Dystopian would be the Federalists maintain the Union and adopt a constiution where infees have the same rights as betters. Pinnacle Negros and Jews are subjugated by all. Eventually even being a White Anglo-Saxon American is almost a crime.
Dystopian would be the Federalists maintain the Union and adopt a constiution where infees have the same rights as betters. Pinnacle Negros and Jews are subjugated by all. Eventually even being a White Anglo-Saxon American is almost a crime.
Except for the last bit, shoehorn in pre-1960s OTL plus Nazi America.
Dystopian would be the Federalists maintain the Union and adopt a constiution where infees have the same rights as betters. Pinnacle Negros and Jews are subjugated by all. Eventually even being a White Anglo-Saxon American is almost a crime.
With the French and Spanish still holding their colonies in the the New World, the South still goes independent, the Pinnacle Bloods are trapped in a shrunken New England ruled by Franco-Irish overlord who seized power after destroying the first AFC Temple and killing Burr....

You know, this might actually make a neat Madness version of In the Presence of Mine Enemies. Secret American Fundimentals of Pinnacle Blood trying to survive by pretending to be good a Roman Catholic Franco-Irish family, awaiting the day to rise again and spread the word of Burr and American blood
Dystopian would be the Federalists maintain the Union and adopt a constiution where infees have the same rights as betters. Pinnacle Negros and Jews are subjugated by all. Eventually even being a White Anglo-Saxon American is almost a crime.
Perhaps some sort of hyper brazil with government support of outbreeding?
I want to know what the dystopian fiction of this world looks like
Everyone seems to be trying to make a society more authoritarian than the RU, but I say go the other way; instead of a totalitarian superstate, have a godless Beutelist anarchy. Have a council of leaders who have absolute authority, but only intervene to prevent people from trying to set up a government or practice religion. Besides that, they just let people do whatever horrible things they want. Murder, rape, and every other crime is a daily occurrence, Infees are everywhere, and hardly anyone remembers the name Burr.
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Everyone seems to be trying to make a society more authoritarian than the RU, but I say go the other way; instead of a totalitarian superstate, have a godless Beutelist anarchy. Have a council of leaders who have absolute authority, but only intervene to prevent people from trying to set up a government or practice religion. Besides that, they just let people do whatever horrible things they want. Murder, rape, and every other crime is a daily occurrence, Infees are everywhere, and hardly anyone remembers the name Burr.
And those that do remember the name of Burr are rounded up by mobs and forced to interbreed with Infees or even pinnacles of different races thus diluting their pinnacle fluids
And those that do remember the name of Burr are rounded up by mobs and forced to interbreed with Infees or even pinnacles of different races thus diluting their pinnacle fluids
And *that* is one of the more mind-bending parts of the RU to someone from our TL. White Men would be shamed by being forced to sire children on a willing Irish woman (as an example).
I just realized how the Ru might be able to conquer Brazil if they join in or they are attached as they might turn the Amazon into a sarhara https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bu...-point-deforestation-experts-warn-2019-12?amp this article shows how the Amazon is reaching a tipping point and once it reaches a threshold it will collapse on its own turning into a sarhara which will make logistics far easier. As the Ru will just keep bombing the Rainforest coventualy or with nuclear weapons assuming that they don't realize how important it is to Them
I just realized how the Ru might be able to conquer Brazil if they join in or they are attached as they might turn the Amazon into a sarhara https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/amazon-rainforest-reaching-tipping-point-deforestation-experts-warn-2019-12?amp this article shows how the Amazon is reaching a tipping point and once it reaches a threshold it will collapse on its own turning into a sarhara which will make logistics far easier. As the Ru will just keep bombing the Rainforest coventualy or with nuclear weapons assuming that they don't realize how important it is to Them
Booooooooo too depressing. Edu sim, RU não!
Booooooooo too depressing.

Have you forgotten where we are?
My assumption is that the RU will take the coastal regions of Brazil and just drive the remaining enemy forces in and make it impossible for them to get new weapons or supplies. The refugees and armed forces that escaped would start slashing trees and setting up farms deep in the middle of the Amazon run by warlords who are loosely connected in one “government”. They’d probably massacre any natives they found as well. Meanwhile the RU is slashing and burning the edges to make room for cow pastures and farms for the clans and independent farmers. Then a few decades later they start scouting out the villages in hidden in the Amazon from above and firebomb the hell out of them probably with napalm and agent orange. At least that’s how I’d like it to go