A More Perfect Union by @HeX, an attempt at a United States that lives up to its ideals more or less from the start. Essentially the opposite of WMIT.

AMPU is gonna get ganged up by the evil Americas unfortunately. Hopefully by partnering with alright America’s they can weather the storm.
I'd imagine that AMPU America could find some allies in the form of SAB, TL-191, Crack at the Draka, OTL and a few others...
Is it wrong I kinda want to all the popular alternate history America's getting caught in a reality merger just to them go after each other? (191, WMIT, DoD, Red, Fallout, Seperated at Birth, WoLWoT, MITHC, Kaiserreich, Crack at the Draka etc)
Don't forget AMPU.
Yo, I'd totally be down for this.

AMPU is gonna get ganged up by the evil Americas unfortunately. Hopefully by partnering with alright America’s they can weather the storm.
Heh, yeah, probably. But they could likely also partner up with some of the better Americas and countries, too. OTL and the Union in TL-191 spring to mind, and Separated at Birth's US would be downright chummy with AMPU US. AMPU just may not really enjoy the suppression of Hispanic culture in former Mexico in the Separate-verse, but... well, they can work around it.

I see the world of AMPU becoming the hotspot for all fleeing oppressed peoples of these dystopian worlds in this hypothetical scenario.
I'd imagine that AMPU America could find some allies in the form of SAB, TL-191, Crack at the Draka, OTL and a few others...

Realistically AMPU!America could align with even some morally iffy America’s like the ones from AWOLAWOT, AANW, TNO:LDE and the Catherverse’s IRNA because they at least aren’t genocidal or slaveocracies like the evilest America’s are.

AANW’s A4 probably would launch a total war against any Axis victory worlds they find and might get beaten if they stumble onto Wolfenstein:TNO’s Naziland too soon to be aware of their tech edge
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A possible member of the future leadership of the RU...

Is it wrong I kinda want to all the popular alternate history America's getting caught in a reality merger just to them go after each other? (191, WMIT, DoD, Red, Fallout, Seperated at Birth, WoLWoT, MITHC, Kaiserreich, Crack at the Draka etc)
whats WoLWoT and MITHC mean?



"Can you feel it, Doctor Finch?" asked the bloated Britannic Director General, chomping at one of his signature Cuban cigars. Hand-rolled by Betters of Society, they were the best cigar in the fascist bloc and his personal trademark accessory. Winston Churchill was standing in the middle of a great white room, sterile and neutral of any designs or decorations whatsoever. Table after table of test tubes lay before him. Each table saw multiple men and women in lab coats scurrying about it every which-way, clipboards in hand, quietly chattering to each other as they worked uneasily in the presence of the Director General and his cadre of government visitors.

Dr. Joseph K. Finch, the world-famous Chief Patron of the London Medical Society and co-creator of the Beckie Flu vaccine, raised a white eyebrow. "Feel what, Director General?" he asked in his typical dry manner. Finch was a droll man, and ever droller with age. He had little use for Churchill's typical Shakespearean dramatics, and he was certain Churchill's question was heading into the realms of melodrama.

"Fate, Doctor," replied Churchill, taking the cigar from his mouth and leaning against the table before them as he watched various fluids flow through tubes and into beakers.

Finch wanted to finish the tour of the Ullapool Chemical Command and get back to work. Sure enough, the English Bulldog was fancying himself the Bard again. "I beg your pardon, Director General?" he said monotone, since not playing along could end with upsetting Churchill, something he did not want to see in his lifetime.

Churchill smiled slightly, his fat lips showing a smile of smug satisfaction. "Fate. As if a millennium of Anglo-Saxon history has brought us to this point. The moment when we shall finally erase the Irish savage from existence. I can almost taste it. Soon, the British Isles will be united under one banner, and only one. Operation Cromwell is the answer to every true Pinnacle Man's prayers. A blessing from God."

Finch shot Churchill a cold smile, plastered on with as much joy as he could muster. "Your Excellency, need I remind you of the possible risks of Operation Cromwell, inherent to this type of weapon as it may be, and of the possible disastrous consequences that could befall us if something rather unfortunate were to occur here? Op-Crom must continue to be tested for at least another two years before we could even consider deployment against the Irish."

