WI: David Lynch directs Return of the Jedi...

...I believe force lightning is literally such an advanced technique that it is needed to be taught by a Sith master...

And if Force lightning needs to be taught, how was it devised in the first place?

...you almost have to wonder if Sith Lightning might even REQUIRE one to have hatred or passion that can be channeled.

In the Extended Universe, Jedi have used and are using force lightning (pre- and post-Original Trilogy) so it wouldn't be a stretch for Luke to do so...

...I still insist that lightning must be taught in some form, that does not necessarily mean by another force-user, but indirectly by a Holocron or something of that nature...

I'm still not convinced of the "Force lightning has to be taught" bit, since that doesn't explain the origin of the technique.

One thing in all of this that no one pointed out that I can see, so I'm going to do it.

This WI is talking about very possibly a complete change to the storyline, before the 'physics' of the universe have even been nailed down and published. This movie would have been the first time most, if not all, fans were even aware that this power was possible.

If Lucas and Lynch decided that Luke could use force lightning, and if such a thing would advance the plot in a way that worked for them, they would have him use it. They would make it so that it doesn't have to be taught. They would find a way to explain how he can use it later.

Even if Lucas had already developed the physics on his own, it certainly wouldn't have been the first time he retconned something he'd already decided was true.
Aw...come on! We went over this on Clerks: they had to have independent contractors on the Death Star that weren't military. "You think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main? Fuck no! All they know are killing in white uniforms."
And in, How I Met your Mother:

Marshall Eriksen said:
It was Called The Death Star, Baby. They Knew, What they were Signing on, for!

As for, Force Lightning ...

As a Direct Manifestation of Dark Side Energy ...

Sparks would Tend to Erupt from The Fingertips, at Random Intervals while Under Extreme Duress; Actually, Using THAT as a Weapon, However, would be What would HAVE to be Taught!
Sparks would Tend to Erupt from The Fingertips, at Random Intervals while Under Extreme Duress; Actually, Using THAT as a Weapon, However, would be What would HAVE to be Taught!

It would give a much more visual example of learning to control your anger, for either Jedi (who work to repress it completely and focus that energy on a more positive outcome) or Sith (who work to keep that energy under control and in secret, so that they can focus the anger on what they really need to change).