What are some of the best D-Day AH books/stories? (Spoilers, of course)

In honor of the 75th anniversary of D-Day (it's a day late, so I apologize), what are some of the best AH D-Day books/stories out there or online?

One of my favorites is Bloody Normandy by Tim Kilvert Jones (from The Hitler Options: Alternate Decisions of World War II, which was edited by Kenneth Macksey), where the PoD is that Rommel is not on leave on June 6th, 1944 and, as a result, the German panzer divisions are deployed differently and thrown into battle at once. It does have a different ending from the usual Germans win D-Day cliché: while the Americans are repulsed at Omaha Beach, the Allies still win the day, in part because they move the follow-up forces for Omaha Beach to Utah Beach...
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This is not an alternate D-Day, but it does feature an alternate WWII that contains a chain of events in which the invasion of Normandy never occurs. (Operation Sea Lion happens, however).

I've never played it and the premise is between implausible to ASB, but it looks like fun.