The jowls on the Director General's chin vibrated flaccidly, like gelatinous folds of grease and lard, as he shook his head. "Doctor, we have the blessing of Almighty God in this endeavor. We need not fear the unfortunate. As your spectacular work exhibited during the Great War, no disease or disaster cannot be set packing by the Strong Man of Blessed Britannia."

It was Finch's turn to shake his head. Extending his arms out in a gesture of futility he replied, "Sire, we cannot rush headlong into this. Not everything is so simple when we are talking about weaponized diseases. Need I also jog your memory to the fact that we are still cleaning up the anthrax disaster on the southern coast, sire?"

Churchill sighed and raised the cigar to his lips for another drag. He remembered the Channel Disaster like it was yesterday. A day of infamy and dread in the heart of every Englishman. "I am well aware, Doctor. I am well aware. But the anthrax was carried by Irish vessels, a work of the Devil. In fact, is it now not just and morally forthright of us to respond to the horrid devastation wrought upon our Christian land by summoning all of our scientific intellect and visit a blight upon the Emerald Isle in turn? This is revenge! Revenge for all of our war widows and revenge for the children sick along the Thames, their lives snuffed out by an invisible poison. Doctor, as I have said time and time again, full-steam ahead on Op-Crom. You are cordially invited to take whatever worries you have and put your trust in God. I order Op-Crom to be ready within one year, Doctor Finch. To hell with '38. I want it ready for '37."

Finch couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Sire...? That is madness! Op-Crom won't be ready for two more years! 1938 is the absolute minimum length of time we need here. My staff and assistants are overworked as it is, sire! Surely you realize utilizing the disease in one year could spell disaster." A deep, rising sense of panic overflowed the normally stoic Finch, bubbling out in his words like acid.

With another shake of his mighty head, the half-Yankee Bulldog took a step toward Finch and shoved a meaty finger into his sternum. All the scientists nearby instantly stopped what they were doing and watched in horror as the Director General prepared to once again raise hell. The smell of whiskey and Cuban tobacco overwhelmed the doctor as Churchill stared him down with fiery eyes and said in a low, gutteral, "Look here, Finch, I am not exactly at teatime myself, you see. Every day the Dregs gain more support. Every day I hope and I pray and I beg God to keep Steele from strangling me in my sleep with a spool of piano wire and dumping my ample innards into the Thames. When Steele and the other fashy boys came to visit for the London Conference I had very real fears that I was going to be removed from office and this plane of existence, do you hear me, Doctor? I worked and labored and slaved over cleaning up London for the Conference and keeping our little terrorist robber-bandit problem a secret from ORRA and Steele. Look at America now! Going to war against South America, and if their luck is as good as it has been, then we are probably about to see them achieve their manifest destiny!" Churchill grew so close to Finch's gaunt, thin, horrified face that the doctor could see every pore on the Englishman's red, bulbous nose. "Where is Britannia in all this? Where is our manifest destiny, as promised for decades! Ireland will be ours, by hook or by crook, Doctor! We cannot fall behind! We cannot allow a manifest destiny gap! Rule Britannia!"

As if robots, all the staff within earshot snapped their heels and joined both hands together over their heads in the traditional BU salute. "NOW AND FOREVER!" they cried.

Finch stood like a statue as the other scientists and staff waited awkwardly and uneasily for him to also perform the mandatory salute. The old doctor squinted slightly through his spectacles at the corpulent chieftain before him. Churchill's post-war years had not been kind for the former Yankee Marine. He was a bloated, disgusting, alcoholic mess. But he also was completely and totally in charge of every aspect of life in Britannia. "Uncle Winnie," as the newsreels and posters called him, was definitely not a man to be trifled with if continued breathing was something found enjoyable. Even a man like Finch was not safe from the often irrational and easily enraged Director General. Slowly, he clicked the heels of his brogues together, raised his arms, joined his left hand with his right, and shouted, "NOW... AND FOREVER!"

