happened? France with its huge army with support by Britain's formidable expeditionary force. The Germans had crushed them in 6 weeks. It was inexplicable and disturbing. And now Britain stands alone against Germany and Italy. They still have the largest navy in the world and their fine air force as well. Will that be enough to hold off the German onslaught? Robert Gross returned to his desk and returned his thoughts back to company business. There was much to do.

No P-38 pictures with this post. Instead a grim reminder of why planes like the P-38 needed to be built.
Looks like things are shaping up nicely in your earlier TL, @Draconis. The unexpected loss of YP-38 #1 (AAC Ser #39-689? lost OTL 4 NOV 1941 during high-speed dive resulting in loss of aircraft and Ralph Virden, of course since the Army only ordered 8, rather than 13, pre-production prototypes in TTL it could be 39-693 instead if the eight are the bottom 8 of the OTL block rather than the top 8) due to engine failure on T/O at Wright seems like it will give them a 3 year jump on engine-out procedures and training and should save live and airplanes.
July 11th sees the roll out of the 3rd preproduction P-38. About 2 days behind schedule due to the 4th of July holiday and a couple of hitches with the armament fit. As it was the plane was absent its gunsight, ammunition holders for the two 37mm cannon and missing the two .50 HMGs entirely. But the people at Wright Field wanted another airplane right away and were unconcerned if the guns were not operational. At least for now. P-38 #4 was expected to be completed in about a week and if the gunsight manufacturer and the Army came through it would have a working armament set.

P-38 #3 was the first to be built with the control stick that the Air Corps had requested. All future production would continue with that. And it was the first with the guns installed. Well, if only partially. Looking over the airplane Ralph Virden thought the overall sleekness was still there. With the slender twin booms tapering down to the tail. The smooth contours of the engine nacelles and the cockpit nacelle with its slanted back windshield and gently curved rear canopy. But the look was marred by the two cannon barrels sticking out of the nose. The 37mm on the lower left of the gun bay protruding several inches. The one on the lower right side of the gun bay protruded about 8 inches. Actually extending past the nose by about an inch. "Ugly, but it was a warplane after all", thought Ralph Virden as he continued his inspection.

The empty gun ports for the two machine guns were placed about a foot or so back from the nose just forward of the two access panels. Neatly lined up side by side they looked like the P-38 had a pair of eyes. Virden was joined by Marshall Headle, recently returned from Wright Field, who would soon be taking P-38 #3 up on its first check out flight. Afterwards if all went well Virden would fly the second check out under Headle's supervision. This being his first time flying a P-38.

By the end of the day Marshall Headle was satisfied P-38 #3 was ready for its early morning trip to Ohio. Lockheed wanted Headle to return to Wright Field with the plane to assist the Air Corps pilots with their evaluations and assessments. Because of this second absence Headle had taken the opportunity ensure Ralph Virden was well familiarized with the P-38. By directing Virden to conduct a few extra flights on top of the second check flight. This included a number of touch and goes which gave Headle a closer look at how Virden was handling the plane. After the last flight Headle spoke to Virden, "Ralph, I think you're ready to handle the #4 checkout if I'm not back from Wright next week. And if I am back you'll still test it out. Things are going to get a lot more busy around here soon."

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The 3rd week of July sees #5 and #6 preproduction P-38s, as alike as peas in a pod, completed and flown away. On the last day of the month #7, the first P-38 with cockpit heating is check flown by Ralph Virden and turned over to Captain Ben Kelsey. Who will be taking it on his third cross country flight in a P-38 to Fort Benning, Georgia. Near cross country anyway. Where the first of the armament testing will be carried out. Number 8, the final preproduction model expected to be completed by August 3rd will be making the same journey. The Air Corps wants to know if their new high performance plane shoots as good as it flies.

On August 9th Lockheed begins full scale production of the first of the remaining 402 P-38s on order to the Air Corps. Designated simply as P-38s these planes are identical to P-38#8, the last of the preproduction planes. It had been a long and difficult process bringing the P-38 to this point but a very successful one. Problems still existed however. The biggest being the slow rate of production. Lockheed's prediction for August's production was 12 planes if everything went smoothly. Looking ahead to September they'd be doing well if they could build better then one a day. Counting the Air Corps and the British orders they had over 1000 airplanes that needed constructing the quicker the better.

Clearly Lockheed had to ramp up production. Any timely and practical way to do that would be expensive. How to finance a major expansion?

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Designated as the P-38A these planes are identical to P-38#8, the last of the preproduction planes
Historically at this time the first production models were usually not assigned a letter designation, so just plain P-38 would be appropriate here. Also, the USAAC would likely reserve one of the YP's for destructive testing as was standard practice (which is why OTL there were 13 rather than 12 YPs).

One thing that I don't think I've addressed is the handedness of the props. I never touched on it in my TL because it was changed between the XP and YP IOTL, well before the POD for my. Here, I suspect the same realization was made that the properly counter-rotating (inward at top of arc) produced instabilities and was poorly suited as a gunnery platform (also, I've seen some discussion about it reducing the lift available to the center section, though that seems to have been a bigger issue with the latter NAA XP-82) so the change to the double-critical (outward at top of arc) setup still happened as OTL?

Counting the Air Corp and the British orders they had over 1000 airplanes that needed constructing the quicker the better.
:eek: A 1000 P-38s on order by mid 1940!? That's their financing right there! IOTL they ran over the R&D Cost of the XP-38 by a good $500,000 but the initial YPs and the British/French orders were for just under $150k/unit irrc. By 1944 unit cost as delivered was something like $92k. So, if Lockheed can build these first 1000 for $100k/ea. and they have contracted sale prices of say $140k, then they are sitting on $40,000,000 of future profits. They should be able to get a loan against those contracts.