I’m pretty sure he can’t do that.In Roman Catholcisim your always supposed to be open to Redemption through the Church.

Yeah but this isn't traditional Roman Catholicism, this is Roman Catholicism that's been placed under the rule of a Bonaparte through intimidation—fear of brute force—and is therefore likely to act in the political interests of the Bonaparte monarchy.

In OTL the Roman Catholic Church is its own institution. In TTL it has been hijacked to be the servant of an imperial dynasty.
I actually think that's a dumb move; now military force is the only way that Holland is reentering the French sphere. Reconciliation has been made impossible. Caesar should have kept his options open.
The Central Powers really don't sound that intimidating, the poorer parts of Germany allied with Scandinavia and the Netherlands against all the power of the Rhine-Rhur, Latin Europe and the Hungarian basin? That's not enough. That combined with Russia would still not have parity with Europa.

For all the talk of crushing Denmark in a month and when moving into the actually important parts of Germany, whats stopping Europa from simply rolling into Berlin? The almighty Junkers and their hunting dogs?

Honestly I would not be that surprised if the Netherlands are powerful than the Nordreich. That's a region with industry at the least
I get the sense that the NordReich is hoping that Europa gets distracted by the RU and Tsar Viktor so it can slip in and claim Germany and then win a negotiated peace. Also being allied with the Dutch could be useful in dealing with Europan Colonies and the Flemish. The main problem for the NordReich is that it's allied itself a couple of gung Ho countries which could ruin there plans.
I actually think that's a dumb move; now military force is the only way that Holland is reentering the French sphere. Reconciliation has been made impossible. Caesar should have kept his options open.
I agree. This shows how being on top has made the French a bit too arrogant and "when all you have is a hammer" perfectly describes Europa's foreign policy at this point. Even with this in mind, I'm still rooting for Europa, if only because of the psychos in the MDP.
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I suspect that the Rhinebund will turn on the Napoleons pretty fast, and Tsar Viktor is more concerned with killing Iranians than killing Germans and Poles. Still an uphill battle for the CP, but with revolts likely to break out across their empire and the RU eating their north American colonies...
I having read the latest chapters yet, as I've been catching up with the expanded universe, but I plan on reading the latest chapters sometime today and/or tomorrow.

In the meantime, I feel like this would be a good song for the Greek Civil War chapter.

Also, this would be a good song for the Chinese Civil War chapter.


Teaser for the next chapter


Dutch Royal troops scramble to defend the border from the Europan Imperial Army

It had been a very long time since the event of total war in Europe. Not since Napoleon I had Western Europe seen violence on a massive scale. The war that was coming would dwarf the Great Wars for the Empire in every way. It would see true world war and slaughter so great it would set back civilization for a generation. To this day, it is not perfectly clear why this war happened in the first place. It could have been easily avoided through proper diplomatic actions, but all reason seemed to vanish in 1911. It was as if the major powers decided that war was inevitable and they might as well get it over with.

When Viktor, representing the League of Tsars plus his own bloated Eurasian holdings, declared war on Europa on October 1, it was the irrational actions of a madman, but a madman who was convinced he could win. He was the reincarnation of Genghis Khan, Khan of Khans. The Dalai Lama had proclaimed him the phsyical embodiment of the God of War. He was convinced that Europa was smuggling weapons to the Chinese Republic for a very long time, having no idea this was the action of the Dutch in Indonesia shipping in rifles and artillery in crates painted with Europan symbols and markings. King Louis Napoleon was such a genius that he found a way to guarantee his own independence with the Central Powers while also deliberately provoking a war between Europa and Russia to cover his exit. It was perfect, and even his own daughter, the crown princess, had no idea he was gaming the system. He would finally prove Caesar was not untouchable. He would be the one to bring his cousin down a notch, or at least be the one largely responsible.