"At ease!" Churchill spat as he reached for his pocketwatch. The ornate but well-worn little device bore a Yankee eagle and a Britannic lion on the face, and the cover was engraved with the phrase, "With love to my daring husband. - Loretta." Finch had seen it many times and Churchill never went anywhere without it. He flipped it closed with care, put it back into his scarlet vest pocket and donned his bowler hat once more. The Director General turned and motioned to his two State Security officers to follow him out. Pausing one last time and looking over his shoulder, he said in a calmer but still certain tone of voice, "One year, Doctor Finch. By hook or by crook."

Joseph K. Finch ran his unsteady fingers through his short white hair as the anxiety flowed freely. "So let it be written, sire...."


Despite the fact that no frontline combat had occurred on Britannic soil during the entirety of the Great World War, perhaps no country outside of the Rhineland needed more repair and rebuilding than the BU. The anthrax disaster was an unending terror in the Channel. While the Europan side of the water was also still tainted, the Europans could simply fish elsewhere. Paris was largely unharmed. London, however, was built right on the Thames. Every year, people were still dying of anthrax and very little could be done about it. The Channel would still be an ecological disaster for the foreseeable future. Ulster, as they had dubbed the new member of the BU in northern Ireland made up of what little conquered land had been gained in the war, was now vital for its fishing waters. Norway, too, steamed in a constant delivery of fresh fish and foodstuffs to London to help the ravaged capital city back onto its feet. Nearly two decades since the cessation of hostilities, Britannia was still trying to recover from the war and was still dealing with constant acts of terror in Ulster from the few remaining Catholics, all of whom had to live in hiding.

So bad had been the situation when the guns fell silent in Ulster at the end of the war that a movement gained momentum to overthrow Churchill and dissolve the Union. Wales, also a member of the BU, was still frequently the site of riots and terrorist attacks. The destruction wrought upon Scotland by Irish bombardment and general upheaval sent many Scots packing for the Republican Union and still more down south to England, where refugee camps overflowed and eventually turned into large semi-permanent ghettos. Many more, however, joined their Presbyterian brothers in the Carolinas, particularly in Carolinian Africa where thousands of Scots received free ranches and farms and many went to work on the Congo Sea project.


Members of the 1st Scottish Expatriate Infantry Regiment pose for a photo in the Carolinian Corridor, circa 1925. Membership in the Cokie military tripled allotted free territory and farmland that could be claimed by new colonists

The only reason the angry mobs had not successfully ousted Churchill was largely due to the presence of the so-called Anglo-American Solidarity Legions. Fearing Illuminist traction in the decimated British Isles, Steele wanted to maintain fascism there to keep holy the homeland of the Anglo-Saxons and to keep an eye on mainland Europe. Britannia could never fall. It could not be allowed. Thus, thousands of A-ASL troops patrolled London under the guise of "peacekeeping and deliverance of aid," whilst actually brutally repressing any anti-Churchill sentiment. Joe Steele liked to keep Churchill in a state of permanent paranoia, constantly worrying an ORRA agent was going to slit his throat in his sleep, and this paranoia did nothing for Churchill's mental or physical health. But by turning Churchill into a shell of his former self, he had produced a lapdog who bowed to his every whim. Even Johnny Gamble was not as laughable or as much of a bootlicker as Winston Churchill.

Before long, the A-ASL had trained a new cadre of "State Security," or "SS," a force of secret police that fought day and night against the ever-present resistance movement that wished to depose the Director General. It was not an easy task, however, as the resistance movement had unified into something called "The Dregs." Instead of different anti-fascist, separatist, Illuminist, or Beutelist factions all struggling to topple the government, they had joined together for the time being into the Dregs to better focus on the main task of removing Churchill and the Nationalist Party (frequently nicknamed NatPar). The Dregs got their name in 1925, when a miner's strike in Grimsby soon drew in loggers, railyard workers, and Scottish refugees and ended with police brutally beating them with batons and deploying gas canisters. Many of the strikers were veterans of the Great World War, and now they found themselves facing gas attacks at home. Churchill told the state-run paper The Vow:

"These terrorists are no freedom-fighters or noble heroes. They are the dregs of society. And like the vermin in the sewers of London, we shall flush them out and cleanse our fair country of their degeneracy."


