What would the map of colonial Africa look like if it were divided only between France, Germany and France?

The map of the sharing of Africa if it were only divided between these three great potentials (Ethiopia has to be colonized)
You mean between France, Germany and United Kingdom?

Well, it probably would depend about POD. Probably Germany would get more of Africa. Perhaps it can get Congo and perhaps land connection between Tanganyika and Namibia.
I'd imagine Libya and Eritrea would become French, while Somalia is divided between the UK and Germany.

As for the Portuguese colonies, Guinea Bissau would become French, while Angola would be divided between the southern half going to German Namibia, and the north going to France. Mozambique would see Maputo joining SA as another province, while Zimbabwe would also gain a coastline. Northern Mozambique would join some form of German Tanzania.

In the Belgian Congo, Katangna would become British, with maybe Uganda becoming bigger. The Germans would doubtless get new land too. In the Spanish colonies, Western Sahara could have become French or German. Equatorial Guinea will just become another part of French Africa.
If France is divided, wouldn't it make sense that one of them would no longer bear that name (depends on the POD too).
Knowing how the OTL France could help us to know which one has the most means and resources for colonization.
Moreover, could the POD be found?
Germany, French Republic and Kingdom of France?
Perhaps, but where is this Republic and this Kingdom? Whoever has a coastline on the Mediterranean will probably look to North Africa.
The one in the north will probably keep the counters in Senegal for example. Moreover it depends on their institutions, if one is an isolationist he will not risk to launch out in a colonial empire.
Finally, how were these two states born? Because if they are at war with each other they cannot focus on Africa.


Assuming that the third option is meant to be Britain....

Keep in mind how much easier it would be to do land-swaps if there are just three powers involved, and they've pushed out all competitors. Assuming vaguely as-in-OTL starting positions, I'd expect the three to come to an arrangement rather like this:


(Yes, it's a quick-and-crude edit of an OTL map. Sue me.)

This way, each country gets an area that includes bits with valuable natural resources, there's no big 'mess' of competing claims, and they all get pretty much the kind of deal they wanted in OTL.
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Perhaps there was different French Revolution and France is divided as republic and kingdom?
Or the Wars of Religion: France gets divided between the Huguenots and the Catholic League, while the Habsburgs take advantage of a weakened rival to centralize Germany under their control...
I feel like a lot of "divided France" scenarios would have Mothra-sized butterflies that could end up outright preventing the Scramble for Africa. Still, it's fun to imagine.