I think that goes in the expanded universe thread but it is likely that Theodore Roosevelt came up with the idea prior to his death.
Which could very ironically lead too the idea being shunned and not implemented for a lot longer than OTL, since Steele is definetly the kind of person petty enough too scrap beneficial ideas and allow mass destruction of the enviorment because they were come up with by his political rivals.
Which could very ironically lead too the idea being shunned and not implemented for a lot longer than OTL, since Steele is definetly the kind of person petty enough too scrap beneficial ideas and allow mass destruction of the enviorment because they were come up with by his political rivals.

Not necessarily. Remember, he spared the Blind Christian Gentleman, who literally abused him, because it was politically expedient.
Not necessarily. Remember, he spared the Blind Christian Gentleman, who literally abused him, because it was politically expedient.
That is true, but in this case there are alot of major differences between the two. Tobias was widley revered and was going too die soon anyway, and publicly they had relatively good relations, Roosevelt was clearly preparing a coup and got assasinated by what was obviously one of Steele's men, and discrediting him and making his ideas seem crazy or stupid is actually something that would be politically beneficial too Steele, well disposing of The Blind Christain Gentlemen would be the opposite. Although Steele obviously dosent let it get in the way off his ruthless, cold blooded pragmatism when it comes too his tyranny, that dosent mean he wouldn't indulge his pettiness when he can easily get away with it or it benefits him, which in this case it does. It also makes more sense if the firebombing of the Amazon and its enviormental effects or something similar ends up happening, as it would be pretty weird for Steele to be so enviormentally conscious early in his reign and then cause a massive ecological catastrophe for the RU during Manifest Climax. I was thinking its more likely too be something Oswald digs up and passes off as his own idea once he takes power, as part of his general De-Steelification reforms and attempts too appeal too the masses of betters by looking good and improving their lives, possibly inspired by him witnessing the enviormental effects of the burning of the Amazon well he is fighting in Columbia or when he is returning.
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Also, what a rip-roaring Patriot-Saints Day tale! It really gets the fluids pumping, that's for sure!

I think as far as Oswald "finding his Stareena" goes, Mary Jane Mundy (Classic's Marilyn Monroe) will be his pick. However, there has to be something more about her than just her looks, since Oswald can probably find a decent number of attractive blondes. There are lots of ways Napo can pull this off. A couple thoughts I had include him taking Mundy as a second wife b/c of the Oswald Reforms loosening sexual morality, or her still being a mistress but actually having more authority as compared to his actual wife. I also like the idea of her being just as batshit insane and power-hungry as Oswald, since it figures that the kind of woman who would indulge in a weird space conquest fantasy with a genocidal dictator is... playing with a few cards short of a deck to say the least.

EDIT: Here's a real humdinger. Assume Oswald and Mundy are engaged in their affair and Mundy is pretty nuts too. She demands that Chuckie have Wyetta knocked off so they can be wed. Their stooge is none other than Lee Harvey Oswald, who Napo has said will play Zap Zephyr. Maybe as a sick way for him to show loyalty to Charles. Probably not gonna happen, but it's a helluva thought!
Or he just has his first wife nocked off once Steele kicks the bucket and has it made to look like an accident. Soon followed by good old Chuckie marrying Marylin Monroe a few months to years later with the kids from his first marriage getting thrown to the wayside.


I have an idea for the space force satellite cannons. like how in OTL the Soviets made a satellite that has a cannon and I can't see mr. Oswald space force not wanting something like that and in a fascist dystopia the dictator can put a lot of resources into whatever they want and because raining death from orbit is to good to pass up edit it can even be during Oswalds reign as in otL they got it during the 70s :https//www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a18187/here-is-the-soviet-unions-secret-space-cannon/
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Soon followed by good old Chuckie marrying Marylin Monroe a few months to years later with the kids from his first marriage getting thrown to the wayside.

It would be interesting if Monroe/Mundy is infertile or otherwise unable to have kids; we'll see an interesting conflict later on when Oswald has to bring his estranged kids back into the fold.

Or we could see shenanigans if Oswald dies with children from both ladies, with the widowed mothers competing for influence in an attempt to secure their children's positions as his heirs.
You know what would be the ultimate plot twist of this TL?
The reveal that Oswald is either Asexual or gay and that his reputation as a love machine is just a cover to promote his reforms
You know what would be the ultimate plot twist of this TL?
The reveal that Oswald is either Asexual or gay and that his reputation as a love machine is just a cover to promote his reforms

I have to respectfully disagree with you on this point. JFK ain't JFK unless he's humping just about every halfway attractive woman in sight. The man OTL claimed that if he didn't bed 1-3 women a day that he would get migraines. Plus, it fits more with Oswald's character for him to reform Union society to satisfy his own whims, although maybe some genuine belief is thrown in there.
I have to respectfully disagree with you on this point. JFK ain't JFK unless he's humping just about every halfway attractive woman in sight. The man OTL claimed that if he didn't bed 1-3 women a day that he would get migraines. Plus, it fits more with Oswald's character for him to reform Union society to satisfy his own whims, although maybe some genuine belief is thrown in there.

The Chad Oswald vs. The Virgin Steele
I really wish I had found this pic during the Lincoln Era.


This ladies and gents, is a painting of the 8th Wisconsin with their mascot eagle, Old Abe. As in, a real, live Eagle. That they took into battle. In real life. Kinda makes the Union's Eagle Standards look weak in comparison. Prime EU content right here.

EDIT: He survived the war btw. Went on to have a taxpayer funded apartment and caretaker, and was displayed at the Centennial in 1876. His likeness is the logo of the famous 101st Airborne, and a replica of his stuffed remains (which were destroyed in a fire) are still on display at the Wisconsin state house.
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