What if the world was like this by the end of the 1970s?(What would the short and long term effects be)


The United States of America is led by President Jerry Brown of the Democratic Party.
Previous President: Gerald Ford - Republicans(1974-1977).

The USSR is led by Premier Leonid Brezhnev. He is the successor of Nikita Khrushchev(1953-1964). He follows the conservative Soviet economics of State Socialism and his foreign policy is 'Brezhnev doctrine' which calls for intervention(including militarily) in countries where socialist rule is under threat(otl outcome).

The People's Republic of Bulgaria is led by the Marxist-Leninist General-Secretary Anton Yugov of the Bulgarian Communist Party. He was placed in power by Soviet troops after the failed Maoist revolution of Ivan Todorov-Gorunya in the 60s(which resulted in the death of Todor Zhivkov). Now Bulgaria is completely subsiverent to the USSR and follows the political and economic doctrines of Brezhnev.

The Socialist Republic of Romania is led by the Hardline Marxist-Leninist General Secretary Alexandru Drăghici of the Romanian Communist Party. He is the successor of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, ex-head of the Securitate and known as the 'Beria of Bucharest'. Drăghici is a hardline Marxist-Leninist who has opposed De-Stalinization since the start and has turned Romania into a brutal police state by purging his rivals and all opposition. He also utterly crushed the Orthodox church revival movement in the 60s and thus Romania remains atheist and strongly National Communist.

The People's Republic of Albania is led by First Secretary Enver Hoxha. He remains a staunch follower of Maoism.

East Germany is led by First Secretary Horst Sindermann. He is considered to be a compromise candidate between reformers and hardliners in the party.

Western Europe

West Germany is led by the Christian democratic Chancellor Rainer Barzel of the CDU.
Previous Chancellors: Konrad Adenauer - CDU(1949-1953), Egon Franke - SPD Right(1953-1957), Konrad Adenauer - CDU(1957-1963), Ludwig Erhard - CDU affiliate(1963-1966), Kurt Georg Kiesinger - CDU(1966-1969).

The Republic of Austria is led by the Christian democratic Chancellor Josef Taus of the Austrian People's Party(OVP). He defeated the social democratic SPO in the latest election.
Previous Chancellors: Alfons Gorbach - OVP(1962-1966), Josef Klaus - OVP-SPO coalition(1966-1970), Josef Klaus - OVP-SPO coalition(1970-1975), Josef Taus - OVP(1975-1979).

The United Kingdom is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. Prime minister Edward Heath of the Conservative party holds parliament.
Previous PMs: Harold Macmillan - Conservative(1957-1963), Alec Douglas-Home - Conservative(1963-1964), Harold Wilson - Labour(1964-1968), Roy Jenkins - Labour(1968-1971).

The French Republic is led by the Gaullist President Jacques Chaban-Delmas of the Union for the New Republic. The Gaullists have dominated French politics since De Gaulle's successful decentralization referendum in 1969 although Chaban-Delmas has won the 1974 election against the socialist Francois Mitterand only by a razor's edge.
Previous Presidents: Charles De Gaulle - UNR(1959-1970), Georges Pompidou - UNR(1970-1974).

The Kingdom of Spain is ruled by King Alfonso II(Alfonso, Duke of Anjou and Cádiz) and the authoritarian democratic Prime minister Luis Carrero Blanco of the FET y de las JONS. Believing Juan Carlos to be too liberal, Franco appointed Alfonso as King and his right-hand man as the de facto leader. The duo are now facing a tumoltous Post-Franco era as their economic liberalization policies are not enought to stop the increasing demands of return to democracy.

Portugal: Estado Novo(Portugal) is led by the authoritarian democratic Prime minister Marcello Caetano of the National Union. He is Salazar's successor and his reformist policies have seen some success although Portugal still remains a one party state and anti-government groups remain a serious problem.

The Arab World

Note: The Arab world still reels under the humiliation caused by defeat in the costly wars against Israel in the late 60s and 70s and the effects of the subsequent oil embargo have been disastrous for the world.

The State of Israel is led by the democratic socialist Prime minister Shimon Peres of the Alignment(A merger of Mapai and other left-wing parties).

