"That's easy. Send the Aussies some good ole coffee grinders. In a short time, those goddamn emu devils down under will go the way of the American buffalo!"

President for Life George A. Custer during a press conference on opening up relations with Australia
But Sir they already were using them and failed!
You know how China is implementing its new social credit system coming in the next few years? Well I can see the Republican Union employing such a similar system come the 21'st century. People will rate each other on social media on a person's personality, religiousness, maybe also how "Irish" or "Inferior" they look, etc. Low scores you first get barred from trains, planes, work, etc. You then have a deadline to get your social credit score back to acceptable levels in like 2 weeks or something, failure to do so...straight to the camps in Ohio or Canada, etc.

I remember a Black Mirror episode about a system like that. People with higher scores also got to live in super fancy neighborhoods and stuff like that, and I remember one character called such a neighborhood "an ad for a eugenics program." Maybe the RU decides to go full hog with that and encourages "high-scorers" to marry and live with one another? I can picture the ad campaign now:

"Re-create the Pinnacle Man! If you have a Patriotic-Comrade Fitness Score of 80 or higher, you are eligible to live in the newly created "Communities of the Fittest!" Meet other high quality citizens who are perfect marriage partners! Only you can improve our race enough to restore our Pinnacle bloodline!"


Look at these fine folks enjoying a wedding in America's first Community of the Fittest!
So glad to have Zoidberg12 back in the Madnessverse!

Things are quickly going downhill. The Union is much nastier than 1.0, and this chapter truly tips the scales.



A Union propaganda paper from Pittsburgh openly promotes the idea of genocide against the "subhuman Mexican bastards"

It was 1886. In Paris, Napoleon III was on the Imperial Europan throne and promising "eternal peace." In Philadelphia, Custer and McClellan were making plans to invade Mexico and build a canal to link the Atlantic and Pacific. Custer had also just appointed Nelson Miles as his Vice President (before this, the responsibilities of succession fell to Thomas Custer), and Nelson was the general who had initially pitched the idea of invading Mexico to Custer years ago to begin with. Now, with a revamped economy on the upswing and national morale behind him, Custer prepared to make his moves. The nascent Second Mexican Empire, backed by the leadership of the Old South and under the Bourbon Emperor and Great American War war criminal Alfonso, was wary that the Union might attack and had spies stationed along the border to keep an eye out for any potential incursions. Even Heinrich Wirz and his Riders held back their typical raids into the Union for fear of giving the Union a reason to come down and wipe them out.

Custer knew he had the leverage at this point, but he still didn't want to risk a global war over Mexico. Instead he created the first false flag in modern history. The Union Navy was on stand-by in the Gulf, sailing around under the guise of "military exercises," and then the President moved the R.U.S. Titania down near the Panamanian coast in the Gulf of Mosquitoes. The Titania was ordered to steam close to the Mexican ironclad squadron in the area and flash a code to exchange news, as was common between international ships in this period, as they were still deprived of instant talkiebox communication. During the routine event, an explosion went off on the back deck of the Titania. The wounded ship's crew instantly moved into action, opening fire on the outdated Mexican ironclads with heavy deck artillery and coffee grinder turrets. Within twenty minutes, nine ironclads were sinking beneath the waves and eight more were abandoned as the terrified and confused Mexican sailors dove overboard and swam for their lives. The massacre continued as the rest of the Union fleet moved in and trapped the remaining members of the fleeing ironclad squadron. The commanders quickly surrendered, knowing they stood no chance against the larger and faster warships. Next came the pathetic wooden reserve ships that Mexico deployed to defend the town of Colon as a last ditch effort. Fifty Mexican ships were destroyed by the end of the day, effectively eliminating the already-meager Mexican navy from the Atlantic Ocean. The source of the explosion on the Titania was blamed on "Mexican Inferior treachery." In reality, the Union had rigged the whole thing from the start with a small stick of TNT just large enough to create a show (no one had even died in the blast).


The Battle of the Gulf of Mosquito

The reaction from the Union populace was pure, unadulterated rage. The people were clamoring for a declaration of war, begging Custer to destroy Mexico once and for all. Things had gone perfectly for him. Playing up the stories about the "backhanded attack on the Titania," Custer declared war on May 28, 1886. The Union was officially at war. Immediately, the assault began all along the border. McClellan steamrolled through the Mexican border defenses and mercilessly slaughtered any enemies he could find. The Mexicans had always feared a Yankee invasion, and so they planted minefields all along the border. But rather than risk it themselves, the Union troops forced captured Mexican border guards forward ahead of their army. Hundreds of captive Mexicans died detonating mines so the Americans could advance.


