What if Che Guevara lived until the 1982 Falklands War?


He somehow stayed alive. Either by escaping Bolivia or never going there in the first place. What is his role in the 1982 Falkland Islands War? I found this interesting to think about given his Argentinian birth and career in guerilla warfare.
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Perhaps he tries communist revolt against Argentinian junta.

Anyway, why this is on ASB forum?


Because the falklands war happened in 1982 but he died IRL in 1967. If it's in the wrong forum feel free to move it out.


Because the falklands war happened in 1982 but he died IRL in 1967. If it's in the wrong forum feel free to move it out.

ASB tends to be for something more like "Che Guevara resurrected after his death in Bolivia." Him merely escaping/avoiding death in a realistic manner doesn't necessarily require the aid of Alien Space Bats.