After the death of Yasser Arafat in a Mossad shootout, the struggle for Palestine is now being headed by the Arab Nationalist Chairman Abu Jihad. He has started the process of involving the Feedayeen directly into PLO affairs.

The Arab Republic of Egypt is led by the Right Nasserist President Abdel Latif Boghdadi of the Arab Socialist Union. He was appointed as VP by Nasser after removing Sadat and then became President after the former's death. Boghdadi is anti-left and has distanced Egypt from the USSR although his staunch opposition to any sort of treaty with Israel stops him from joining the western camp outright. Thus he follows a strict adherence to the Non-aligned movement. Economically he has begun a policy of economic liberalization although its not as fast as Anwar Sadat wanted.

The Syrian Republic is led by the paternal autocratic President General Abd al-Karim al-Nahlawi of the military. He came to power after his coup on 28 March 1962 and has ruled Syria with an iron fist since them. He and his clique of military officers are to some degree operating at the behest of the Syrian middle and upper class who opposed Nasser's socialist policies and in particular land reform. Immediately after coming to power, the new government reversed all the socialist reforms of the Arab Union era.

The Arab Federation is a union of the Hashemite monarchies of Iraq and Jordan formed in 1958 to counter Nasserism and calls for Pan-Arab unity. The Kingdom of Iraq is ruled by King Faisal II and the Kingdom of Jordan is ruled by King Hussein I. Parliament is held by the despotic Prime minister Salih Saib Al Jubouri of the military.

Oman remains in status-quo. The Sultanate of Oman is ruled by the Progressive Sultan Qaboos bin Said while in the interior region of Jebel al Akhdar, the Saudi-supported Imamate of Oman ruled by Imam Ghalib al-Hinai survives as a state after having secured a shock victory in a bitterly fought war against the British sponsered Sultanate of Oman in 1954 with the help of Arab backing.

Yemen unified

The Arab Republic of Yemen is led by the Nasserist President Field Marshal Abdullah al-Sallal of the Yemeni Free Officers Movement. He is an uncompromising Arab Nationalist and Hardline Nasserist who has brutally put down all dissidents whether they be royalists or leftists or democrats. He came to power after brutally murdering the Yemeni King Muhammad al-Badr in the coup of 1963.

The Islamic Democratic Republic of Iran is de jure led by the Fundamentalist Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini of the Islamic Republican Party. However real power is held by Prime minister Mehdi Bazargan of the Freedom Movement of Iran. The party has reduced the power of Khomeini. It believes in the separation of religion and state, while that political activity should be guided by religious values. FMI is based on a moderate interpretation of Islam. It rejects both royal and clerical dictatorship in favor of political and economic liberalism.

The Republic of Turkey is led by the Left Kemalist President General Cemal Madanoğlu and Prime minister Doğan Avcıoğlu of the Luminosity Movement. The PM is serving his second term since 1977 and first came to power after winning the elections of 1973. He is a loyal follower of President Madanoglu. Turkish politics was radically changed when Cemal Madanoğlu first seized power in his March 9, 1971 coup(He declared new elections in 1973). Madanoglu has started his 'National Democratic Revolution' which aims to complete the goals of the 1960s coup by passing land reform and other left wing economic reforms (i.e nationalization and socialization of the economy) to stabilize the Turkish political and economical sphere. However he has also banned right wing parties like the Justice Party and others from participating in democratic elections leading some to call the regime an authoritarian dmeocracy. Turkey under Madanoglu has left NATO and joined the Non-aligned movement.

The Maghreb

The Libyan Arab Republic is led by the Nasserist President Colonel Abdul Aziz Shalhi of the Black Boots Revolutionary Faction. He came to power after leading a coup against the monarchy in 1968.

The Republic of Tunisia is led by the Nationalist President Habib Bourguiba and Prime minister Hédi Amara Nouira of the Neo Destour Party. His ideology is strict adherence to Tunisian Nationalism(As opposed to Arab nationalism). It advocates for a state capitalist approach on economic development, a statist and corporatist interpretation of populism, strict secularism, gender equality and cultural modernity thus advocating Tunisia's place as a bridge between Arab-Islamic and Western civilization. His foreign policy is Non-alignment with Pro-American tilt. However his relations with Arab Nationalists are soured because of his Tunisian Nationalism.

