WI: American Tank Doctrine isn't Totally Misguided

The M10 had slightly better armor than the Sherman in exchange for not having a roof, an unpowered turret, and less speed, which makes it a liability in close fighting.
No it doesn't. M4 Sherman still has better armor.

Alternatively find a way to cram the 90mm into a Sherman chassis.
This was looked into but wouldn't have gotten 90mm guns into combat any sooner. Thus they decided to stick with the M36 and M26.
The lower profile would have been nice...
Whilst a lower profile is nearly always nice, providing that you don't compromise the other attributes of the vehicle to achieve it, was the Sherman really all that overly tall? I have a picture someone posted on another site of it head on alongside several other German tanks, and possibly a British one but couldn't say for certain, and they all seem to be of a roughly similar height. I think the Sherman picked up the reputation of being too tall via a combination of being taller than some of the earlier models during the war and its height/width ratio giving a visual impression.

Were the TD's worth it at all?
Depends how you use them. The British seem to have had good results dropping a 17-pounder onto the American M10 tank destroyer to create the Achilles, IIRC they used them as self-propelled guns to rapidly bring up heavy anti-tank guns to dig in to secure advances.
Whilst a lower profile is nearly always nice, providing that you don't compromise the other attributes of the vehicle to achieve it, was the Sherman really all that overly tall? I have a picture someone posted on another site of it head on alongside several other German tanks, and possibly a British one but couldn't say for certain, and they all seem to be of a roughly similar height. I think the Sherman picked up the reputation of being too tall via a combination of being taller than some of the earlier models during the war and its height/width ratio giving a visual impression.
Compared to T-34, most British tanks, and Panzer IV; it is taller. But then Panther and Tiger are even taller.
Obsolete by the mid-1980s and phased out completely by 1990.

Sure, but the fact that it served for the almost all of the Cold War shows that someone thought they were useful. I think even that example proves the point I was trying to make, that tank destroyers are certainly not confined to WW2.