Imperial Germany is always presented as a militaristic state, but that is not something borne by the numbers:
As we can see here Germany spent a smaller % of its NNP in its military than France and Russia, an actually militaristic Germany would spend more.
Germany also recruited just half of its military age men, a true militaristic Germany would match peaceful France's 85%.
The German army was also just the 3rd largest in Europe, a militaristic Germany would ensure that its army at the very least was tied for largest in Europe, meaning doubling their peacetime strength and being able to deploy 30 more divisions during wartime.
With such a German army, one being able to deploy 4 instead of just 1 army on the east in 1914, 40 divisions vs 10 IOTL... does WW1 even occur?
Because in that case there can be no expectation of an easy way into Berlin, no 1912 Franco-Russian protocol to invade Germany simultaneously since that would be inviable now, so there is no enticing prospect of a short war for the Entente, Balkan inception scenario or not.
As we can see here Germany spent a smaller % of its NNP in its military than France and Russia, an actually militaristic Germany would spend more.
Germany also recruited just half of its military age men, a true militaristic Germany would match peaceful France's 85%.
The German army was also just the 3rd largest in Europe, a militaristic Germany would ensure that its army at the very least was tied for largest in Europe, meaning doubling their peacetime strength and being able to deploy 30 more divisions during wartime.
With such a German army, one being able to deploy 4 instead of just 1 army on the east in 1914, 40 divisions vs 10 IOTL... does WW1 even occur?
Because in that case there can be no expectation of an easy way into Berlin, no 1912 Franco-Russian protocol to invade Germany simultaneously since that would be inviable now, so there is no enticing prospect of a short war for the Entente, Balkan inception scenario or not.