The 1961 Bizerte crisis ended with a Tunisian victory and Tunis has annexed Bizerte.

The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria is led by the Islamic Nationalist President Saïd Mohammedi. He came to power after leading a coup against the Left-Nasserist President Ahmed Ben Bella with the help of Islamist and conservative supporters. During World War II, he joined the Mufti to work with Nazi Germany, hoping that Hitler's defeat of France would lead to the liberation of Algeria and other French colonies. He enlisted in the Wehrmacht and fought in the Balkans (Yugoslavia and Greece) as well as on the Russian front during Operation Barbarossa. After a stay in Berlin, he received the Iron Cross First Class, for exemplary soldiers.

The Kingdom of Morrocco is ruled by King Hassan II. He has appointed the royalist Prime minister Ahmed Osman(his brother-in-law) of the National Rally of Independents. It is pro-business and liberal. The Kingdom is Pro-West.

Western Sahara has been divided up between Morrocco and Mauritania. The Morrocan side has been granted autonomy under Jatri Uld Said Uld Yumani and the Djema'a assembly.

The Republic of Mauritania is led by the Arab Nationalist President Ahmed Baba Miské of the Nahda. The Nahda party is radical arab nationalist and Anti-French.


The People's Republic of China is led by Chairman Hua Guofeng. He is Mao's successor. The Two Whatevers refers to the statement that "We will resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions Chairman Mao made, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions Chairman Mao gave". Under him, China also puruses an aggressive foreign policy. Hua's economic and political programs involve the restoration of Soviet-style industrial planning and party control similar to that followed by China before the Great Leap Forward. He has also started a new ambitious 10 year plan which seeks to create a Soviet-style economy based around heavy industry and energy.

The Republic of China(Taiwan) is led by the liberal democratic President Kao Yu-shu of the China Democratic Party. He is the successor of Lei Chen(1972-1974). The regime is liberal and Taiwan localist in nature, encourages a free market capitalist economy, has good relations with the West and is in favor of the 'Two China policy' which calls for a detente with the PRC.
Previous Presidents: Lei Chen(1972-1974), Sun Fo(1965-1972), Chen Cheng(1960-1965).

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea(North Korea) is led by the Moderate Communist Chairman Pak Kum-chol of the Worker's Party of Korea. He came to power after overthrowing Kim Il-sung in the Kapsan incident of 1967. He has liberalized the economy and pursued a detente with South Korea.

The Republic of Korea(South Korea) is led by the democratic socialist President Park Ki-chul. He has setup a mixed economy welfare state and pursues a neutral foreign policy. His first term was 1964-1968 and he has been reelected 3 times since then. Democracy in South Korea was first instituted by Chang Myon's(1952-1956) Anti-Rhee coup of 1952.
Previous Presidents: Liberal Chang Myon(1952-1956), Democratic Socialist Cho Bong-am(1956-1964).

The Republic of the Philippines is led by the National Conservative President Fernando Lopez of the Nacionalista Party.
Previous Presidents: Carlos P. Garcia - Nationalist(1957-1961), Diosdado Macapagal - Liberal(1961-1965), Ferdinand Marcos - Nationalist(1965-1969), Sergio Osmeña Jr. - Liberal(1969-1973)

The Union of Burma is led by the Maoist Chairman Thakin Than Tun of the Communist Party of Burma. He has instituted the cultural revolution in Burma.

The Lao People's Democratic Republic is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Souphanouvong of the Pathet Lao(Lao People's Liberation Army). The Communists came to power after winning the decades long Laoatian civil war. After the Pathet Lao took over the country in 1975, the conflict continued in isolated pockets. In 1977, a communist newspaper promised the party would hunt down the "American collaborators" and their families "to the last root"(otl outcome).


Vietnam was reunited after a long and bloody pair of wars - first against the French, and then against the Americans. The latter spanned several decades and saw the death of Ho Chi Minh from natural causes, although his dream outlived him. After forcing the Americans to the bargaining table and winning withdrawal in 1973, the North had some breathing room to plan for their final offensives, which were conducted in 1975 and 1976. Both made gains, with the latter bashing down the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon. Now all of Vietnam is finally free.

Vietnam is ruled from Hanoi by Pro-Soviet Marxist-Leninist Prime minister Võ Nguyên Giáp. He came to power after leading a coup with help from Moscow.

