He's way past screaming. I'm pretty sure that General Washington is waiting in the hereafter with a musket and sword to cut down every psychotic Yankee bastard who perverted his nation.
He prob murdered John Adam and hamliton!!! He also prob more than a little mad at himself for allowing this or any of this to happen at all
So something that occurred to me when discussing Washington: what's the historiography of the early US like outside of the RU? Is it tainted by association with the insanity of the RU in a similar way to how Prussia has been tainted by the Nazis? I'd imagine at least a few people view the American Revolution as one of the greatest tragedies in history.
I also plan on upping Beutelism into Egoism to really screw with things

Just did some quick reading on this guy. Sounds like a Social Darwinist Nihilist Anarchist essentially. Society, government, and morals have no value, and the strong are entitled to take what they wish without consequence, so long as they maintain the strength to keep it. And these are some of the less effed up people in Madnessverse....

He prob murdered John Adam and hamliton!!! He also prob more than a little mad at himself for allowing this or any of this to happen at all

I'm sure he at least gave em a good knock on the head. I feel like he would really, REALLY hate TTL's Lincoln as well. After all, Lincoln did style himself the new President Washington.
So something that occurred to me when discussing Washington: what's the historiography of the early US like outside of the RU? Is it tainted by association with the insanity of the RU in a similar way to how Prussia has been tainted by the Nazis? I'd imagine at least a few people view the American Revolution as one of the greatest tragedies in history.

Here's how I feel it would be viewed by different blocs:

American Bloc: It's awesome! Murica! Freedom! Destroy the *insert insulting word salad here*
French Bloc: Literal Satanism. They rebelled against a monarchy (albeit a bad one), imploded their country, and then blamed us for their suffering! Should never have happened!
Nordreich: A more moderate version of the French view.
Russia: No idea. We'll have to see how they develop.
Here's how I feel it would be viewed by different blocs:

American Bloc: It's awesome! Murica! Freedom! Destroy the *insert insulting word salad here*
French Bloc: Literal Satanism. They rebelled against a monarchy (albeit a bad one), imploded their country, and then blamed us for their suffering! Should never have happened!
Nordreich: A more moderate version of the French view.
Russia: No idea. We'll have to see how they develop.
I doubt Russia will consider any of the US even this early, what with the RU seeing them as subhumans at best.

Russia: at least they didn't care more about us Slavs in those times.


This Message Presented to You by the Office of the Chancellor of the Confederation and the Army of the Carolinas. Hark the Sound!
I can see many people in the RU following Scientific Marxism publicly but thinking it foolishness at home. As for France, I could see them a blend of Imperial Rome and Byzantium. A belief in culture and national service rising above race and ethnicity. This would both tick off Russia and the RU at the same time.
George Washington would be screaming at everyone for the madness he’s witnessing.

Washington: Excuse me, but what in the piping hot fuck is this shit?! What have you done to my country!?

On a more serious note, are the Roosevelts going to be playing a more prominent role? Or is FDR's Madness counterpart doomed to be purged by Steele?
I can see many people in the RU following Scientific Marxism publicly but thinking it foolishness at home. As for France, I could see them a blend of Imperial Rome and Byzantium. A belief in culture and national service rising above race and ethnicity. This would both tick off Russia and the RU at the same time.

See, I feel like more and more Yankees will legit believe as time goes on. They'll be so damned brainwashed that they can't think something that isn't AFC and Manifest Destiny Party propaganda. Of course, there will always be at least a portion of the population that acts one way but thinks another (Oswald anyone?). But I'd say probably 75% of the Union population will be true believers by the end of Custer's Presidency, especially if he is as successful as he was in Classic. After all, it's working isn't it?
I'm finishing the Marxism chapter tonight!

This is a joke but it shows how I think of this as one long miniseries, lol:

Coming this summer to HBO...

"Think of your fellow man, lend him a helping hand..."

Footage plays showing the Mobs executing Hamilton and Adams.

"Put a little love in your heart..."

"And the people of Old Virginia do proclaim independence from this failed experiment!"
*footage of cheering Southrons as the flags of independence go up across America*

"You see, it's getting late, oh, please don't hesitate. Put a little love in your heart..."