Viktor addressed the crowds in front of the Imperial Palace in St. Petersburg thusly:

"Citizens and subjects of the mighty Russian Empire! Allies in Romania, Bulgaria, and our Holy City of Constantinople! It is my grave responsibility to inform the world that we are now in a state of total war. For too long have we tolerated the swine in Paris. For too long have they supplied our enemies that kill Russian sons in China and our allies in Greece. For too long have they lied about it, disgracing themselves even further as they attempt to cover their own treachery! Russia is a mighty nation, and a just nation, but it shall not turn the other cheek as Europan spies swarm through our domain. It shall not sit idly by as Europa tries to dominate the planet with their decadent culture. The League of Tsars will not take this abuse of our goodwill any further! We will not tolerate being treated like some backwater principality when we are the mightiest nation on earth. Our warriors are unmatched. Cossacks, Germans, Poles, Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Uzbeks, Turkmen, and many, many more wait in the wings at this second, proudly holding up the striped banner of Peter the Great! Millions of Russian sons are ready to conquer or die, and they will not stop until Bonaparte has been crushed and Paris has been reduced to rubble upon ash! I will not stop until Russia is secure! I will not stop until Russia is protected! I will not stop until Mother Russia is the master of Eurasia, the height of civilization! Russia is second to none, and we will prove it with our blood and our bayonets. It will require great sacrifice. It will require devotion and selflessness. But under my rule as your Czar, I know you, my people, and our allies in the League will force the Bonaparte menace into the sea and sweep it from the continent! Urah!"

Once news reached the other League of Tsars member-nations that Viktor had declared war, which they had expected for some time now, the Bulgarian Army immediately began an assault into Greece, joined by the forces of the exiled Greek King Alexander. Tiny Albania and the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro immediately declared themselves neutral powers and wanted no part in the violence currently exploding on their border with Greece and the League. This actually greatly helped the League during the opening gambits of the war, as Serbia and Albania being neutral nations meant that Europa could not bring reinforcements in by land to Greece, instead having to launch them across the sea from Italy. Elsewhere, Viktor actually ordered a fresh storming of the Nanking Line, trying to force a surrender as quickly as possible from the Republic so he could focus on defeating Caesar.

Hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers were mobilizing and marching and riding trains west. However, they had a critical flaw: their equipment. Though wealthy and rapidly modernizing, Russia's weapons were still about a generation behind the Europans, and this showed. In the first few weeks of war, the Russians dominated the battlefields but at a high price. By the end of October, Vasilios the Bastard, the Reich puppet who was king in Athens, was on the run to Corinth once again as Russian, Bulgarian, and Alexandrian forces began to break through to Athens. The faction in Thessaloniki that backed Europan policies was also forced to withdraw back to their main strongholds. Meanwhile, Europa's Hungarian Army was the first to see action in the war, clashing with Romanian forces on October 15 on their border. The fighting was intense and the Russians initially made large progress, pushing the Hungarians back. But within the week the Hungarians elected to use gas shells, sending the Romanians packing back to the border, where they dug in and awaited orders for how to deal with this new weapon.

The Romanians had heard stories of gas from the Greek War of Succession, but had never seen it first hand. Initially, fearing Viktor's wrath for delays in his strategy, the Romanian high command ordered a general advance, beginning on November 1. Over twenty thousand Romanians charged into the face of grinder fire and poison gas, with only rags covering their faces. This proved disastrous, as they took over nine thousand casualties in 24 hours fighting over a patch of woods in the middle of nowhere directly on the border. This pointless slaughter finally convinced the Romanians to pull back to their trenchlines and wait for reinforcements from Russia to bring up their rear. Viktor's generals approved of this plan, worrying that if the Romanians tried another assault they might shatter and allow a Hungarian breakthrough that could go all the way to Greece.