Cambodia bleeds under the brutal rule of the Khmer Rouge. Democratic Kampuchea is led by the Extremist Maoist Pol Pot, the regime massacres its way through its people, killing all those who oppose them. City-dwellers have been deported to forced rural communes, minorities have been massacred, and the intelligentsia are a bloody stain on a stadium wall. A pervasive and perverted security apparatus has nearly total control of the nation's information, with tattling common even in families. As information leaks out about the horrors perpetrated by this reddish of Rouge regimes, Cambodia's neighbors take note, and prepare to act.

The Kingdom of Thailand is ruled by King Rama IX. The nation is led by the Far-right Prime minister General Thanom Kittikachorn of the National Socialist Party. He is a dictator and has succeded Sarit Thanarat's regime as his political heir in 1963. He has mostly continued Sarit's policies.

The Republic of Indonesia is led by the right wing authoritarian President Abdul Haris Nasution. He succeeded Sukarno after the latter's death in 1970. He was the Army Chief of Staff (1950-1952, 1955-1962) and Minister of Defense and Security (1962-1966). Laid the foundations of the Indonesian Army before becoming involved in non-military matters. He is a Sumatran and extremely anti-communist but also in favor of non-aligned foreign policy.

1)Operation Trikora, the 1962 Indonesian plan to annex Dutch New Guinea failed leading Indonesia to drift further towards the Non-aligned and Eastern Bloc atleast for the time
2)Indonesia has annexed East Timor after a brief invasion in 1975(otl outcome).

The Republic of India is led by the left wing populist Prime minister Sanjay Gandhi of the Indian National Congress. He came to power in the urgent 1974 elections because of the crumbling of the INC(O) led coalition which itself had earlier beat Indira Gandhi in the 1970 election after reports of her election rigging in the Rae Bareli constitutency leaked out and she was not allowed to stand for any elections for the next 6 years.
Sanjay's Horror: Sanjay Gandhi has adopted draconian measures to secularize and modernize India like making laws to harshly punish dowry and casteism. He has also recruited raw young hooligans into the party to serve as his internal support base against the suspected old loyalists and unleashed the power of the CBI to crush opponents. During his tenure, he has indulged in extremely moody and controversial policies like forced sterilization in some villages and a major slum removal in Delhi where thousands of homes were demolished in a week.

Status of Nagaland: The Indian military has brutally crushed and pacified the Nagaland region and most seperatists have been hunted down.

The Republic of Pakistan is under a power sharing agreement between Bhutto's West Pakistan, Mujibur Rahman's East Pakistan and the increasingly uncomfortable military clique which casts its shadow on both.

West Pakistan is led by the social democratic Prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of the Pakistan Peoples Party. Domestically, Bhutto's reign saw parliament unanimously approve a new constitution in 1973, upon which he appointed Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry President and switched to the newly empowered office of Prime Minister. He also played an integral role in initiating the country's nuclear programme. However, Bhutto's nationalisation of much of Pakistan's fledgling industries, healthcare, and educational institutions has been met with economic stagnation. After dissolving provincial feudal governments in Balochistan was met with unrest, Bhutto also ordered an army operation in the province in 1973, causing thousands of civilian casualties. Despite all this, Bhutto and the PPP won parliamentary elections in 1977 by a wide margin.

East Pakistan is led by the democratic socialist President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of the Awami League. Having come to power after democratic elections in 1970, Rahman survived various coup attempts, military conspiracies and Islamist militancy on his way to maintain democracy in Pakistan. His continued rule has also kept relations between the two Pakistans stable if not cordial.

The Kingdom of Afghanistan is ruled by King Mohammed Zahir Shah. General Mohammed Asif Safi is Prime minister. He is the current head of a military junta started by Sardar Shah Wali Khan(died in 1977) after defeating Daoud Khan's republican forces in the Afghan troubles of 1973. The regime is Non-aligned, socially conservative and economically right wing but has harshly repressed both Islamists and socialists in a bid to consolidate its power with the King himself having lost most of his infleunce.

The Republic of Sri Lanka is led by the Liberal Conservative Prime minister Junius Richard Jayewardene of the United National Party. He has come to power after defeating the socialist Sri Lanka Freedom Party which had been dominating the island since 1970.