Union troops advance under heavy Mexican fire

As the Union swept south under McClellan, the Mexican Imperial government was preparing to flee Mexico City for Gran Colombia. Unfortunately for them, Legion X, supported by several smaller brigades shipped in from the Caribbean such as the black Jamaican Volunteers, had just landed at Colon, Panama, where the Union Navy had been holding strong since the "attack" on the Titania. These forces crushed local resistance, many of whom felt little loyalty to Mexico City and remembered the old days of Panama's brief venture as a Beutelist state under Meinrad Beutel's right-hand man (and eventual foe) Leonhard Troki. This caused Mexican defenses in the area to crumble into dust as Legion X, under Legate General Zachary T. Lewis, pressed his men further into enemy territory. Gran Colombia was cut off by June 15. The Bourbon government had no where to run. A messenger begged California for exile, but it was refused by the Bonapartist government (the Bonapartes still at this point refused to recognize the House of Bourbon as a legitimate family or nobility).


Union troops land in Panama

The war was proceeding well. The regions of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas fell by the end of June. Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders almost single-handedly captured the western coast of Mexico, bringing up McClelland's rear as he advanced on Mexico City. With support at home sky-high, the war that Custer had long intended to be a war to conquer Central America had suddenly become a war to conquer all of the Mexican Empire. The Bourbons boarded a ship in Acapulco and set sail for destination unknown. In his place, Emperor Alfonso left Heinrich Wirz behind to manage the war effort. The aging terrorist began a ruthless scorched earth campaign, trying to leave nothing of value behind for the Yankee aggressors. The Bank of Mexico (the old Bank of Georgia under a fresh name) also sought escape to the Pacific at Puerto Escondido. However, they wouldn't be as lucky as the Bourbons. Moments before they were to be in open waters, a Union Navy patrol squadron, all the way from Oregon, under Captain Stanley McDonald, spotted the small fleet of private vessels and stopped them. A boarding crew found millions of dollars worth of gold and currency, much of it still bearing old Georgian symbols, as well as the Chief Financial Steward of the Imperial Bank of Mexico, Bernard Williams, a wanted "war criminal" from the Great American War and at one point a card-carrying member of the Riders of the Storm. He and the rest of his staff were immediately thrown into one of the Yankee bilge compartments and the Union ships steamed into Puerto Escondido and took over the port. Union marines soon overwhelmed the small garrison in the city and planted the Union flag over the town hall on July 14.

Back up north, McClellan was continuing his push, finally hitting resistance pockets fighting under Wirz, now self-proclaimed Potentate of Mexico. He told his men that "you will either die from a Yankee bullet or you will die when I shoot you from running from Yankee bullets." Faced with the hopelessness of their situation, morale plummeted. All the way south, the Union Army was instructed to burn every single Catholic church and monastery they came across, and all Catholic symbols were to be removed to make way for "Americanization." Tens of thousands of Mexican citizens were rounded up and forced into reeducation camps. As the war dragged on, Custer implemented a policy of "de-Mexicanization." Instead of filling up the camps in Mexico, they were shipped far north, to places like Oregon, Redemption, and even Vermont. Custer then went about implementing martial law upon the Mexican states already under his control. Chihuahua and Sonora became the "State of Brown," after John Brown, the martyred Patriot-Saint. Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas became the "State of Arnold," and the Rio Grande became the "Magnum River" ("Magnum" meaning "great/grand" in Latin). This policy of complete cultural eradication incensed thousands of remaining Mexicans and drove them to resistance. But RUMP was the veritable rainbow that followed the Army storm, and the Military Police brutally crushed any uprisings.

By late August, Mexico City was under siege. The hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned Wirz was determined to go down fighting and take as many Yankees with him as possible. By mid-September, however, McClellan had had enough. He ordered the largest artillery barrage in human history up to this point, utilizing the most modern guns, and rained hell down upon Mexico City. The ancient capital was crumbling, its ancient structures collapsing under the lead rain. Shrapnel shells burst in the air, spewing death upon civilians and soldiers alike. The famed Metropolitan Cathedral, one of the oldest remaining structures on the continent, was devastated on September 19th. Continued damage caused the building to collapse on the 21st. A raging fire erupted in the basement and corridors underneath the Catholic church, which had been utilized as an ammunition depot by the Mexican defenders, causing a massive explosion which devastated the surrounding area. Castillo Chapultepec, the former home of both the Mad Emperor Iturbide and Emperor Alfonso, was also hit directly (likely very much on purpose) on September 20th. The building had mostly collapsed by the end of the month, though the Union would later rebuild it somewhat.


