Presuming there is a POD sometime between 1914 and 1917, which causes the Entente to either lose the Great War with the Central Powers coming out victorious, or a peace treaty is signed with neither side coming out truly on top of the other. Either way it results in a situation like that of OTL that results in the rise of a fascist dictatorship in A) Britain, B) France, or C) both countries, let’s say for the sake of this scenario it’s C. Both fall to fascism (or it’s counterpart) in the early 1930s, build up their armies and industry again throught the decade, do the usual fascist activities like mass roundups, purges, major discrimination of minorities, etc., and finally kickstart WW2 sometime between 1938 to 1941, with the war lasting approximately OTL’s length of 6 years. Among their enemies includes the United States of America, and maybe if they still exist in this universe, the Soviet Union too or some other stand in far left country. By the war’s conclusion, both London and Paris have surrendered, having not only launched a devastating war that killed millions of people and left many cities in ruins, but also committed numerous atrocities aswell.

Depending on what exactly the racial ideology and policies of these alternate regimes were, and how much it differed from OTL’s Nazism, it can be presumed that were virulently White supremacist, racialist, anti-Semitic, antiziganist, and xenophobic, believing in much of what OTL’s Axis Powers believed in, but with an Entente twist to it. Regardless of what they exactly believe in compared to OTL, their ideology, bigotry, and actions would result in the deaths of millions upon millions of “inferior peoples” whenever they be shot by secret police or killing squads in their own homes, out in the streets or in the middle of the woods or fields, killed in detention centres or ghettos, or they are sent off to newly constructed concentration camps, with horrific conditions very much comparable to Bergen-Belsen or Auschwitz. The death toll is around the same as IOTL with around 6-11 million people perishing, if not perhaps even more, depending if the two managed to hold onto some of it not a good chunk of their pre-WWI colonies.

After the war, TTL’s equivalent of the Nuremberg Trials are set up to prosecute British and French War Criminals, alongside their collaborators, for genocide and conquests they unleashed upon numerous countries and their peoples. Many are sentenced to death and executed, imprisoned for life, or get other harsh sentences, as the allied powers (again among them the Americans) occupy the two rebuilding countries.

The main question of this timeline is what would happen to Britain and France afterward? Specifically, how would their version of Denazification go? And what would their histories and present day selves be like by 2021? How would this impact their national identities, their societies, their governments, their art, their culture/their popular culture? How would Britain and France’s minorities and other marginalised groups fare in this world post-War? What would happen to the rest of the Commonwealth and Francophonie? Would Britain’s monarchy be abolished or would it be like Japan’s and somehow get very lucky? How would Britain and France reposition themselves back on both the European and World stages? Would the two be “better” or “worser” off in this timeline from the perspective of someone from OTL’s world?

TL;DR: What if what happened to Germany IOTL happened to Britain, France, or both or more Entente countries?
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