"Dregs" on the march, circa 1929

Prior to the Great War, Britannia had been a hotbed of medical and scientific advancement. Indeed, it was Dr. Joseph K. Finch, of the London Medical Society, who had birthed the Beckie Flue Vaccine and its accompanying Cleansing "Vaccine" that had wiped out millions of Inferiors in months back in America. London had slowly been regaining its place as one of the most important cultural cities in all the world. But the disastrous anticlimax of the Great World War had set London back decades. When the time came for them to host the 1934 London Conference that would establish the League of Nations, it was designed to be a triumphal return of the city to greatness. In reality, it was the SS cleaning up town for a week or two while the visitors were present, a bandage slapped on a gaping, festering wound. The Conference which created the League of Nations went off without a hitch, but violence resumed as soon as the circus had left town. The blood-thirst of the Dregs could only be stymied for so long.

The best thing the Dregs had going for them was the fact that their disparate and wildly varied internal factions were too independent and widespread to be stamped out easily. However, it was also the worst aspect, as its leadership was practically nonexistent, meaning there was no great central figure which the Dregs could offer as a replacement for Churchill. There were no other parties allowed in the BU aside from the Nationalist Party, either, so any sort of populist movement was impossible. So instead the Dregs turned to terrorism. From drive-by shootings of government officials to blowing up post offices to setting fire to police autos, the Dregs fought the government with everything they had. But the greatest irony was that the Dregs had also so contributed to Churchill's mental decline that they ended up making things worse. In response to every terrorist act, Churchill would execute entire groups of political prisoners. For every fallen Nationalist Party member put six feet under, the SS would publicly execute a Dreg. Posters blanketed the country, bearing only a simple design of Churchill's face on a white background and the phrase "Uncle Winston is Watching You!" These posters became one of the most iconic symbols of Britannic fascism.

Deputy Director Clement Attlee was in charge of the day-to-day running of the SS, and kept detailed lists of every citizen considered a threat to Churchill's rule. It had been Attlee who had first formulated the idea of Operation Cromwell, the Chemical Weapon Command's bioweapon project. Attlee drew up the plan for using weaponized smallpox on Ireland, getting the League of Nations to institute a travel ban under the name of keeping the world safe from the next Beckie Flu, and then letting the entire Kingdom eat itself in an apocalyptic death spiral. When Irish society was properly broken down, the Britannic Union would simply march on the ashes. There had never even been a true peace signed between Ireland and the BU, meaning renewed hostilities could not be seen as an act of war in the legal sense. Dr. Joseph K. Finch, the legend who had developed the Beckie Flue vaccine, was brought aboard to develop Op-Crom and mastermind its implementation... on Churchill's schedule. In 1936, with the beginning of Operation Manifest Destiny, Churchill demanded the bioweapon be ready by the end of 1937, while Finch insisted that it wait till the end of 1938. While American troops moved against the Neutrality Pact, in the Old World Britannic scientists readied to unleash a terrible and horrifying blight upon their western neighbors.


Deputy Director Clement Attlee speaking before the NatPar Annual Worker's March in 1934


Deputy Director Attlee joins General Director Churchill for a NatPar official function, circa 1930s


Churchill and Attlee are greeted by loyalists near Ullapool, Scotland, site of Operation Cromwell

The culture of the Britannic Union was extremely dependent on American entertainment media and styles. Clothing was very similar to American fashion, and most theaters showed American films, cartoons, and shorts, bookended by propaganda reels. It was clear to anyone living in Britannia in the 1930s that the country was poor, very poor, and even the most devout fascist would have admitted so. The reels promised month after month, year after year, that the hard times would soon be over. Even as London festered in anthrax outbreaks and poverty, Churchill vowed that, through their united faith in God, Britannia would one day again rule the waves.

One of the reasons Britannia was the least stable of all the fascist powers was that the people were the least religious of any fascist population. The collapse of Anglicanism in the 19th century following the overthrow of the monarchy had gained many followers for Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Baptistry, and even American Fundamentalist Christianity. But still many more were skeptical or even outright atheistic. The hard times brought by the war and the following economic hardship had not been kind. Churchill himself was a registered member of both the AFC Church and the spin-off Britannic Fundamentalist Church (BFC) and he frequently made his religious views known. He dared not crack down upon other Protestant denominations like in America, knowing that would be the death of him and a certain departure of Scotland from the Union. Instead he made it very difficult for non-BFC members to join the upper echelons of NatPar. Nevertheless, Philip Kent, his Director of Propaganda and the designer of the "Uncle Winston" posters, was a practicing Lutheran.


