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Joe Steele takes a wife (1923, colorized).

Hilariously enough, Steele is indeed married and has a daughter. I just have been waiting to write a whole chapter about them after we're done seeing how Steele's crackdown is going. The fate of Steele's daughter is going to be... interesting... to say the least. She'll have an unfortunate future husband (no spoilers though). Steele is very much a family man.

As for the Bible: They use the King James with parts they don't like changed. One edit I have canonically said they made was redoing the Witch of Endor story so no one could compare the Council to witchcraft.
I could see Steele getting married purely as a political move, maybe to someone in the economic clans or the AFC to cement his control over them, especially if Mrs Steele is just as ruthless. The whole wedding would be pure Bread and Circus smokescreen while the Steeles commit horrific acts elsewhere. And while there's may be little to no warmth between Mr and Mrs Steele, Joe having a daughter he actually loves can be his one humanising and redeeming feature

Of course considering we are talking about Joseph Stalin/ Joe Steele, i expect his love will often translate in a desire to control every aspect of her life
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Joe Steele takes a wife (1923, colorized).

Hilariously enough, Steele is indeed married and has a daughter. I just have been waiting to write a whole chapter about them after we're done seeing how Steele's crackdown is going. The fate of Steele's daughter is going to be... interesting... to say the least. She'll have an unfortunate future husband (no spoilers though). Steele is very much a family man.

As for the Bible: They use the King James with parts they don't like changed. One edit I have canonically said they made was redoing the Witch of Endor story so no one could compare the Council to witchcraft.
Oh God it's Oswald isn't it? The First Family of the Free World. They can share Mundy
So I watched Apocalypse Now for the first time today in it's final cut form at the cinema. It was a real bad acid trip of a war movie, a river that slowly flows into Hell as everyone slowly loses there mind.

Anyway I highly suspect that the Madnessverse RU army will probably conduct itself in a same way what with it's cocaine guzzling, boozing, maincal heads. Of course there will be a crap ton of Colonel "Charlie Don't Surf" Kilgore's and Colonel "The Horror...The Horror" Kurtz's running around deciding how they will fight there wars.

If the Americans ever get involved in South East Asia (probably because of the Dutch) then I expect we'll be seeing a lot of those folks breaking out the acid and the napalm as they dance around naked saying "It's Beautiful" as they watch the jungles burn.
So I watched Apocalypse Now for the first time today in it's final cut form at the cinema. It was a real bad acid trip of a war movie, a river that slowly flows into Hell as everyone slowly loses there mind.

Anyway I highly suspect that the Madnessverse RU army will probably conduct itself in a same way what with it's cocaine guzzling, boozing, maincal heads. Of course there will be a crap ton of Colonel "Charlie Don't Surf" Kilgore's and Colonel "The Horror...The Horror" Kurtz's running around deciding how they will fight there wars.

If the Americans ever get involved in South East Asia (probably because of the Dutch) then I expect we'll be seeing a lot of those folks breaking out the acid and the napalm as they dance around naked saying "It's Beautiful" as they watch the jungles burn.
I think that the OTL tendency to keep kill counts will be much worse, forget necklaces of human ears and say hello to entire garlands of the damned things.
So I watched Apocalypse Now for the first time today in it's final cut form at the cinema. It was a real bad acid trip of a war movie, a river that slowly flows into Hell as everyone slowly loses there mind.

Anyway I highly suspect that the Madnessverse RU army will probably conduct itself in a same way what with it's cocaine guzzling, boozing, maincal heads. Of course there will be a crap ton of Colonel "Charlie Don't Surf" Kilgore's and Colonel "The Horror...The Horror" Kurtz's running around deciding how they will fight there wars.