"Devastation sweeps south as the Canadians invade in 1812*

"And the world will be a better place..."

*young Goodyear sobs as he receives news his father has died*

"And the world will be a better place for you..."

*The Prophet Burr receives the message of the Angel of Destiny*

"And me..."

"Hallelujah! Save your Union Eagles, boys, America shall rise again!"
*snake handlers jump in slow motion*

"You just wait..."

*Charles Goodyear lashing his workers on the Erie Canal*

"And see..."

*footage of the Cuba War and Andrew Jackson dying*

"Another day goes by, and still the children cry, put a little love in your heart..."

*footage showing the Goodyear New Slavery as thugs beat Irish factory boys*

"If you want the world to know, we won't let hatred grow, put a little love in your heart..."

*birth of Custer*

"Put a little love in your heart..."

*Young Lincoln kills Stephen Douglas*

"And the world will be a better place..."

*Lincoln and the SSL sweep to power.*

"And the world will be a better place for you..."

*time fades to show elderly Custer overseeing a massive military parade, nukes roll by as he rants and raves*

"And me..."

*footage showing Joe Steele executing his own father*

"You just wait..."

*footage showing radicalized RUMP officers executing other Union officers on Oswald's behalf*
*footage of Oswald hacking up blood as he frantically swallows pills*

"And see."
*record skips, slows down to a stop*



*footage shows soldiers rushing Imperial Europan lines*

"Put a little love in your heart..."


For a very long time, Charles Marx had lived in the shadows of his much more famous father, Dr. Henry Marx, the founder of Scientific Marxism and Phrenological Studies. Charles had long desired to become a great biologist like his father, but young English immigrant Charles Darwin was now undisputed king of all things biological. Charles had attended Benedict Arnold University of Boston and had eventually worked his way up to professor of occult studies, a very unusual and small field in the Union at the time. It was his job to compile information and lecture about various pagan rituals and religions. He had spent some time in the Baltic region, studying the last practitioners of the ancient Nordic faiths, and had spent time in the Congo learning about Black Magic from the remote and isolated tribesmen.

In 1850, Marx actually had to be rescued by a Chersonesus State University professor named William Roy after Marx went off the radar for too long and was presumed dead in the Congo. This led to the famous catchphrase, "Dr. Marx, I presume!" In reality, Marx had gone temporarily mad and had declared himself "Great White King in the Congo." In reality, Marx was king of approximately 20 tribals who had never seen a white man before and thought him a god. Marx returned home to Boston for several years to recover and publish a memoir of his adventures titled, Great White King in the Heart of Darkness, or How I, Dr. Charles Marx, became the God of the Congolese Savages. He thought this the pinnacle of his career as far as excitement would go, but he was mistaken. He would begin one last journey to a foreign shore that would bring him everlasting fame.


Dr. Charles Marx (left) and Dr. William Roy (right) pose for a photo with Congolese tribesmen

In 1855, Marx would leave for the Caribbean, first visiting the Republic of Cuba to learn about the ancient faiths once practiced there, then leaving for Saint-Domingue, sometimes known as Haiti on Union maps. There a remarkable series of events would unfold. For it was there that Marx met a local spiritualist named "Mama Dog," a strange hermit of a woman who lived deep in the tropical forest of the island, far away from prying eyes, practicing the dark art of Voodoo that had been created long ago by merging aspects of Christianity with ancient African pagan witchcraft. Marx had heard tell of this former slave that she could summon the dead to the land of the living and could sense the presence of spirits, both good and bad. Intrigued, Dr. Marx pressed on and began a three week search for the "Queen of Vodou." When he finally found her, she was living in a cave in deep isolation, kept company only by her tealights and her pet cat. Marx was a radical AFC member, but found himself wondering if the dead really could be summoned, and what they might have to say.

