WI Cardinal Charles II de Bourbon Vendome escapes imprisonmnent and becomes King?

King Henri III, having learned that the cardinal was involved with the party of the League, and fearing that he was useful against him, placed the cardinal in captivity initially in Tours, and then in Fontenay-le-Comte in Poitou. King Henri III was assassinated in 1589. At once the Duc de Mayenne proclaimed the Cardinal of Bourbon king of France, under the name of Charles X. It was the best choice which the house of Lorraine could make to save time and to prepare, in the shade of this phantom of royalty, to place one of its members on the French throne, since the king de Navarre, the elder of the branch of the Bourbons and heir to the branch of Valois, was excluded by his Protestantism. In the natural order of succession, the cardinal came after his nephew, who did not have children; this middle term could thus gain with the League those Catholics who, while fearing the advent to the throne of a Protestant prince, did not want a king who was not legitimate. The Lorraines, with the favor of the name of Charles X, could thus continue to undermine the power of Béarnais, and to prepare the advent of their house. On March 5, 1590, the Parliament handed down a judgment, in which it recognized Charles X as true and legitimate king of France. The League consequently engraved a seal and currencies with the effigy of the alleged King Charles X; someone even spoke of obtaining a papal exemption to allow this prelate of sixty-six years to marry the widow of the duke of Guise.
WI Cardinal de Bourbon escaped prison and was crowned as King Charles X as the Parliament has decided? How is that altering History? Any thoughts?
Would Catholics overcome Protestants with Charles X? Or Henry de Navarre never converts and manages to ascend the French throne turning the "eldest daughter of the Church" into protestantism???
Intersting topic.
But if Henry of Navarre make a claim on the throne, a cvil war would erupt just as did in OTL, So wath is the difference if there is a interim king on the throne?
But in this TL Henry de Navarre remains Protestant... Catholics are stuck with an old former Cardinal with no children... Assuming the Pope releases him from his vows so he can marry what are his chances of him having an heir?
On the other hand Isabella daughter of Philippe of Spain has a claim and she is catholic but Salic Law excludes her from succession...
You could have the War of French Succession that way... Catholics with Charles X Protestants with Henry de Navarre and Spanish with Isabella...
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I ve started writing a TL about that but i got stuck with a rewriting of Euripede's Baccae and put my TL temporarily aside... But it would be interesting to have a War of French Succession between Catholics, Protestants, Spain and maybe English? If Elisabeth decides to enter this war with the long standing English claims on French Crown...
What do u think of that?
ACtually, only the fanatic catholics go with Charles X ( who is a rebel against the rightful catholic king Henry III, BTW, if he flees, IIRC ). The moderate had rallied Henry IV before his conversion ( and after Henry III's death ) and will do so again.

OTOH, Spain had recognised Charles X as King of France, OTL, so there's no reason it will not do so.

So a two sided civil war, with the fanatic catholics, the Guise and Spain supporting Charles X ( and wondering what to do when he dies ) and Protestant, the moderate catholics and whoever hates spainsh intervention ( and inquisition ) more than protestantism supporting Henry IV. Likely, there will be english and dutch support to Henry.

I think Henry will win at the end, but France will be devastated ( OTOH, I doubt Spain will keep its netherlands )
If Charles X dies with no heir, Philippe can push the candidacy of his daughter Isabella... (in contravention of Salic Law of course but in a civil war anything is open...)
Actually this civil war in France could attract more states to interfere... Besides Protestants and Catholics there would be Spain supporting Charles X and after his potential deat heirless support Infanta Isabella... Elisabeth I had just crushed the Spanish Armada and had a superior Navy so she could press her claims to France too (plus England's interference would have given excuse to Philippe II to avenge for his defeat in 1588)
As for Rudolf II HRE he would consult his horoscope first and if stars were ok he would choose sides...:D:D:D (Just a joke...)
Papacy would have supported Charles X and certainly after his death the Infanta Isabella (in contravention of Salic Law but he is the Pope anyway) How would Europe emerged from this potential conflict???