what if the usa had a more peaceful independence from Britain

Why would colonies give up their colonial power to some large colonial state, they wouldn't. It was the threat of the US, and large federal American state that inspired other Anglo settler colonies to federalise into big dominions.
Manifest Destiny seems to be a politicisation of westward expansion, and that was underway during colonial America, so it is likely that BNA will span coast to coast.


The British colonies had a variety of currencies, including the pound, so it is hard to estimate what currency the colonies would end up using.

Americans drinking tea, and Britons drinking coffee.

At least once affect of no ARW, means less British/American Loyalist settlement into Canadian colonies. Which means the American Indians in those otl Canadian colonies will be less affected by colonisation.
As the largest English speaking part of the empire, I think they would use the pound.

So am I right in assuming the RIC wasn't just some nationwide police force, but with a large focus on occupation. And if it was an occupation police force, how exactly does its functions differ from other police forces, other than being centralised?

Well it's important to understand that it wasn't only the 13 colonies that were separated from Britain after the ARW, but all colonies were, as they were significantly influenced by the United States' existence. So no ARW, means more cultural consolidation within the empire.

Americans drinking tea, and Britons drinking coffee.

At least once affect of no ARW, means less British/American Loyalist settlement into Canadian colonies. Which means the American Indians in those otl Canadian colonies will be less affected by colonisation.
The RIC was not a nationwide police force. Dublin had the DMP( Dublin metropolitan Police).DMP was an unarmed Police force.
Police were set up to control rebellion as soldiers who did this before were not good at this kind of work.
The main job of the RIC was to be the eyes and ears of Dublin castle and report anything out of the ordinary this allowed early intel on any possible rebellion and who might be involved.
The other jobs would have been controlling illegal whiskey making and crime.


As the largest English speaking part of the empire, I think they would use the pound.
The colonies may use the pound as their currency, but it might not be legal tender outside of that colony. As Scotland has it's own tender.
The RIC was not a nationwide police force. Dublin had the DMP( Dublin metropolitan Police).DMP was an unarmed Police force.
Police were set up to control rebellion as soldiers who did this before were not good at this kind of work.
The main job of the RIC was to be the eyes and ears of Dublin castle and report anything out of the ordinary this allowed early intel on any possible rebellion and who might be involved.
The other jobs would have been controlling illegal whiskey making and crime.
What form do you think the Empire-wide law enforcement would take? Would it be like the Marshals, RCMP or FBI? I think it would be the Marshals.
Maybe a few royal places in the American dominions.
Where, and would those palaces take inspiration from local architecture, so would a New England be built in colonial architecture, would a southern palace be built like a plantation house? Would a western colony's palace be a large homestead? Or would the palaces have traditional European architecture?
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