If the Americans ever get involved in South East Asia (probably because of the Dutch) then I expect we'll be seeing a lot of those folks breaking out the acid and the napalm as they dance around naked saying "It's Beautiful" as they watch the jungles burn.
Concept: Apocalypse Now but Kurtz is the villain because he has fully gone native and is fighting for Indochina’s independence and is opposed to forced conversion to the AFC
Hey @Napoleon53! A few posts ago I asked about segregation of "better races" in the RU. Do Blacks, Nipponese, Jews and Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic-Nordics go to separate schools and hospitals, do they live in separate neighboorhoods? How else would "miscegenation" be prevented? Also, so far I've noticed non Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic-Nordic "better" groups are hardly represented in RU media. So, I imagine there's still some kind of racism in the RU's culture. One more thing, how's South Africa ITTL? How different from OTL it is? And is apartheid going to happen? Thanks!
See, I took that line to mean that Steele’s daughter will be the brutal one traumatising her husband, not the other way around

God, I wonder if Oswald would be marrying the most over-the-top spoiled Daddy's Girl stereotype ever, and would be utterly powerless to resist her:

"Chuuuuckie buy me that new purse all the girls are talking about or else I'm gonna tell Daddy you've been hitting me! And you remember what he threatened to do if you hurt me...."

*Grumbles in clam chowder*

Hey @Napoleon53! A few posts ago I asked about segregation of "better races" in the RU. Do Blacks, Nipponese, Jews and Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic-Nordics go to separate schools and hospitals, do they live in separate neighboorhoods? How else would "miscegenation" be prevented? Also, so far I've noticed non Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic-Nordic "better" groups are hardly represented in RU media. So, I imagine there's still some kind of racism in the RU's culture. One more thing, how's South Africa ITTL? How different from OTL it is? And is apartheid going to happen? Thanks!

As for miscegenation, I would argue that what probably happened is a kind of "informal segregation" at least among the unmarried youth.

"True Fascist Pinnacle Men and Women stick to their kind to socialize until after they're married! That way we protect the blood of the New Jerusalem."

As for the media, I suppose this is a case of real life writing the plot. It's hard to present images of a more diverse pop culture if you can't really base them off images from OTL. However, the Union's response to alleged racist remarks against African-Americans (by a famous actor no less) shows some level of equality.
Is Steele going to get married? I know Custer wasn't and in Classic he also didn't, but I think him getting married definitely fits with his whole "I'm a strong, moral, Christian man who believes in family values" thing. I think it would be great if Mr. and Mrs. Steele were the Frank and Claire Underwood to Mr. and Mrs. Oswald's Joker and Harley Quinn. Plus, a Presidential wedding would be perfect for some insane pageantry.

I both agree and disagree. On the one hand, you're totally right, Steele is someone who craves unquestioned power. On the other, I could absolutely see him giving her more power than anyone else in his administration (although still a great deal less than him) because a kind feminine voice and face is the perfect velvet glove over his Steele fist (I refuse to apologize for my pun). They both win: he gets someone to boost his family values image and a motherly figure to soothe the nation's fear of Papa Joe, while his ruthless Strong Woman wife gets to be the most powerful woman on the planet in return for obedience and loyalty to her husband. There are worse deals one could find.

Hilariously enough, Steele is indeed married and has a daughter. I just have been waiting to write a whole chapter about them after we're done seeing how Steele's crackdown is going. The fate of Steele's daughter is going to be... interesting... to say the least. She'll have an unfortunate future husband (no spoilers though). Steele is very much a family man.

I remember Matilda Richardson, Steele's other patron (or matron?) was Chief of Public Works or some other title, and she was tasked with devising/implementing social policies of welfare for Betters and apartheid for Infees under Custer. It would be quite interesting for the Chiefs of Public Works to remain female, and to be viewed as the premier voice of RU women and mothers especially... culminating in the placement of Steele's wife in that role to make the "First Lady" thing a lot more explicit. And then you'd have a merry separation of responsibilities between the breadwinner/protector "Father of the Nation" and the homemaker Chief of Public Works. The Chief is caring, but also ready to demand discipline of her children. She generally defers to the President but retains her voice. If this isn't the plan, I'm sure she can still become an icon in some way or another. Maybe people on Steele's bad side get a strongly-worded letter from the First Lady first, and a chance to mend their ways. If they fail, ORRA comes out for more purges! Velvet glove, steel(e) fist.

