WI: Louis XVI successfully escapes France

What would have been the consequences if Louis XVI had not been arrested in Varennes and was able to successfully flee to Austria?
In my opinion, the Revolution would have been less consolidated internally, but externally, it would on the contrary consolidate the European alliance against France. It would have started with an Austro-French war, followed by Austria's allied Prussia, but once the French invaded the southern Netherlands Britain would have stepped in. Afterwards, could the Terreur under Robespierre be less terrible? Afterwards, will the revolutionary wars and Napoleon's accession to power still take place ITTL? Then, at the fall of Nappy in 1814, suppose that in the meantime Louis XVI took refuge in Britain after the occupation of Austria, would the Allies agree to restore him to the French throne or would they put Louis XVII, if he survives?
If he escaped, he would be considered no longer king, as he can't rule from Austria. His Austrian allies could try and invade, but they had other things on their plate.
Much would depend from what the revolutionaries in France will do after Louis’ escape. By the way Antoinette and the kids will go in Austria but Louis will most likely remain inside the French borders with the troops still loyal to him.
As at this point is likely early for a Republic in France I believe who the Revolutionaries would say who Louis and all the other princes who have emigrates from France have lost their place in the line of succession and so would put the Duke d’Orléans (who is just behind Louis XVI’s nephews in the line of succession) as new Constitutional King of France. As said Duke d’Orleans was know in this years as Philippe Egalitè and Chartres, his son and heir, was the future King Louis Philip, I have no doubt who the French constitutional monarchy would remain stable unless they lost the war and Louis XVI or XVII are restored on the throne
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