Western Confederacy

Jefferson Davis was trying to get to the Trans-Mississippi to start a Western Confederacy even maybe getting the rest of the Confederacy back. What would happen if he had made it? Maybe even have Arizona?
WI Henry Sibley's Confederate army had won against the Union defenders at La Glorietta Pass, New Mexico, in 1863 (?) ? Maybe the Rebs could then have gone on to take the southwest up to Arizona and possibly into Colorado ? Would the Mormons at Deseret have then joined the CSA's cause had there been such great Confederate successed ? California would then have played a far larger role for the North.
...and in the end, it wouldn't have mattered, as the war was to be won or lost in the east. By 1865, the troops in the west would be cut off, and the Union could crush them at their leisure.
By the time of the ACW, the Mormon problem was largely irrelevant. Tensions had eased off greatly before Lincoln came to office... and when he did become President and was asked what he intended to do about the 'Mormon problem', Lincoln said flat out he was going to leave them alone. I doubt the Mormons would abandon this for the uncertainties of joining the lost cause of the CSA... for that matter, I find it unlikely that the rather arrogant CSA government would like the Mormons all that much.
Interestingly, the troops the CSA had west of the Mississippi were the last ones to surrender.....