I'm excited for alt-Svetlana. Her OTL life was crazy enough, she could get to some real shenanigans TTL. Defecting to Europa, going on a pilgrimage to Rome and meeting Musso-- and given her s p i r i t u a l adventures in India OTL, maybe we could have our look into conditions of 20th-century French India be through her eyes?
As for the media, I suppose this is a case of real life writing the plot. It's hard to present images of a more diverse pop culture if you can't really base them off images from OTL. However, the Union's response to alleged racist remarks against African-Americans (by a famous actor no less) shows some level of equality.
In a weird way, RU did belive in the separated but equal in the real sense, as they pinaccle races are separated and going their way, but are equal each other, if there some 'segregation' would be mostly sexual(unless secret affair will be secret of course) and men and women would live with white,black,jew, niponese very normal among their own sex and later as couples.
I remember Matilda Richardson, Steele's other patron (or matron?) was Chief of Public Works or some other title, and she was tasked with devising/implementing social policies of welfare for Betters and apartheid for Infees under Custer. It would be quite interesting for the Chiefs of Public Works to remain female, and to be viewed as the premier voice of RU women and mothers especially... culminating in the placement of Steele's wife in that role to make the "First Lady" thing a lot more explicit. And then you'd have a merry separation of responsibilities between the breadwinner/protector "Father of the Nation" and the homemaker Chief of Public Works. The Chief is caring, but also ready to demand discipline of her children. She generally defers to the President but retains her voice. If this isn't the plan, I'm sure she can still become an icon in some way or another. Maybe people on Steele's bad side get a strongly-worded letter from the First Lady first, and a chance to mend their ways. If they fail, ORRA comes out for more purges! Velvet glove, steel(e) fist.

I think you could fuse both ideas. The President is painted as America's stern but fair father, while the Mother of the Nation also takes on the role of Supreme Chief of Public Works, in a twisted version of OTL where the First Lady usually addresses some sort of domestic issue you could see your mom talking about. She also sends the nastygrams to all of Steele's opponents which are sickly sweet yet full of malice, and maybe even have some sort of creepy "Now, don't make me get your father involved" line.

"Welcome to Yankee Doodle Radio's Women's Hour. Tonight, we'll be hearing from First Lady and Supreme Chief of Public Works [insert first name] Steele about her new plan to conscript America's young women to beautify the country in accordance with Christian and Fascist Principles."

*Finishes writing a falsely sweet letter vaguely threatening to kill someone before beginning interview.*
Are we going to see the RU's version of Molotov in the future?
By thie i mean someone so brainwashed by the Manifest Destinity Party and so faithful to Steele to the point he is the only person actually sad over his death even if he had his wife arrested and was planning to kill him.

Maybe we can even have a scene similar to this:

Millicent Arkham, the First Lady of the Republican Union.

Gloria Swanson always gave me the jeebies for some reason (I don't know, maybe for looking like she could stab you in your sleep for fun), so who better to have as the likeness of Steele's fictional wife. They will make many non-euclidian cyclopean bas-reliefs of Millicent Arkham, no doubt! *WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE*

Hey @Napoleon53! A few posts ago I asked about segregation of "better races" in the RU. Do Blacks, Nipponese, Jews and Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic-Nordics go to separate schools and hospitals, do they live in separate neighboorhoods? How else would "miscegenation" be prevented? Also, so far I've noticed non Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic-Nordic "better" groups are hardly represented in RU media. So, I imagine there's still some kind of racism in the RU's culture. One more thing, how's South Africa ITTL? How different from OTL it is? And is apartheid going to happen? Thanks!

I think the guys above answered this very well. Sorry I forgot to answer myself!! But yes, they likely live in their own neighborhoods, but they are 100% allowed to go to other neighborhoods. The blacks 100% think they are their own Betters and are proud to keep white blood from their veins.