Australia is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II and led by Prime minister Malcolm Fraser of the Liberal Party.

The Americas

The US state of Virginia is led by Republican Governor John Dalton who won the 1977 Gubernatorial Election.
Previous Governors: Linwood Holton (R) (1966-1970), William Battle (D) (1970-1974), Henry Howell (I) (1974-1978).

The United States of Mexico is led by the Technocratic-Leftist President Porfirio Muñoz Ledo(worker's choice) of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional.

The Republic of Panama is led by the conservative President Juan de Arco Galindo of the National Opposition Alliance. He came to power after free elections.

Grenada is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II and led by the Left-wing Populist Prime minister Eric Gairy of the Grenada United Labour Party. He has won the 1976 election fairly although his militias did beat up those who opposed his candidacy.

Trinidad and Tobago is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II and led by the Left-wing Populist Prime minister Lieutenant Raffique Shah of the military. He has come to power after the 1970 Black Power Revolution where leftists, black rights groups and all others opposed to the rule of Eric Williams came together after Williams ordered heavy firing upon striking workers on 18th April 1970.

The Republic of Venezuela is led by the Christian democratic President Luis Herrera Campins of the Copei. Herrera has a dirigiste view of the government's economic role, which involves channelling public funds into agricultural and industrial projects, paying generous subsidies and controlling the prices of many goods. His government has a policy of borrowing on a world market awash with petrodollars. Venezuela is rich but in serious debt.
Previous election results: 1958(Christian democratic Copei), 1963(Christian democratic Copei), 1968(Christian democratic Copei), 1973(Christian democratic Copei).

The Republic of Bolivia is led by the Socialist Military President General Juan José Torres of the Alliance of the National Left. He first came to power in 1970. In his first speech as Head of State, he specified the direction of his government: "We will promote the alliance of the armed forces with the people and build nationality on four pillars: workers, academics, peasants and the military. We will not separate the people from their armed arm and impose a nationalist-revolutionary government that will not surrender, will defend natural resources, if necessary at the cost of its own life." It establishes a People's Assembly, similar to a soviet, which meets in Parliament; expropriates the sugar industry; amnesty for former rebels who were not murdered after their capture; increase the university budget and call for the closure of the United States Strategic Communications Centre (known as Guantanamito).

The Republic of Brazil is led by the Left Getulist President Leonel Brizola of the Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro(Brazilian Labor Party). He is the authoritarian successor of Getulio Vargas who established a second dictatorship after coming to power in the election of 1950. Vargas and his successor's rule is right wing populism. Under the regime, Brazil has seen much progress by the implementation of a national economy and import licensing without total nationalization.

The Republic of Argentina is led by the Left-Peronist President Héctor José Cámpora of the Justicialist Party. He succeeded Juan Peron after his death in 1974.

The Republic of Chile is led by the liberal President Julio Philippi Izquierdo. Philippi is an honest, charismatic leader who has Chile's interests at hear although some of his controversial technocratic plans give him a bad reputation amongst the people. He's quite laid-back and willing to compromise with other factions to pass his reforms, particularly with the Social Christians, who he wants to incorporate into his support base. He's even focused on restoring the rights of the indigenous people in Chile, a near-precedented attitude for his time.
Previous President: Christian democratic Radomiro Tomic(1970-1976).

The Oriental Republic of Uruguay is led by the Third way(Social liberal) President Julio Maria Sanguinetti of the Colorados Party. He came to power in 1976 elections. The Third Way is in favour of growth, entrepreneurship, enterprise and wealth creation but it is also in favour of greater social justice and it sees the state playing a major role in bringing this about. So it rejects top down socialism and it rejects traditional neo liberalism. Previous president was the Neoliberal Jorge Batlle(1971-1976) of the Colorados Party.


Mozambique has been reduced to a war-torn hellscape as fighting continues between two rival post-colonial governments. The Marxist-Leninist Frente de Libertação de Moçambique under Samora Machel on one hand and the CIA backed Mozambican National Resistance under André Matsangaissa on the other.

The Republic of Angola is led by the Nationalist President Holden Roberto of the FNLA(National Liberation Front of Angola). He has come to power after winning the Angolan civil war with widespread aid from the right wing world. Since then he is a staunch ally of the USA.

