What if Opechancanough's 1622 raid were more successful?

I was reading The Barbarous Years by Bernard Bailyn the other day, and I learned about the extent of the damage that Opechancanough (Powhatan's brother and successor) caused to the Virginia colony with his 1622 massacre in the Jamestown area. Could this attack have destroyed Jamestown and the other English settlements and plantations in Virginia for good?

One reason that that the English were able to ultimately defeat Opechancanough's forces was that an American Indian warned Richard Pace about the upcoming offensive. One point of divergence could be that he doesn't tell Pace for whatever reason.

Would some other European power such as the Netherlands, France, or Sweden succeed in Virginia where England had failed? Or was it already too late for the Powhatans to stop England?
If I recall correctly, about a third of the white population was killed in the attacks that ensued. I would imagine that if the information regarding the attack did not get passed that the casualty count would have been much higher. However, I doubt that England would give up on Virginia that easily. The Netherlands are a possibility as far as a group possibly making their way into the area but I do not see the French projecting their power into the area. Even though Sweden did colonize areas in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, I think that it is a bit too early for them to consider colonization in the area. Sweden had quite a bit going on in the Baltic and in the northern areas of Europe at this time.