Romanian troops on the move during the opening days of the Great World War

In response to the Russian declaration of war, Caesar Napoleon IV appeared before the people in Paris at the Arch of Caesar on October 4 and said:

"It is a dark day in history. Common sense has failed and understanding had been slaughtered. Falsely accusing us of funding and equipping its enemies, the Empire of Russia and its insane monarch have declared war upon Europa. To face this monstrous evil which threatens all of humanity, I call upon the might of the Empire and the soul of our people. We are a proud nation, unseen in size and power since the days of Rome itself. We dominate the world on land and sea, in technology and industry, and in science and education. Most of all, we boast the strongest military force this world has ever known, the Grand Armee, and all of the regional national and member-state armies that also seek to see an end to the Russian menace. Paris stands strong with Madrid, Vienna, Rome, Budapest, Venice, Rio de Janeiro, Bombay, and Quebec. From Canada to California to West Australia, the blue banner of the Empire waves in the breeze, proud and strong. From Bengal to Sikkim, from Quebec to Fort Scotia, there is a patriotism unseen for generations. This generation will decide our fate. Whether we remain a prosperous and free Empire, united in the common goal of enlightenment, liberty, equality, and fraternity, or whether we shall crumble, crushed under the heel of a genocidal madman who will rape your daughters and murder your sons. I say we will weather this storm, and be stronger because of it. I say, in the end, Viktor Romanov will be deposed and sanity will return to Eastern Europe. To our former friends and fellow Europeans in the Balkans, I say to you that you do not need to mindlessly allow the Russian Czar to force you to bend the knee. Stand up and be counted among the free peoples of the world and end the insufferable league you have been forced into joining. Rise, free peoples of Europe! Join the Eagle of House Bonaparte and bring an end to Russian debauchery once and for all! Vive Europa!"

For all the talk of freedom and unity, the buildup to the war and the growing divide between the Protestant citizens of Europa and the Catholics had triggered massive upheaval in Europe. The Pope's excommunication and condemnation to Hell of the Dutch Royal Family had incensed Protestants in the Rheinbund. To them, this showed that the Bonapartes were now stepping over a line too far. If the Dutch Royals were condemned for being Protestant, did the Catholic Church and Europa itself also think the hard-working Protestant Germans within their border were also a pack of heathen? On October 10, the call went out in the Rheinbund for soldiers to go fight against the League. To the horror of the Imperial recruiters, riots quickly broke out and citizens began burning effigies of Caesar in the streets, a very serious crime in the Empire. Instead of acquiring more soldiers for the war effort, the Rheinish Bundeswehr was ordered by the elderly High King Franz Josef I, Napoleon II's adopted son, to put down the rioters and reinstate order.

This was a huge mistake. Instead of trying to arrest the riot leaders and disperse the rest, the army, mostly made up of Catholics from Bavaria the southern regions, began to brutally beat people in the street. The first day of deployment for the Bundeswehr saw them shoot and kill ten Protestant Germans in Hannover and maim a score of others. Meanwhile, further violence was breaking out in Holstein, along the Danish border. In Westphalia, where the citizens were about half Catholic and half Protestant, the citizens began to turn on themselves. On October 15, twelve Protestants protesting the war were killed in a street battle with Catholic Imperial loyalists. This was a step too far, and the nation was on the cusp of total civil war.

In retaliation for the murder of their brethren, many of the Protestants who were still loyal to the Bund and the Empire began to change their minds. Enlistment stations came under assault by masked thugs who threw flaming whiskey bottles and rocks through the windows. Now the Bundeswehr was engaged in a full martial law scenario instead of deploying to the front against the League, where the Romanians and Hungarians were locking horns at this same moment. This was a horrible setback for the Empire, and now Caesar feared unrest in other parts of the Empire if this rebellion was not quelled quickly. Imperial troops direct from France were being diverted away from the actual war and being sent to back up the Bundeswehr.

Meanwhile, in Berlin, Kaiser Eitel Wilhelm I was furious about the "wholesale slaughter" being conducted in the northern Bund. He called High King Franz Josef I a "leacherous old man dripping with the blood of proud Christian Germans." Reich newspapers sold like hotcakes as they spouted propaganda about the "ethnic cleansing of the Teutonic Christian people of the Bund by their Bonapartist overlords." In the Republican Union, the stories became even worse, with reports that Catholic troops were going "door-to-door, like barbarians, raping and looting from Protestant innocents."


