WI: Cicero survives

Rather simple WI that could have rather significant ramifications: what if Cicero had lived past 43 BCE? Now, he was already 63 at the time, so it's perhaps far fetched to think he could survive too much longer, but it's an interesting idea all the same.

Admittedly, it's a bit difficult to justify this considering how intent Marc Antony was on having him killed, but let's say that he goes in to hiding (perhaps under Octavian's protection), and resurfaces only after Antony and Octavian split.
Rather simple WI that could have rather significant ramifications: what if Cicero had lived past 43 BCE? Now, he was already 63 at the time, so it's perhaps far fetched to think he could survive too much longer, but it's an interesting idea all the same.

Admittedly, it's a bit difficult to justify this considering how intent Marc Antony was on having him killed, but let's say that he goes in to hiding (perhaps under Octavian's protection), and resurfaces only after Antony and Octavian split.

Nothing changes. Cicero was rather spineless and would no doubt have accepted whatever small pension Augustus waswilling to give him and stay quiet. He may venture out now and again to deliver an oration in favour of his good patron or to give a public reading of his latest pompous history book but that's about it I'd think.
On the other hand, the poor wretched modern students would be inflicted a double amount of pompus useless orations during their latin lessons.
We might gain a huge amount more understanding of what really went on in the 30s BC, if Cicero remains such a prominent letter writer, which will have interesting impacts down the line.
Except that it would be heavily biased and its accuracy would be doubtful, like the description of Verrae OTL.
Cicero had the habit of covering with whitewash the pictures representing the triumphs of his political enemys.
And I'm not talking metaphores here.