Union troops watch out for guerrillas outside Mexico City. Pierce Munitions M1885 grinders could fire 500 rounds per minute and were fed with a 250 round canvas belt

Finally, the guns inside the city fell silent. The roaring flames lit up the night sky and the stench of death hung heavy in the air. All along the hills surrounding the city the Union Eagle Standards waved high above a sea of blue and khaki. Over 50,000 hardened veterans stood ready for the final assault. With a deafening cheer of "For the President!", the Yankees rushed the city, Rough Riders and Roosevelt out front leading the attack, scampering over the burnt-out ramparts like rats in a garbage dump. A huge blue mass was swarming the city, cheering and screaming, their rifles equipped with bayonets for close-quarters combat.

Then Wirz struck. The final defenders of the city rose up from their hiding spots and fired into the Union troops. Despite taking heavy casualties, the Yankees drove forward, returning fire as best they could. McClellan and his elite cavalry unit advanced as well, bringing up the rear. In the wreckage of the old Castillo Chapultepec the the supreme Union commander made his headquarters. For the next three days, a brutal game of cat and mouse was played out all through the city. Every house and every building seemed to house an enemy, and every house and building claimed another American life or two or three or ten. At last, Wirz himself was located in an old library in the southwestern area of the city. After a massive shootout, Wirz was at last struck down by Union bullets, crippling him instantly from the waist down. He was loaded onto a wagon and brought before McClellan. Enraged at finally seeing the terrorist who had caused so many deaths since the war and who was responsible for the horrific guerrilla campaign inside Mexico City, McClellan drew the saber from his belt and - according to the legends - took Wirz's head clean off with one strike. Whether that tale is true or not, Wirz's head was indeed mounted on a pike in front of the Castillo for all the city to see. Almost immediately, the battle began to cease and the last defenders began either surrendering or fleeing when possible.

Though the war was not over yet and a bloody guerrilla campaign would actually rage on for two more years, McClellan was named Military Dictator of Greater Mexico, which encompassed the regions already captured and those yet to fall under the Stars-and-Stripes. The Castillo was rebuilt and renamed "Castle McClellan." Mexico City was renamed to "Metropolis" in 1888, with Union architects from all over the country coming to "work with a blank canvas." Almost the entire city was annihilated. The surviving "Inferior" Mexican people were either forced into work details or shipped off to reeducation camps far away. Many of the men were simply executed for "aiding the resistance."

The brutal ethnic cleansing in Mexico was the first time the Union had invaded a majority-Inferior nation. The extermination of Mexican and Catholic culture was astounding in its efficiency. The Mexican flag, in any variant, was banned. Catholicism, while still technically legal in the Union (though attending would have you designated as an Inferior), was banned in occupied Mexico itself and all Catholic churches were declared illegal dens of rebellion. In early 1887, RUMP swept through with the new Office of Racial and Religious Affairs (ORRA) and arrested all known members of the Catholic Clergy in Mexico. Many of these friars, priests, and nuns were pressed into work details and shipped south to Panama to work on the Great Canal. The Bourbons had previously started an attempt at building a canal, but it was only about ten percent complete. Charles Goodyear II came down from New England to take power over the project.

Despite disease, guerrilla attacks, and several worker revolts, the progress on the Canal was remarkable by 1890. By 1892, through unrelenting willpower and with what amounted to expendable slaves as a workforce, the Great Canal opened for business. Two years prior to opening, Napoleon III had gladly signed Europa into the Treaty of Metropolis, opening the future canal for Imperial shipping and effectively recognizing the Union ethnic cleansing of Mexico as good and fine. Many have said this was likely the last straw that forced the Prince of Bombay's hand to remove his father from the throne at any cost necessary. Now, under Napoleon IV, he begrudgingly had to make use of the Canal until 1900, when the treaty ran out. This infuriated him beyond measure and would be one of the many sparks that would eventually spark the First Great War.


A Nordreich trade ship steams on through the Great Canal, circa 1900

Custer and Goodyear I came down from Philadelphia to visit the Canal on its opening day. This was one of the earliest times "motion picture cameras" were used to record an historical event. Custer greatly recognized the power of film as a propaganda tool and footage of the event was screened all across the Union. Also shown was the progress of building "Metropolis" as a great new city. Metropolis would be the capital of the new state of New Canaan. As foreign ships began streaming through the Great Canal, Mexico's culture was quickly becoming entirely erased. Teaching Spanish was outlawed, and Custer intended the current generation of Spanish speakers to be the last in Union lands. All of Mexico was broken up into several large states. These new states were the aforementioned Brown, Arnold, and New Canaan, and also Lincoln and Grand Panama to the south.