The Sudanese Socialist Republic is led by the Communist General Hashem al Atta and a seven-member revolutionary council led by Chairman Abdel Khaliq Mahjub of the Sudanese Communist Party. The Communists seized power in a coup against Jaafar Nimeiry in 1971. They have aligned with the USSR.

Ethiopia and Somalia

Thanks to the Ethiopian socialist takeover in 1974 and their extremely harsh methods of repression, various rebel groups sprung up in the 1970s, one of them being the Ogaden Somalian seperatists. Somalia finally intervened on their side in 1977. The USSR backed Siad Barre's Somalian Communists over the Ethiopians(whom they regarded as too harsh and thus too fragile to survive as a longterm ally in the region). As a result, the Somalians have defeated Ethiopia in the Ogaden war and annexed 60% Ogaden after a USSR-USA supported ceasefire.

The Somali Democratic Republic is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Siad Barre of the Somali Democratic Republic. Barre advocates a form of scientific socialism based on the Qur'an and Marxism-Leninism, with heavy influences of Somali pan-nationalism..

The People's Republic of Ethiopia is led by the Marxist-Leninist General Secretary Mengistu Haile Mariam of the Worker's Party of Ethiopia. The Marxists took power in the Ethiopian Revolution following the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1974, marking the end of the Solomonic dynasty which had ruled Ethiopia since the 13th century. Mengistu purged rivals for power from the party and made himself Ethiopia's dictator and since then has attempted to modernize Ethiopia's feudal economy through Marxist-Leninist-inspired policies such as nationalization and land redistribution. His bloody consolidation of power in 1977–78 is known as the Ethiopian Red Terror. More than 250000 people have been killed and it is regarded as a genocide.In a public speech in April 1977, Mengistu shouted "Death to counterrevolutionaries!" and then produced three bottles filled with a red liquid that symbolized the blood of the imperialists and the counterrevolutionaries and smashed them to the ground to show what the revolution would do to its enemies. Thousands of young men and women turned up dead in the streets of the capital and other cities in the following months. They were systematically murdered mainly by the militia attached to the kebeles, the neighborhood watch committees which served during Mengistu's reign as the lowest level local government and security surveillance units. Families had to pay the kebeles a tax known as "the wasted bullet" to obtain the bodies of their loved ones. In May 1977 the Swedish general secretary of the Save the Children Fund stated that "1,000 children have been killed, and their bodies are left in the streets and are being eaten by wild hyenas. You can see the heaped-up bodies of murdered children, most of them aged eleven to thirteen, lying in the gutter, as you drive out of Addis Ababa"(otl outcome).

The People's Republic of Tigray is led by the Marxist-Leninist Chairman Aregawi Berhe (Berhu) of the Tigray People's Liberation Front(TPLF). Thanks to the Somalian victory, the TPLF which had sided with them, managed to secure independence for Tigray from Ethiopian rule.

The Islamic Republic of Chad is led by the Islamic Socialist President Goukouni Oueddei of the FROLINAT. Chad under FROLINAT is Anti-West.

The Republic of Mali is led by despotic President Moussa Traoré of the Democratic Union of the Malian People. He came to power after ousting previous President Modibo Keita in a military coup and has since then ruled as a thinly veiled dictator(winning 99% of votes in the recent elections) with the ideology of Islamic socialist democratic centralism(otl outcome).

The Republic of Niger is led by conservative President Yacouba Sido of the Republican Democratic Association. He has been President since 1960.

The Republic of Nigeria is led by the African socialist Prime minister Nnamdi Azikiwe of the Nigeria People's Party. He espouses a Pan-Nigerian and Pan-African identity.

The Republic of Ghana is led by the liberal Prime minister Kofi Abrefa Busia of the Progress Party. He first came to power in the 1969 elections and has won the subsequent elections of 1973 and 1977. Democracy in Ghana was restored in 1969 by the junta which had ruled it since the Anti-Nkrumah coup of 1966.