Yankee newspaper comic depicting Franz Josef I as a "Papal Bully" sizing up Rheinish Christians

The situation was untenable, chaotic and destined to implode even further. On November 1, Protestant Germans in Hamburg, Duchy of Holstein, stormed a military barracks there and seized weapons. The soldiers stationed there were majority Protestant as it was so far north and they actually refused to stop the attack, disobeying direct orders from Cologne and the High King. Within hours, the soldiers had actually joined with the rebels and proclaimed the "Free City of Hamburg" to be liberated from the Bund and the Empire. This was the beginning of something much larger.


Hamburger rebels pose for a photo

Elsewhere in Europe, the other members of the Bonapartist Continental Alliance were dutifully declaring war on the League (even though the Czar had already declared war upon them by proxy of declaring it on the Empire as a whole), promising thousands of troops and unimaginable amounts of supplies and equipment. But even with this tribute being brought before the feet of Caesar, he still knew things were not as they should be. The unrest in the Bund was taking up so many troops and so much manpower that it was becoming a chink in his armor. Holland, though already at war with Russia by proxy of Viktor's decree, had not yet announced its contribution to the war effort and Napoleon IV suspected them of striking a deal of neutrality with the Czar. Caesar was very confused when word reached him of a total mobilization of the Dutch Royal Army and Navy. Perhaps, even after all their fights and bitter rivalry, King Louis Napoleon had decided it was still in his best interest to help bring down the Czar. It was with this in mind that the Imperial government sent a letter of appreciation to the Dutch government, thanking them for "mobilizing your impressive armed forces in spite of our cultural and religious differences. For though we may not always get along, we are still one family, descended from our glorious grandfathers, and we are proud to see the Kingdom of Holland still stand for a united Europe." In reality, the Dutch King was, of course, preparing to announce his total separation from the Continental Alliance and was prepared to defend his kingdom from the brute force an enraged Caesar would likely bring to bear upon it for betraying their century-old alliance during a time of war.

On November 20, the Dutch king received a final telegram from the Reich's ambassador, Gerd Schwarz, that stated that "The Nordreich will stand behind your decision to leave the Continental Alliance. If the United Empire of Europa attempts to remove you from power or invades Holland, the Kaiser assures you that the Central Powers will dutifully support you with whatever means at their disposal, including the use of troops to secure your independence."

On December 1, the Dutch Army was given orders by Paris to march to Hungary and reinforce the Hungarians, Bohemians, and Austrians currently battling the Romanians and Russians there. Instead, however, King Louis Napoleon spoke before his troops in Amsterdam, with his general staff behind him, and ripped the paper up in front of the entire world. The King then said:

"An hour appointed by destiny has struck in the heavens of our fatherland! Recent historical events can be summarized in the following phrases: promises, threats, blackmail, and finally to crown the edifice, the decadent, bloated tick in Paris shoving their orders down our throats while at the same time condemning the entire Royal Family and myself to Hell for daring to follow our own consciences. Our consciences, and those of this nation blessed so richly by God, are absolutely tranquil as we enter a new era of Dutch might! The Dutch stand up today as one people united in a singular purpose: to join with our fellow Christian brothers in Norway, Sweden, and the Nordreich to combat the arrogance and impertinence of Paris and to guarantee Dutch independence now and forever! Soldiers and Sailors of the Dutch Royal Armed Forces! Raise up your voices and cheer, for the hour of destiny has arrived! It is now that we, as patriotic citizens of this great and ancient realm, stand for what is right against the stagnation and moral decline of the United Empire of Europa and the Continental Alliance. We do not declare war upon our cousins to the south. Indeed, if at all possible we shall attempt to secure a peaceful transition from the Continental Alliance to the Central Powers. But if the Catholic usurpers attempt to rip our liberty to pieces and put us to the sword, as they have so many innocents in the Bund, we will meet them bullet for bullet! Bayonet for bayonet! David will confront Goliath and win the victory. The Kingdom of Holland will stand for eons in liberty when, not if, we succeed. My people, fellow Dutchmen, rally to the flag! Enlist now and let us show the world that no one controls the proud nation of Holland. Liberty now and forever! Proclaim sovereignty throughout all the land!"
As news traveled of Holland's bold decision, it set off a chain reaction all across the world of major events many years in the making. In the British Isles, Winston Churchill was preparing to declare it his mission to reunite Britain as one nation. Imperial troops stationed in Fort Scotia were on high alert. The Welsh Army was mobilized, fearing a possible invasion from England. Ireland stood by in horror as neo-Cromwellites all across Britain sharpened their knives and licked their lips. The Republican Union, too, was preparing for something huge. The Great War was about to go truly world-wide....