Director of Propaganda Philip Edgar Kent

It would be Philip Kent who would discover "Executive Order 78," quite by accident, when some of Churchill's papers were left on a table during a cabinet meeting in 1936, shortly after the Director General toured Ullapool Chemical Command. Daring a quick glance, Order 78 was a detailed plan for the handing over of Britannic sovereignty to the Republican Union in the event of a total breakdown of government or Churchill's demise. Kent was horrified at the thought of "direct rule from Philadelphia" and began to realize just how far up the Yank's rear Churchill had crawled. Kent was fine with an alliance to the RU, but to actually hand over ancient Britannia to them was treasonous in his eyes. This terrifying discovery was something Kent had to keep to himself, lest he risk execution. Above all, he knew that if Operation Cromwell did not succeed then Joe Steele would almost certainly come knocking. He was stuck in a very precarious situation: he wanted to remove Churchill for treason, but he also rooted for the Director General's success to stave off Yankee ships steaming up the Thames. The 1930s were a hard time for Britannia, and they were about to get harder....
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As always, when I say I'll post a completed chapter and answer PMs in "a day or two," I mean a week, lmao.

Also, there is a really cool chart of RU National Holidays in the "Ranks of Government, Party, and Church" Threadmark. Zoid did a great job on them and it has always been something I've meant to do myself! Check it out!


Oh, and by the way, there will be a second annual Madnessverse Christmas Special!
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A possible whistleblower in the BU? Oh my! And even when they’re on the “winning” side, Britain continues its long hard screw. And Ireland shall never willing surrender our godgiven pray and Turf to the Anglos! The armistice is merely a breather before we push forward and unite all the British Celtic Isles under the banner of King, Country, and Worker! Break The Chains!

Jokes aside, it really does seem like despite all the talk, the BU is shell of a country and will not be surprised if Order 78 is enacted in some fashion. Even her allies are sucking her dry like parasites.

Also a little sad that my suggestion for an anti-Paddy’s Day holiday didn’t make the list. No love for Running of The Infee?;)
Jokes aside, it really does seem like despite all the talk, the BU is shell of a country and will not be surprised if Order 78 is enacted in some fashion. Even her allies are sucking her dry like parasites.

Also a little sad that my suggestion for an anti-Paddy’s Day holiday didn’t make the list. No love for Running of The Infee?;)

"The time has come. Execute Order 78."

*Britannic soldier unlocks the fort gate for the Americans and shoots himself*

Honestly America has enough holidays now for its own but I could see "Running of the Paddy" being a Fawksian style night in the BU, at least for NatPar cream of society. Bread and circuses and whatnot.
Next chapter will be taking us to the hellhole of Panama as Manifest Climax continues. Mittelafrika could stand to have a League of Their Own chapter but the Congo Sea will really begin in the 40s. Thus, they aren't particularly interesting for now. After Panama and an Oswald chapter we will zip back across the Atlantic to see how our crazy buddy Adolf is doing with his long-awaited New Holy Roman Empire.

It would be Philip Kent who would discover "Executive Order 78," quite by accident, when some of Churchill's papers were left on a table during a cabinet meeting in 1936, shortly after the Director General toured Ullapool Chemical Command. Daring a quick glance, Order 78 was a detailed plan for the handing over of Britannic sovereignty to the Republican Union in the event of a total breakdown of government or Churchill's demise. Kent was horrified at the thought of "direct rule from Philadelphia" and began to realize just how far up the Yank's rear Churchill had crawled. Kent was fine with an alliance to the RU, but to actually hand over ancient Britannia to them was treasonous in his eyes. This terrifying discovery was something Kent had to keep to himself, lest he risk execution. Above all, he knew that if Operation Cromwell did not succeed then Joe Steele would almost certainly come knocking. He was stuck in a very precarious situation: he wanted to remove Churchill for treason, but he also rooted for the Director General's success to stave off Yankee ships steaming up the Thames. The 1930s were a hard time for Britannia, and they were about to get harder....
OOF. Looks like we may be having a British civil war..... *rubs hands in excitement and prepares popcorn in Irish*