WI: Crosstime Traffic and The Commonwealth of New Virginia meet

So after reading both Crosstime traffic and Conquistador it got me thinking about what would happen if both Crosstime Traffic and The Commonwealth of New Virginia discovered each other on a relatively primitive world in North America. A Europe with roughly late medieval/renaissance tech level is the most advanced place in the world. So what would be the fallout from these two alternate world traveling groups meeting and the general reaction on both their home world's?
It is interesting to wonder if the Earth that produced John Rolfe the "Old Man of New Virginia" was actually the Earth that also produced Crosstime …
It is interesting to wonder if the Earth that produced John Rolfe the "Old Man of New Virginia" was actually the Earth that also produced Crosstime …
Wouldn't be too far of a stretch. So any idea on the public reaction on both worlds once information about each other goes public.
Doubtless they would regard one another as quite serious Rivals; I can imagine the Rolfe-pioneered subterfuge of the Commonwealth bringing Crosstime operatives out in hives (and the aggressively white-bread/neo-Feudalist tendencies of New Virginia don't exactly help) while the First Families likely see their Corporate counterparts as too venturesome by half and excessively commercialised!;)
Doubtless they would regard one another as quite serious Rivals; I can imagine the Rolfe-pioneered subterfuge of the Commonwealth bringing Crosstime operatives out in hives (and the aggressively white-bread/neo-Feudalist tendencies of New Virginia don't exactly help) while the First Families likely see their Corporate counterparts as too venturesome by half and excessively commercialised!;)
Doubt they'd try and meddle with each other, though I can see some off the more cynical/disillusioned/conservative/cold hearted people of CT earth moving to the commonwealth.
You'd have to have plucky heroine from a cross time traffic family (heroine so she experience ncv sexism in all its glory) is taking a year off before she starts college at UCLA (because UCLA is the BEST SCHOOL EVAH in any Turtledove-verse we'd want to live in). She in one of the Greek cities blending in (cause Turtledove knows his Greek) when the family realises there is competition in the slightly advanced cool gadget market. Being plucky, she investigates. Her stupid younger brother follows.

NVC merchants capture her and younger brother. They want to know how they got there. They're taken to California for questions. But she's made friends with cool NVC boy who is watching out for her.

Plot goes on from here
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