The Republic of Ivory Coast is led by the autocratic President Félix Houphouët-Boigny of the Democratic party. He has led the nation since independence in 1960. Under Houphouët-Boigny's politically moderate leadership, Ivory Coast has prospered economically. This success, uncommon in poverty-ridden West Africa, became known as the "Ivorian miracle"; it was due to a combination of sound planning, the maintenance of strong ties with the West (particularly France) and development of the country's significant coffee and cocoa industries. He is also strongly Anti-Communist and has not yet recognized PRC. He also finances anti-communists all over West Africa.

The Republic of Guinea is led by Democratic Socialist President Ibrahima Barry, also known as Barry III, of the Socialist Democracy of Guinea Party. Despite there being no restrictions on the opposition, the DSG has ruled pretty much unopposed since independence. Winning a comfortable majority of seats in every election. He has aligned Guinea with the Eastern Bloc.

The Dominion of Sierra Leone is led by conservative prime minister Albert Margai of the Sierra Leone People's Party. Under him, the SLPP's connection to tribal chiefs and traditional figures has remained strong.

The Republic of Equatorial Guinea is led by the despotic President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of the Democratic Party. He has come to power after the 1979 coup against the brutal insane rule of his uncle Francisco Macías Nguema which is comparable with the horrors of Hitler, Stalin and Mao at their worst combined.

The Republic of Cameroon is led by the Social Nationalist President Charles Okala of the Socialist Party of Cameroon. He is a secular progressive leader who came to power after the fall of Ahmadou Ahidjo and has declared Cameroon to be Non-aligned.

The Central African Republic is led by the African Nationalist President Barthelemy Boganda of the Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa. He has been president since the nation's first elections in 1959. The main aim of his party is "to promote the political, economic and social evolution of black Africa, to break down the barriers of tribalism and racism, to replace the degrading notion of colonial subordination with the more human ones of fraternity and cooperation". The CAR under this regime is Pro-French.

Congo lies in ruins

After Patrice Lulumba's flight and General Mobutu's death, Congo has broken up into an uneasy peace between warlord states after a UN mandate. In the north and east, the Lulumbist regime rules the country. In the south-west along the capital Kinhasa, the ABAKO regime continues backed by the west. In the South-East, the warlord state of Katanga also exists.

The Free Republic of Congo is led by the Pan-African Socialist President Patrice Lulumba of the Unified Lumumbist Party. The regime is Pro-USSR.

The Republic of Congo is led by the Right-wing President Thomas Kanza of the Alliance of Bakongo. The regime is Pro-West.

The State of Katanga is led by the Right-wing President Moïse Tshombe of the Confederation of Tribal Associations of Katanga. It is Pro-West.

The People's Republic of Congo(French Congo, the smaller one) is led by the Marxist Leninist President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Congolese Labor Party. He came to power after the assassination of Marien Ngouabi in 1977. The country remains oriented towards USSR, China and the eastern bloc and has signed a 20 year friendship pact with the Soviet Union(otl outcome).

The Republic of Uganda is led by the paternal autocratic President Mutesa II.

The Republic of Rwanda is led by the Hutu Nationalist President Grégoire Kayibanda of the Parmehutu. The Parmehutu is a racist Hutu nationalist party which hates the Tutsi(Rwanda's second ethnic group). It came to power in the 1960 Rwandan revolution and has led the nation since then. The revolution caused at least 336,000 Tutsi to flee to neighbouring countries, where they lived as refugees. Under Parmehutu rule, the remaining Tutsis are severely discriminated against, persecuted, and repeatedly massacred. The 1963 Tutsi massacres were described by Bertrand Russell as "the worst since the Holocaust"; in 1967 another 20,000 Tutsi were killed.

The People's Republic of Zanzibar is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Aboud Jumbe of the Afro-Shirazi Party. Thousands of Zanzibaris, mostly Zanzibari Arabs & Indians, were murdered when the Afro-Shirazi Party first took power in the Zanzibari revolution of 1964.

Tanganyika is led by the Maoist President Julius Nyerere of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi. Nyerere has always placed a growing emphasis on national self-reliance and socialism. Although his socialism differs from that promoted by Marxism–Leninism, he has developed close links with Mao Zedong's Red China. In 1967, Nyerere issued the Arusha Declaration which outlined his vision of ujamaa. Banks and other major industries and companies were nationalised; education and healthcare were significantly expanded. Renewed emphasis was placed on agricultural development through the formation of communal farms, although these reforms hampered food production and left areas dependent on food aid. His government provided training and aid to anti-colonialist groups fighting white-minority rule throughout southern Africa.