Out of the twelve million Mexican citizens that once populated the Second Mexican Empire, only 5 million remained. Seven million Mexicans had been slaughtered, displaced, forced into work crews, exiled, or otherwise met unseemly fates. Over 100,000 were shipped to the hellish penal colony of Cuba, while another 250,000 or so were shipped in huge convoys and dumped in South America and even some in Africa. All members of the former government were executed. ORRA cut its teeth in the Subjugation of Mexico and it was ORRA that would slowly erase the last vestiges of Old Mexico. One day at a time, ORRA scrubbed the very existence of Mexico as an independent Catholic nation from the face of the earth.

In the quiet of the Mexican desert, a tumbleweed blew across the plains. Hundreds of vultures circled in the sweltering summer heat. The air was thick and rancid with the smell of rotting flesh. Packs of coyotes dined on human meat. A gunshot rang out. The vultures and coyotes were used to the sound now, and carried on as normal. Then came the sound of the coffee grinders opening up, facing no returning fire. Little did the world know that in the old Sonoran Desert... ORRA was very busy. By 1905, over two million ethnic Mexicans and those designated Inferior would be taken out to the middle of the desert and shot. Their corpses were dropped into shallow graves and not even filled in, depriving the Inferiors of a proper burial and leaving the animals to finish the job. The actions ORRA committed were never discussed or even mentioned in Philadelphia. Custer knew. Vice President Miles knew. Roosevelt knew. Dewey certainly knew, as head of ORRA. But in the far reaches of the desert, only the coyotes and vultures knew. In the far reaches of the desert, only the coffee grinders spoke. A nation... an ethnicity itself... was no more.


Field Marshal and former President McClellan, largely responsible for the Immolation of the Mexican Race


A very rare photo of ORRA troopers standing over a mountain of corpses


An ORRA coffee grinder team poses for a photo


Flag of the State of New Canaan
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well that was horrifying, but I was hoping that Mexico would get on the madness before the ethnic cleansing. good chapter though.

I figure that most of France and its satellites speak a variety of languages. A primary language (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German) along with a French as a secondary language. French would a be common language used for trade, military coordination, and higher education. Many may also have a third local or regional language. Over time there may be a blending of Romance languages and most colonies will be taught this with loan words from other continents (India, Latin America, Caribbean and so on).

Europan culture would be a blend of various cultures possibly reaching back to the Frankish Empire, Imperial Rome, Byzantium and so on. The would herald the Pax Romana and highlight Roman/Byzantine culture/history. By the late 19th Century you may begin to see more and more influence from the colonies show up in Paris and the major cities. Europa would be heavily Catholic with Jews and Protestants tolerated but to be in the higher levels of the military, government you must be Catholic. Jews and Protestants would be watched for Union or Reich sympathies. Orthodox and Islamic groups would be suppressed. Masses would be in Latin and the Church would have influence in education, society and so on. They would be expected to express a pro-government line.

Military service would be seen as a path to glory, adventure, romance and a way to promote a common culture. Those who desire positions in the government would need to have military service. The press, social groups and labor unions would be monitored by the police and limited freedoms would be allowed.

This is 100% exactly how I envision it. Down to almost the smallest detail.
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Holy shit. Literally dragging out 2 million people to the desert and shooting them up--no labour camps, no man-made famine, no gas chambers, no nothing. Just shoot 'em up.

That has to be the darkest thing I've read in a long, long while.
Holy shit. Literally dragging out 2 million people to the desert and shooting them up--no labour camps, no man-made famine, no gas chambers, no nothing. Just shoot 'em up.

That has to be the darkest thing I've read in a long, long while.

It's what happens when you get a bunch of guys in their 20s in the middle of the desert being told they are part of an elite ORRA brigade fighting for Custer AND McClellan, who are basically gods ITTL, and those guys tell them they are servants of God annihilating useless Inferior subhuman terrorists to make room for "progress." The Union worldview is already so distorted and perverted that it's beyond saving. Sure, there will be lots who hesitate to pull the trigger. Lots of people who don't want to annihilate thousands of people no matter if they hate them, and those people won't make it in ORRA and will be sent home and branded as cowards not good enough to be a part of "America's elite fighting force." That's why I'm introducing megadeaths earlier this time around: ORRA will be a cold, unfeeling machine by the mid 1900s. They are deliberately conditioning men to kill without thought. Likely while supplying them with copious amounts of alcohol and cocaine lozenges. (I still wanna write that George Washington Carver chapter where he invents the cocaine lozenges). Custer is literally engineering a force of elite berserkers who literally will unflinchingly die for their country and unhesitatingly mow down foreign civilians with a gatling gun because he says so. As in 1.0:

"Via Veritas Vita!"
*suicide vest explodes*
PTSD and suicide rates must be high among the ORRA and RUMP ranks.