A Dutch officer reads King Louis Napoleon's Proclamation of Sovereignty to the public in Rotterdam


Citizens in Utrecht gather in the streets to celebrate the Proclamation of Sovereignty

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Hungarian and Austrian troops are assaulted by Russian cossacks (late 1911)


Imperial poster urging Frenchmen to enlist


Map of the World in 1911

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Congratulations @Napoleon53! This TL is really exploding! :extremelyhappy:

Heck, it could win a turtledove! :)

Literally my dream. I have sunk so many man-hours into writing and illustrating this it's unbelievable. I would be supremely honored to have it win a Turtledove. :) Great comments like this are why I write this. I wouldn't write if no one enjoyed it. I want to craft the most unique and crazy non-ASB dystopia ever written, but I get discouraged about life or get writer's block, but you guys help me power on. :)

At only 1911, I'm pretty sure this version of the TL has almost the same amount of text as 1.0 did by the 1970s. 1.0 was the acorn of an idea, and 2.0 Union Forever is the mighty oak tree of insanity. lol

Also, I know it's probably not 100% accurate to the borders depicted in the Worlda maps, but I was mostly going off this:

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Literally my dream. I have sunk so many man-hours into writing and illustrating this it's unbelievable. I would be supremely honored to have it win a Turtledove. :) Great comments like this are why I write this. I wouldn't write if no one enjoyed it. I want to craft the most unique and crazy non-ASB dystopia ever written, but I get discouraged about life or get writer's block, but you guys help me power on. :)

I understand that feeling. I've certainly invested much time into Iron Eagle myself.

I respect that.
Loving all the recent updates and discussions!

As for the Union having the title of Servant or Ser for their "Pinnacle Knights," that sounds incredible. This Kennedy's Camelot can have an actual Round Table, lol. I'm trying to think of some good family feuds. I imagine the Fords and the Goodyears are no longer on good terms thanks to Goodyear II and Henry's animosity. Who knows though?

Now, as for the Central Powers and the start of the Great War....

*Talkiebox from TTL starts blaring*

"Attention dictators, theocrats, Strong Men, Caesars, Tsars, and Kaisers! Does the Great War have you worried? Are annoying anarchists and rebels making your life miserable? Do you have pesky minorities who won't shut up about "equality" or "liberation?" Well, fret no more! Here at Andy Jackson's Fine Gunsmiths, Shipbuilders, and Explosives Makers, we have everything a modern Empire on the go needs to survive and thrive! Stop in to talk about buying our brand new "Ethnic Cleansing Starter Kits!" Now for the low price of $500,000* you can have all the mustard gas and Coffee Grinders you need to get rid of those pesky rebels and foreigners of impure groups! Come visit Andy Jackson today!"

so, how mad will Portugal go?

As of now Portugal is still a Europan client state that basically exists because of them. They are a member of the Allies. If they attempt to remain neutral, which could work to their advantage as their African colony is completely surrounded on land by Nordic colonies, this could be another huge problem.

Mistake here?

Anyway it's important to remember that there are a lot of Catholics in Western Germany and they are in fact dominant in the South, so honestly what's happening in the Confederation will be more of a civil war than an insurrection.

Fixed. XD I don't usually wear glasses but I am today and I keep making typos because my depth perception is funky. lol

Definitely. That's why I didn't describe Bavaria or something rioting. This is quickly becoming the Reformation Wars Part II: World War Boogaloo.

Just nominated this madness for a Turtledove! :) All Hail Oswald!

I am honored! :D