The Republic of Zambia is led by the African Socialist President Kenneth Kaunda of the United National Independence Party. He is Pro-China.

The Republic of Malawi is led by the Left-wing Nationalist President Flax Katoba Musopole of the Malawi Congress Party. He is an anti-colonial atheist who led Malawi to independence in the early 1960s. The regime is extremely repressive and Musopole regularly jails and murders opponents without trial. He also rejects 'African Socialism' because of his nationalism and atheism(which African socialism disapproves of), preferring to keep a strong Malawian identity. Malawi under Musopole is Non-aligned.

The Republic of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia is led by the moderate Black Nationalist President Josiah Zion Gumede and Prime minister Bishop Abel Muzorewa. It was formed after repeated Rhodesian victories against insurgents groups forced the moderates to the negotiation table. Ian Smith could not claim total victory due to intense international pressure and fears of escalation of the war into a broader conventional war with superpower interference so he agreed to the compromise. The white minority still holds a lot of power but blacks now have equal rights. The situation is still very tense and ZAPU and ZANU insurgents continue to rule the forests of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia waiting to strike again. However a part of the ZANU under Ndabaningi Sithole and his Ndebele have joined the new coalition government.

The Republic of South Africa is led by the White Nationalist Prime minister Jaap Marais of the National Party-Verkramptes. Verkramptes are members of the party's right-wing who oppose any deviation from the rigid apartheid structure.

The Malagasy Republic is led by the Social Nationalist President Colonel Richard Ratsimandrava of the military. He has come to power in 1975 after ousting the previous president. The regime has expropriated some French business holdings and moved Madagascar closer to the Eastern bloc but the economy remains mixed and not nationalized.

World news and other stuff


1)1966 FIFA was held in Switzerland and won by Brazil who beat Argentina in the final.

2)1970 FIFA was held in the USA and won by Brazil who beat Italy in the final.

3)1974 FIFA was held in France and won by Brazil who beat Italy in the final.

4)1978 FIFA was held in Brazil and won by the USSR who beat Brazil in the final.


1)1972 AFC Asian Cup was won by Japan who beat Oman in the final.

1)1976 AFC Asian Cup was won by Japan who beat Syria in the final.


1)1975 Cricket world cup was won by Pakistan who beat England by 22 runs in the final.

2)1979 Cricket world cup was won by England who beat Pakistan by 52 runs in the final.


1)Princess Margaret: Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong-Jones in 1960. They divorced in 1963 because of a series of violent arguements.

2)Joe Biden: Joe Biden joined the Republican Party in 1968 but was never given a ticket or any important job. He subsequently returned to practising law.

3)Forrest Gump: Forrest Gump became a hero after saving many soldiers during the 1966 Mekong Delta airstrike by North Vietnamese troops. Unfortunately his friend Benjamin Buford Blue (nicknamed "Bubba") died in the airstrike. Forrest later became a sprinting champion. Gump won bronze at the 1972 Olympic games. He was never able to fulfill his lifelong dream of opening a Shrimp business. Lieutenant Dan managed to escape unharmed in the 1966 airstrike. Forrest's lifelong love Jenny committed suicide due to extreme depression and drug abuse in the mid 70s.

4)Goodfellas: Henry, Tommy and Jimmy were all arrested for the Nov 1978 Lufthansa heist and are doing some serious prison time for it.

5)Casino: Frank Rosenthal was arrested for murdering his wife Ginger and her ex-boyfriend in a fit of rage after catching them sleeping together. Nicky Santoro is still running amock in Vegas robbing stores and running rackets. The Tangiers casino has been granted to another mob associate by the bosses back in the midwest.

6)JHC 'An ace up my sleeve': In 1971, Jack Archer tried to blackmail his employer's wife Helga Wolfe into taking the blame for buying faulty nickel shares for the company by laying a honeytrap for her with Larry, a random German boy.
Outcome: Helga agreed to take the blame for buying the Nickel shares. Her husband threw a huge fit and from then on he treated her as a dumb blonde and did not trust her with any finances.

----------------THE END----------------
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