I'm having some problems, and would ask how to be able to include nested quotes, so as to make our interchange more easily followable. I'll try it the only way I know how, but it is a very time consuming and tedious process, but I don't know any other way of doing this than manually inserting all the quotation portions into the sections of your reply.
I have to say, I think that you may just be missing the point. Was there NO alternative way the post war period could have been managed, where Germany is not whole sale cut off at the knees? No way to achieve any type of peace, that stops German bullying, but also takes into account all the other factors that were an issue, on all sides? I think there is, and I got an idea that I thinks is a brilliant idea, and you are the one that gave this idea to me, so...
How does this make sense as a reply to the quoted text? I am going to posit that the primary difference between German Empire building and that of the British and French activities, was that when the B/F were doing it, there was plenty of less developed peoples to be ruthlessly conquered and exploited, but by the time the Germans came to the game, they didn't have as much to grab as the others, and so started to take nibble and bites out of the French Empire. This has to be stopped, of course, but the method of doing so historically was far overdone and unneeded. Taking the whole of the Germans Empire was a mistake, as they then had nothing left, and therefore nothing left to loose. OTOH, leave them a colony or three, and they save face, and now still having something that they can (and know they will) loose, and this can serve as a wonderful incentive to "play nicely" with others. This also makes it possible for the Entente to come off as less the bad guys than they historically did, and deservedly so.
Now for the part where you
gave me an idea.
We can all agree that the Germans need to pay to rebuild the parts of Belgium and France that were torn up in the war, right? And that this reconstruction needs to be a separate and additional expense from the reparations, right?
How much did France pay to build the OTL
Maginot Line? Why not bill the Germans for these fortifications? Do it at the same time as the reconstruction, and then the French can feel secure from future attacks by Germany (make this line extend all the way to the sea), without doing anything like historically demanding the Germans be disarmed. And what is good for the French, why not give to the Belgians as well, as they too were invaded, so too they should have seen a fortified border with Germany, and paid for by the Germans themselves!
After the Germans are done paying for these two fortified borders, and you don't disarm the Germans this time round, tie their military budgets to the size of the reparations payments, on a one for one basis, so that if the post war german military budget is 'X' amount of marks per year, then the same amount needs to be paid in total war reparations, year after year, until they pay them off entirely. If the Germans want to reduce the size of their military, temporarily, in order to reduce the strain of a big military and big reparations at the same time, then they would have that right, but at the cost of a weakened defense capability, and it would be their own choice, rather than something imposed from the outside.
This would have been a far and away better choice than what was historically done, and removed most of the anger that the Entente brought on themselves.
This is to me, one of the main sticking points with what was done to Germany post WWI, and you didn't actually address the point of the quoted text at all, but just went on a bit of a rant. Too put things into perspective, what if the French had been the ones to have their navy cut down post war, as to just two armoured ships, of 10,000 tons displacement max, and guns no more than 11"? Would this not be fair in comparison to what Germany was forced to put up with, given that Germany is 1.5 France, and they were only allowed three such ships. If you can say that with a straight face, that France would just accept that, and be expected to do so with good grace...?
I'm assuming that you refer to the Treaty of
Brest-Litovsk imposed upon the Russian Empire? Anyone want to take a challenge, and make a composite image, that shows the pre war borders of the Russian Empire and then the borders of B-L ones, and then impose those on
modern borders? I have to ask, just what did Russia loose in the treaty of B-L, as opposed to lossed to their Empire, rather than to their nation?
As far as taking German lands, and then trying to keep them forever, why not do the idea of fortifications of/on the existing, pre-war borders, paid for at German expense, as that way, it doesn't enable anyone later on saying. "hey, that is our land and our people", and instead taking a look at a now very heavily fortified border, and realizing that there is no fast and easy way to sweep through and outflank the French, what then for starting another war? This approach doesn't inspire a deep rooted (and justified) hatred and the desire for revenge that the ham-fisted 'peace' of OTL did, and might just work better.
With respect, the so-called peace that the British and French imposed historically was a hot mess, the USA didn't have anything to do with it, and never ratified/signed off on that, so no, it isn't the fault of the USA that Britain and France when overboard when trying to make the world safe for their empires, by taking Germany's, and then trying to disarm them on top of that.