I'm being reminded of The Killing Fields here.

Goes without saying.

I'd imagine RUMP is sort of vaguely left in the dark at this point, though. They round people up. The people go on a train to a happy place and out of their hair. ORRA carefully selects the most psychotic and/or ultra AFC zealots to actually mow the prisoners down once they are no longer useful (it wouldn't take many men actually if it was a continual process and not all at once). Maybe a few thousand hardened murderers. Meanwhile, the Army stands over in the corner blissfully unaware, like a bunch of Gomer Pyles talking about "Golly gee, ain't America swell?"
Preview. This world's equivalent to Coca-Cola is about to be born. And they ain't takin' the coke outta this soda. Also expect the birth of Go-Go Pep Cocaine Lozenges. The Turn of the Century is a very interesting time...

Goes without saying.

I'd imagine RUMP is sort of vaguely left in the dark at this point, though. They round people up. The people go on a train to a happy place and out of their hair. ORRA carefully selects the most psychotic and/or ultra AFC zealots to actually mow the prisoners down once they are no longer useful (it wouldn't take many men actually if it was a continual process and not all at once). Maybe a few thousand hardened murderers. Meanwhile, the Army stands over in the corner blissfully unaware, like a bunch of Gomer Pyles talking about "Golly gee, ain't America swell?"
You would think that the regular American ITTL would be fine with knowing about the killings going on, as long as they weren't witnessing it themselves. This isn't like Nazi Germany where the population had only been indoctrinated in Nazi ideology for slightly over a decade.

So every Mexican ITTL is slated for extermination at this point? Á la Khmer Rouge Cambodian?

I shouldn't ask rhetorical questions.
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Not canon, obviously.

unless Nappy sees fit to make it so

Anglo-American Cyclopedia: The Better's Cyclopedia


DELPHI-1, ORRA's first Megatabulator.

ORRACLE (Office of Racial and Religious Affairs's Computational Logistics Electronics) is a bureau within ORRA. Originally a purely military bureau concerned with military electronics, ORRACLE successfully lobbied for NUSA to lift its ban on consumer electronics by arguing that they could design a system that simultaneously allowed the Betters of Society connect to one another and educate themselves towards the goal of becoming Pinnacle Men while avoiding the subversive effects of consumer electronics that had been observed in other nations. ORRACLE has become the largest produce of electronics in NUSA, military and civilian alike. Major products of ORRACLE include ORRACLE 1000 (the first personal tabulator), the DELPHI Line (the world's most powerful Megatabutors), PYTHIA (NUSA's first SmartBox), and the PatriNet (NUSA's first Inter-Network).

Major competitors to ORRACLE include
Kinderhook Computing, Goodyear Tabulatics, and Heuristic Algorithmics.

Would You Like To Know More?


Monthly Donor
Things are quickly going downhill. The Union is much nastier than 1.0, and this chapter truly tips the scales.

How bad can it be?

A Union propaganda paper from Pittsburgh openly promotes the idea of genocide against the "subhuman Mexican bastards"

Dear God...
I shouldn't have asked that.

The actions ORRA committed were never discussed or even mentioned in Philadelphia. Custer knew. Vice President Miles knew. Roosevelt knew. Thomas Custer certainly knew, as head of ORRA. But in the far reaches of the desert, only the coyotes and vultures knew. In the far reaches of the desert, only the coffee grinders spoke. A nation... an ethnicity itself... was no more.

What more can I say, aside from the fact that they're already giving some of the world's worst regimes IOTL a fine run for their money.
Hey Napo? Can we avoid Europa falling behind technologically like it did in the Original version?

Having the Empire get the atomic bomb first would make a nice change from the America always winning and give a reason for why America and their allies don’t just overwhelm the Empire with sheer numbers. Plus, the RU propaganda can tie radiation with evil satanic energies as proof of the Papist wickedness.


A rare photograph of Doctor Von Braun in his later years
Napoleon IV, tired of always being in the backfoot, becomes a strong patron of the Imperial Science Society and their leader, Doctor Emmanuel Von Braun. A proponent of theories which clashed with Imperial and Catholic doctrine, undoubtedly led to great innovations and kept Europa strong in an increasingly insane world”