As Marx discussed matters ethereal with Mama Dog, he apparently became quite convinced of the power of vodou and immediately wanted to learn these dark arts himself. Marx never wrote down what happened in that cave, but he wrote to his good friend Bruno Wald of Harvard, "I have seen the other side. We have been living on an isolated island in a black sea of infinity. There is a vast world on the ethereal on the very cusp of the plain of existence we currently reside in. A place of the dead. And through meditation, learning, and patience, I have unlocked a portal to this other realm. I have seen the light and the dark. The spirits of past patriot-saints, and the devilish bugaboos. I mean to share this knowledge with the world." Many historians believe that Mama Dog actually was plying him with a horrifying cocktail of mind-altering drugs, and that Marx in fact had gone insane on the island and never regained his faculties.

Marx returned to Boston from Saint-Domingue a man obsessed with the occult. For the next few years he would continue his studies of the dark arts and "ancient magick and voodoo." It was the time of the Great American War, and Marx wouldn't come into his own until after the war ended, but it was in 1861 that Marx met "Mr. Tobias," an odd, thin, lanky man with flowing black receding hair. Mr. Tobias was a Jewish Englishman who had come to America just several years before to join the Union cause, but one of the first battles of the war had left him completely blind. Now, he was running a "transcendentalist spiritual meditation salon" in a cabin outside Boston. It was there that Dr. Marx and himself would meet for the first time in December, 1862. Shortly after the meeting, Mr. Tobias became a guru of sorts to Marx and the two began an intense study of spiritualism and the occult. Before long, Marx began to "perfect the means of conversing with the dead." The cultural explosion was on the edge of finally happening. This was only aided by the Second AFC Standard Edition Bible that released around this same time. The Council of Jehovah had gone over it with a fine-tooth comb to purge anything that might make themselves look bad. This included drastically altering the Witch of Endor story from the First Book of Samuel, with the Witch disappearing altogether from the tale. Outsiders had accused the Council of practicing sorcery and the dark arts in occult rituals, and also spread conspiracy theories about a hierarchy of "Freemason Grand Masters" who controlled the history of the country. Just to make sure they never came under fire from their own church, the Council made sure to clean up the Scriptures a little bit to solidify their power.


A flattering depiction of "Mr. Tobias"

The outbreak of Spiritual Marxism that swept the nation in the waning days of the Great American War can be attributed to the desire of so many families to know that their fallen sons were still out there somewhere and could possibly communicate. Marx and Mr. Tobias proposed that the dead were still indeed reachable, and that only select physical "mediums" could reach these dead people, by way of "extruding ectoplasm from their soul at a cosmic level during a "Session" (within the spiritualist movement elsewhere these were known as "seances." Marx preached that speaking to the ghosts of loved ones was harmless enough, but also warned that untrained "mediums" could not tell the difference between the ghosts and angels and the evil "bugaboos and harpees." Bugaboos were demons while harpees were "Hell's Archdemons" and not to be trifled with. As the source of all things evil in this world, bugaboos and harpees "served Satan and brought death and destruction upon the earth." As Marx began to flesh out his new ideology, he published a set of "The Eight Pillars for Spiritual Marxism." He also preached that this ideology was not incompatible with American Fundamentalist Christianity, but rather enhanced it and worked alongside it.


1. We believe in Jehovah our God, Jesus Christ the Savior, the Holy Ghost, and the Prophet Burr, All Hail, and whosoever shall be of the Chosen as written in the Holy Script and the Books of Manifest Destiny shall have everlasting life.

2. We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence of a Grand Architect of the Universe, proving God's existence and the existence of the spiritual realm and the Light and Dark therein.

3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith constitute true religion, and that abuse of the practices of Spiritualism can bring grave demonic forces from Hell itself into our plane of existence to wreak havoc and sew death and discord. Spiritualism must be learned over many years before the other side can be safely contacted.

4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death. Those Inferior souls and the souls of the wicked shall not speak to the living, for they are damned and lost souls and shall perish in hellfire for eternity.

5. We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.

6. There are Mediums of Spiritualism and Prophets of Spiritualism. While there are many mediums yet living, the only Prophet of Spiritualism under the New Covenant is the Prophet Burr, All Hail his name. Mediums can, through their output of ectoplasmic spiritual energy, discuss matters with the dead and be a messenger of the secrets they took to their graves, but only Prophets can speak to the Angels and God Himself and learn the future and things yet to come. But there is no Prophet but the Prophet Burr, All Hail.

7. We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws. Questioning the Word of God and tempting the bugaboos and harpees brings only disaster, while living within the boundaries set by God's Word and the Books of Manifest Destiny shall bring glory and light, in both the spiritual world and the physical.

8. We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy and Healing are Divine attributes proven through Mediumship and Prophethood. Within each Chosen Child of God is the key to unlock the door to the spirit world, but only through meditation and study can this ever be achieved.


Marx and Mr. Tobias quickly took their show on the road, appearing at countless theatres, churches, and social spots, summoning up spirits, casting out demons, handling serpents, and speaking in tongues. The Union was still wracked with grief over the loss of countless sons and fathers, and quite simply many people desired to know that their boy was all right and at peace, and to say "I love you" one last time. Chief among these grieving citizens was Esther Anne Lincoln, widow of the Father of the Restoration. She personally asked Marx and Mr. Tobias to come to her house and make contact with her late husband. During a four hour session "Marx summoned forth with holy ectoplasma the spectre of Father Abraham himself. The deceased President reassured his wife through use of a spirit board that he was in fact at peace and proud of his family and nation." Lastly, a photograph was taken of Mrs. Lincoln which apparently showed the "Ghost of the President" comforting his wife.


The Spectre of the President with his Wife (1863)

As can be imagined, there was a huge initial backlash against Marx and everything he stood for, but the acceptance of his bizarre teachings put the AFC and America as a whole in a unique and uncomfortable position. The punishment for witchcraft within the AFC was expulsion and damnation, something which the Council of Jehovah was not ready to do to the grief-stricken widow of the Father of the Nation. It was all made even worse when Mrs. Lincoln claimed Lincoln asked the Angel of Destiny to speak to him through a "spirit board" during the Great American War. In late 1864, the Council of Jehovah convened with Reverend-Colonel Edward Everett and Supreme Deacon Milo Miles (a new title created just for the legendary evangelist, now in his seventies) to arrive at a final decision about the entire matter. In a shocking move, the AFC Church officially declared Marx's teachings to be true and right, and the Council itself began holding sessions to contact the souls of patriot-saints in the afterlife. This caused a massive rupture within the church and with the general public from the the AFC. But the ongoing popularity worldwide of spiritualism could not be stopped. Stories such as the Witch of Endor in First Samuel were cast in a different light, with there still being "practitioners of the dark arts" and "evil witches" deserving of death. But this new form of "Christian Magick" was said to be a Holy Rite and a form of communion with Heaven, as long as the proper cautions were used to avoid contacting the demons of Hell itself. All in all, this was a nation believing prophecies handed down by a Revolutionary War veteran with traumatic brain injuries, so there were few lines to be crossed to arrive at this point. On January 1st, 1865, the Council of Jehovah would meet for the first "Cremation of Sin" at Valley Forge to "commune with spirit of the Prophet and seek his divine wisdom in all things and to call upon the spirits of all past Patriot-Saints to protect the nation from the evil machinations of Lucifer and his hordes of hellbound apostates and mongoloid steppe demons." The Council members would gather around and rhythmically pray to the Prophet Burr before lighting a wooden cross on fire and calling upon the spirits to communicate. Copious amounts of peyote were also involved. A new chapter of American history had arrived. The Era of Spiritual Marxism had begun. Though most of America remained unconvinced, events would steer them toward belief in the later years of the century. Back in Europe, where spiritualism had seen a brief wave of popularity in the 1850s, many scoffed at the "crazy Americans" and laughed it off as yet another sign the Yankees had lost their collective minds. But in America it was far more enduring, defying all expectations and surviving well into the next century....


Rare photograph of a "Cremation of Sin" circa late 19th century
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They probably shouldn't be using peyote just yet for two reasons: firstly, they've only jusst embraced Spiritualism. Secondly, they've only just anneed Teas, their only source of the drug which will probably be unknown for some time.